In Remembrance of the September Dead!
It is foolish to think that an infinitesimal desert
state and its partisans in America could overthrow the sovereignty of the
American government, take control of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
branches, and such agencies as the Federal Reserve, IMF, CIA, and embark US on
a global war against the Arab world. It
takes a vast and very rich Conspiracy and a century. The Conspiracy was described exactly more
than a century ago in Europe and by President Wilson, long
before this evil little state and its partisans were born.
The world is under siege by a European hierarchy of
banking families, at the top largely Jewish, the money changers and money
lenders of history. They are already the
richest people on earth but it is not enough.
They have a Faustian Grand Plan.
They mean to own or control everything of value on earth. Their weapons: MONEY and DEBT ‑‑ and Washington.
The rise of the Conspiracy over the last two centuries
parallels the rise of zionism. This is not a coincidence. Early on, the Conspiracy realized that it
needed a strong political agency, zionism,
and its own country where it would be free from all governmental oversight and
create the murderous rogue state (israel) that
menaces the world today through Washington.
(The two were joined at the hip decades ago by the Conspiracy.)
The Conspiracy is invisible. It functions through its network of global
and central banks and their many subsidized agents, organizations and fronts around
the world. It financed the Morgans and the Harrimans. Even the haughty kingpin of the American
Petroleum Cartel, David, is its lackey just like his ancestors. It controls the currency of all the major
nations including Russia and China. It
"takes" hundreds of billions from the American people every
year. It has no regard for human life
except as a resource for labor, taxes and armies. It has no god; money is its messiah.
A century ago, the Conspiracy had bankrupted Europe
with its many wars (the lifeblood of the Conspiracy). A peaceful America, protected by two oceans, was
on the verge of becoming the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth and
the Conspiracy did not "own" it.
This was "unacceptable".
A naïve President Wilson was surrounded by zionists:
Baruch, Untermeyer, Warburg, Schiff, Brandeis,
Meyer and House. The Conspiracy wished
to take control of American money, "mobilize its credit" to finance
World War I and overthrow the Czar (for Russian money). And it needed America to assure victory over
Germany (its hated enemy even before WWI).
Wilson was pressured into signing the Federal Reserve Act and to declare
war on Germany. Later he was to say,
"I have involuntarily ruined my government". Ominously, he warned,
Some of the biggest men in the United States are
afraid of something. They know there is
a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so
complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when
they speak in condemnation of it.
(And it has grown enormously from a century of war.)
The Conspiracy mandated that Capitalism become the
"state religion" of America and the world (cheap resources and labor
and freedom from taxes and regulations).
A Red Scare began the century long war on Communism. It was as phony as the "war on
terrorism" of today, all bugaboos and demagoguery. Every politician had to pledge his/her
allegiance to Capitalism. Communists were
purged from government, communications, education, industry; tens of millions
died for it in the Conspiracy wars. Today it's still the same: "globalization",
"deregulation" "privatization" and "tax exemption for
the rich.”
The Conspiracy financed massive donations to two of the
most prestigious universities in America, turning them into centers of zionist politics and activities. One has supplied an extraordinary number of
officials to the Washington government.
The other created the ultimate terror weapon mostly by Jewish/zionist scientists to use on Germany. It financed the Jewish/zionist
purchase of entire niche industries: merchandizing, movies, real estate,
television, national magazines and newspapers, jewelry, and now professional
sports from which they have amassed a vast wealth in the trillions, sheltered
from taxes in many foundations and offshore havens. Cash businesses seem to be preferred.
After World War II, the Conspiracy corrupted American
elections with money and subverted Washington officials with threats of heavily
financed opponents. Truman said that zionist pressure for israel was the greatest political pressure he had ever
encountered. Anyone who resisted was threatened
with ruin or eliminated (JFK?). The
Senate was purged of all but zionist
sycophants. In the 60's when Washington
docilely surrendered to israel's
murder of American sailors on the USS Liberty, the Conspiracy knew it was in
political control of America. But what about the American people?
In the 70's when the destruction of the Savings Banks
and Savings & Loans was planned, the Conspiracy recognized that it needed
an epochal event like the Reichstag Fire and/or Pearl Harbor to subdue the
independent American people. Washington
and zionist media would
orchestrate a mass hysteria. They would
bombard the American people, just as they had for decades with anti-German and
"holocaust" propaganda, with demagoguery, pathos, ethnic hatred,
patriotism, heroism, glorification, pageantry, flag-waving and symbolism to
create a false war climate and impose martial law under the pretense of
"national wartime security.” FEMA
concentration camps were built and are ready.
It all came together in September 2001 just as planned
by the Conspiracy. The buildings were
purchased by a Jewish syndicate and demolished.
And it is seeking the greatest insurance windfall in history. The American people are shocked and all
evidence and investigations quashed. But
the pieces are coming together anyway on the internet; Washington and media accusations are a
complete fraud. The buildings were
assuredly not destroyed by aircraft. The
obvious suspects are the agents of the Conspiracy, israel and Washington. There are reports that the Conspiracy timed
this catastrophe to destroy the personnel and accumulated evidence in a major
investigation and lawsuit involving a zionist
gold cartel in Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, selling the Reserve gold
stock at bargain prices which would have unveiled the Conspiracy. This was "unacceptable". The Conspiracy seeks to corner the world's
gold supply (its Rheingold). Washington
has since diverted all such investigations to "terrorism".
The Conspiracy has bankrupted America just like
Europe. America is on the brink of
chaos: environmental disaster, global
war, and economic, societal, and financial collapse. America floats on the accelerating expansion
of debt by the Federal Reserve. But
credit is not inexhaustible. Annual interest
on the debt is rapidly rising; approaching a half trillion dollars or
a quarter of national revenues. The
dollar is under global attack in favor of the Euro. The economic future of America is bleak yet
rosy economics pours out of Washington and the media, lulling the people. For most of US, the cost of living rises and
the standard of living declines; there
will be giant corporate bankruptcies, millions more unemployed, healthcare,
education, retirements trashed, all the more for the Conpiracy's
zionazi war machine (and its satanic weapons) and for
In debt-ridden nations, the Conspiracy through the IMF
will demand lower wages and no social programs, higher taxes and interest rates
and will foreclose on vast expanses of the natural resources by its World "Conservation"
Bank for exploitation, freed from the sovereign control of those countries and
the interests and welfare of their people.
Our children will buy their water like they buy their gasoline from
Conspiracy lackeys.
America exists in a state of Constitutional
chaos. There is no lawful government in
Washington. All three branches are in
gross violation of the Constitution. It
is the most evil and criminal government in history. It is a collection of Enron types, stuffing
their pockets. These criminals will
gladly wage the Conspiracy's wars just to stay in power. Any force with the means to do so may
lawfully oust them and fill the vacancies.
We see a popinjay president surrounded, once again
like Wilson, by zionists: Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Kristol,
Kagan, and Podhoretz as
well as the zionist fronts AIPAC and JINSA, all with
a single mind. Washington, shepherded by
israel, shall
"take" the Middle East resources and holocaust its people and their
religion. And the American people are
its foil. Americans can no longer be
intimidated by accusations of anti-Semitism.
It is a ploy of the Conspiracy and its Zionist agents. Many, many religious Jews in America are
anti-zionist but are repudiated by zionists and marginalized by the zionist media.
The fundamental right to vote is being attacked by
numerous political schemes. The
Conspiracy controls both parties. (A
common ploy of the Conspiracy is to "own" both sides of a controversy
and promote superficial differences while both sides support a common hidden
agenda.) The voting machines are
"fixed". The Republican
majorities in Congress are more suspect every day. So what's the cure? It's really simple.
Vast concentrated wealth is dangerous to any republic
and must be redistributed through a "Peace Tax" of fifty percent of
all personal wealth, income and property in excess of Five Million Dollars and
the elimination of all taxation of wages for any purpose.
All government obligations paid by money issued by the
Treasury freed from the Federal Reserve and the hundreds of billions in
interest paid to the Conspiracy annually.
Political reform including elections purged of private
monies, term limits for all public officials, and representative government for
all minorities according to their numbers.
The Conspiracy and its use of the American people to
achieve their evil Grand Plan would be ended.
Within a few years the national debt would be paid with peace and
prosperity instead of endless wars, inflation and depressions. This is always what has occurred when the
people issued their own money instead of the Conspiracy. But the Conspiracy controls both of the major
parties; so the
Cure is simply not possible without a coup by real American patriots. We should remember the words of Jefferson:
If the American people ever allow private banks to
control the issue of their currency, the banks and the corporations which grow
up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children
wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
How soon the labor of men would make a paradise of the
earth, were it not for misgovernment and a diversion of his energies to selfish
Eustace Mullins, “Secrets
of the Federal Reserve,”
Carmack & Still, “The Money Masters”
distribute; we
must know our true enemy if we are to defeat it.)