"Compassion and Infiltration:  The Ironclad Law of Prohibition"


Michael Hafter, Freelance Writer


December 12, 2015 A.D.


Second in a Continuing Series on American Just US


            Northern California is gifted with an abundance of natural wisdom called forests.  Regardless of its subtle hints at pantheism, the movie Avatar does a superb job of animating qualities of the natural world which remain beyond the awareness of certain humans who profit from aggression of all kinds.

            In remote hills that dot the landscape of Trinity County, it is not unusual to encounter certain other humans who desire to escape a world that is weary of warfare and its wanton acts of genocide and environmental devastation.

            In spite of limited economic opportunities, the latter arrive fully expecting to partake of a natural herb with medicinal properties fully documented in scientific literatures published on every continent.  And, some even venture into agricultural cultivation of cannabis in partial appreciation of its profit potentials.

            Now comes the law enforcement brigades.  The ironclad law of prohibition reads like this:  the best single way to increase the market value of any substance is to pass laws prohibiting the production, distribution and consumption of same.  In this respect, cannabis is one of the latest but not the only victim of this law.

            Imagine if you can an army that arrives not with tanks and guns, but with 3-piece suits, Italian leather shoes, and expensive limousines.  They identify themselves as experts in an esoteric science they call ordinances, and they hire themselves out to local government agencies to formulate their science with the mighty written word.

            Being naive about the real inner workings of this plain clothes army, local government decision makers adopt said ordinances in the false belief that the public health will be greatly enhanced, justly enforced and perpetuated ad infinitum.

            The huge cost of drafting and enacting same are, of course, passed onto the people at large, including those who would profit from cultivation that is now severely restricted by each such county ordinance.

            Eradication efforts are specifically accelerated during normal harvest seasons, to emphasize the status quo of powers that be.

            County "counsels" will commence ex parte court proceedings, fully ignoring due process of law and every defendant's right to self-defense.

            Now comes the major rub, however.  These County counsels have uniformly failed to indorse a certificate of oath that is plainly required by a State law first enacted in 1939, and that oath otherwise binds them to honor two large bodies of Law:  the Federal Constitution and the California State Constitution.

            And, when that oath duty originates in the organic Federal Constitution, it is thereby elevated to the status of a Fundamental Right.  Such Rights cannot be altered by any State or Federal government branch without a proper constitutional amendment needing ratification by three-fourths of the State Legislatures.

            It does not require any rocket science, or pharmaceutical genius, to understand that every ordinance drafted by such impostors is null and void from the beginning. 

            All public funds expended during the creation of that ordinance must be returned by such impostors. 

            And, the widespread damages inflicted during police raids on cannabis fields must be compensated to damaged parties -- in order to make them whole again.

            The pertinent Federal law in this regard is rather instructive:  Federal officers cannot even be paid if they have not executed valid APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, the first of which is an Oath of Office.

            When findings of fact are fully discovered, the conclusions of law are inescapable:  law enforcement of cannabis prohibitions in Northern California continues unabated because other ironclad laws favor a system that protects the guilty and punishes the innocent.

            One has to wonder just how much actual bribery issues from super rich pharmaceutical corporations in order to protect their precious cash flows.  If you want a shock, shop around for a good deal on prolonged chemotherapy.

            It gets worse:  alternative journalists who now populate the Internet have repeatedly reported the untimely deaths of wholistic doctors who have honestly arrived at similar conclusions in their own medical practices.

            To argue that the war on drugs is a failure is to miss the mark.  That war would not have persisted so long, were it not for the benefits it provides to its perpetrators.

            Take, for one example, the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.  This writer is an eyewitness to documents proving that all BOP personnel have failed to execute valid APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS. 

            Nevertheless, those personnel are paid handsomely for managing BOP's major asset -- live human bodies exceeding 2 million in number.

            If we corral that entire Bureau within a single circular perimeter, the obvious result is a massive bureaucratic parasite on the American population at large. 

            Money must flow into that perimeter from outside, otherwise inmates will be unable to purchase toothpaste, tennis shoes, or time on BOP's CorrLinks email system.  Even laser printer paper is charged by the page.

            Why is the American prison population so large?  Answer:  the war on drugs.  The percentage of drug offenders in State prisons and County jails is no different.


About the author:  Michael Hafter is a freelance writer who appears briefly in the Supreme Law Library on the Internet, using a variety of stealthy pen names.


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