Packing the 'High' Court with Smart Dogs"
Michael Hafter
Freelance Journalist
We hear a lot these days about ‘smart’
meters, ‘smart’ home appliances, and smart stuff like that. Even the Internet
of Things is fast upon us.
My flat screen monitor is recording my every
move now, and forwarding real-time images to destinations unknown.
If you’re not careful, your refrigerator will
be ordering freon cocktails
and green amperes behind your back, without your knowledge.
I been hacked,” you exclaim in vain protest. “Why are freon
cocktails from Dimona showing up on my credit card
Now, the latest from one of those “smart”
East Coast universities -- you guessed it, Harvard –- has seen a recently
sponsored debate whether whites should kill themselves.
Well, I’m looking at my skin, and it’s not
exactly “white” -- fortunately. I was
flown to Harvard back in 1977 for a conference on computer mapping, and nobody
said I was “white.”
My walls are closer to “white” -- more like a
pearl white, because my expert painter recommended 4 drops of black paint mixed
into each gallon of white paint.
That trick, honestly, makes dust a lot harder
to notice.
It’s also the same reason why I’ll never buy
a “black” car again -- dirt is always much more obvious on “black” cars -- not
to be confused with the “black” race, mind you.
Really, the black people I’ve known were
never anything like the one “black” car I’ve owned.
Their skin colors ranged from light brown to
dark chocolate, but never “black” -- as when emitting no light whatsoever.
This controversy has reached such a fever pitch, do not be surprised if it ends up at the Supreme
Court some day very soon.
Problem is:
the “law” now says they need 6 “justices” to reach a quorum, and already
5 have turned up with missing credentials, leaving only 4 qualified.
I already forgot the late Antonin Scalia. Make that 6 have turned up with missing
credentials, leaving only 3 qualified.
We are definitely in the throes of a downward
trend here.
With a mistake like that, I’ll probably get
beat or bitten (or both) by smart dogs who challenge me to a game of speed
chess at the next County Fair.
Here’s a modest proposal: let’s round up 9 very intelligent dogs. You know, canines that are not only loyal,
but friendly, safe with children, and always ready for a round of “fetch” or a frolick in the ocean.
We can oust the current crop of crooks now
donning “black” robes up there, and replace them with the 9 most intelligent
dogs we can find anywhere on planet Earth.
The new American National Anthem will read “Dogs Arise, Judge Asides!”
Oh say, can you see? Did your dog just tinkle on me?
US, American style!
just have to wait to hear our 9 dogs bark in unison: “Sit.
I reply. “There aren’t any chairs for
Americans like me.”
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