2.1 The Fictitious Hijackers


Even without any direct documentation, some critical thinking about the story of the hijackings reveals it as an absurdity. In the event of a hijacking, the crew has only to punch in a four digit code accessible from several different places, in order to alert ATC (air traffic control) to a hijacking. No such distress code was received from any of the allegedly hijacked planes. We are expected to believe that hijackers took over a plane by the crude method of threatening the passengers and crew with box cutters, but somehow managed to take control of the plane without the crew first getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one plane - but on all four. This alone is almost impossible. Then we are expected to believe that all four pilots were able to navigate the planes successfully to their targets, in spite of their training being restricted to Cessnas and flight simulators, that with the exception of the plane which was allegedly brought down by the passengers,  they were able to exhibit breathtaking piloting skills in being able to hit small targets accurately at high speed, and that none of the hijackers in any of the four groups got cold feet about committing suicide in such a horrible fashion. In a miraculous co-incidence, the ringleader's luggage was somehow left behind at the airport, and was found to contain instructions to the hijackers. This has the credibility of a cartoon script. Nevertheless, there is solid documented proof that no such hijackings took place.


If 19 Arabs hijacked the planes, why are there no Arabic names on any of the passenger lists? If they used non-Arabic aliases, which of the " innocents " on the lists are alleged to be the hijackers?


 2.1.1 http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA11.victims.html
Passenger and crew list for AA 11 (allegedly first WTC crash.)

2.1.2  http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/AA77.victims.html
AA 77 (allegedly Pentagon crash)

2.1.3  http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/ua175.victims.html
UAL 175 (allegedly 2nd WTC crash)

2.1.4 http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/victims/ua93.victims.html

UAL 93 (allegedly Pennsylvania crash)


The perplexing puzzle of the published passenger lists. By Gary North. Oct 13 2001.

2.1.5 http://www.rense.com/general15/perplexingpuzzle.htm 


2.1.6 STILL No Arabs On Flight 77 By Thomas R. Olmsted, MD. June 23 2003.



If they are alleged to have been using non- Arabic aliases (19 obviously Arabic men got on board using non-Arabic ID, with 100% success rate ? ), why did the FBI claim that they were traced through the use of credit cards to buy tickets and rent cars in their own names? By what means were the false IDs traced so quickly to their real IDs ? Why, nearly 3 years later is their no confirmation of which names they are alleged to have actually used?


If 9 of the alleged hijackers were searched before boarding, as claimed in this article


2.1.7 http://www.policetalk.com/9_hijackers.html

why is there no airport security footage of them? Where is the airport security footage of any of the 19 ? Were they invisible? How did they (allegedly) get on board with knives, guns, and electronic guidance systems, while being searched, but somehow avoiding security cameras and not being on the passenger lists?

What aliases are they alleged to have been using when they were searched, and if they were not using aliases, why are they not on the passenger lists?



There are numerous media reports that some of the alleged hijackers are still alive.

(Some of the links from 2.1.8 through 2.1.18 are alternative sources for similar stories)


Hijack "suspects" alive and well.  BBC News. Sept 23, 2001

2.1.8  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/1559151.stm


7 of 19 FBI identified hijackers located after WTC attacks.  by Dick Fojut March 4 2002

2.1.9  http://www.rense.com/general20/alives.htm


Hundreds dying as US missiles and bombs hit Afghan villages. Muslim Media October 2001



Still alive? FBI mixed up true identities of perpetrators. by Christopher J. Petherick American Free Press. 



Seven of the WTC hijackers found alive!

2.1.12 http://propagandamatrix.com/seven_of_the_wtc_hijackers_found_alive.html


Tracking the 19 hijackers. What are they up to now?  At least 9 of them survived 9/11.

2.1.13 http://www.welfarestate.com/911/


Six men identified by FBI as dead hijackers are still alive. By Syed Adeeb.

2.1.14 http://truedemocracy.net/td4/24s-c-6men.html


Banks enlisted in trailing terrorists. Albuquerque Tribune

2.1.15  http://www.abqtrib.com/archives/news01/092001_news_trail.shtml


Revealed: The men with stolen identities.  UK Telegraph news. By David Harrison. Sept 23 2001.

2.1.16 http://www.portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/09/23/widen23.xml


Alleged hijackers alive and well. World messenger

2.1.17 http://www.worldmessenger.20m.com/alive.html


Doubts emerge over indentities of hijackers in US attacks. Islam online Sept 20. 2001.

2.1.18 http://www.islam-online.net/English/News/2001-09/21/article12.shtml


In spite of all this, the same 19 names and faces of the alleged hijackers have been consistently pushed through the mainstream media ever since the FBI first "identified" them.


According to this article

FBI Agent: Hijackers probably used gas. by Adam Tanner.

2.1.19 http://newsmine.org/archive/9-11/911-gas-theory.txt


the FBI now claims that the hijackers used gas to subdue the passengers and crew. If they used gas they would have been affected themselves - unless they had masks. The story gets better all the time. They somehow got on board with masks, gas, guns, knives and electronic guidance systems, in spite of being searched, didn't show up on the airport security cameras, and were not on the passenger lists. They left flight manuals in Arabic in rented cars outside the airport ( last minute brushing up on the way there, about how to fly the things! ) and then exhibited breath taking displays of skilled piloting. Just to make sure we knew who they were, their passports were conveniently found in spite of fiery crashes which incinerated the planes and occupants. So they got on board with false IDs but used their real passports ?


If the hijackers of AA 11 went on a 25 minute killing and threatening spree before gaining control of the cockpit, then why was no distress code sent from the plane? Why had the plane already turned off course before the hijackers got into the cockpit?


2.1.20  9/11 Redux: (The Observeršs Cut) American Airlines Flight 11, Re-examined  By David L. Graham



2.1.21 Media Published fake passenger lists for American Airlines flight 11. By Gerard Holmgren. May 16, 2004


If the mythical Arab hijackers really were on the planes and airport security systems failed due to incompetence ( not once but 19 times! ), where is the major inquiry? I have seen bigger inquiries into racehorse doping scandals.


The question arises " then who were the suicide pilots ? "  Nobody - because we will now demonstrate that the objects which hit the Pentagon and the WTC were not passenger jets. 


2. 2  The Pentagon hoax


It is alleged that that American Airlines 77, a hijacked Boeing 757, crashed into the Pentagon. This is clearly not true. A Boeing 757 has a wingspan of 125 ft and a length of 155 ft. The tail height is about 40 ft. The hole in the Pentagon wall was about 40 ft wide, about 25 ft high, and only the outer ring of the building - about 40 ft deep - collapsed. And yet there is no sign of any aircraft debris - either inside or outside the building. And no damage to the lawn outside. A giant plane has supposedly passed through a hole many times smaller than itself and then vanished without a trace. 


This photo of the damage to the Pentagon wall

2.2:1 http://www.crc-internet.org/june2a.htm 


proves that whatever crashed into the pentagon was not AA 77.


For a quick overview of the impossibility of the official story

2.2.2 http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm


2.2.3 The amazing Pentalawn.



For a full physical analysis of the crash scene


Physical and mathematical analysis of Pentagon crash. by Gerard Holmgren Oct  2002

2.2.4 http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WTCDEMO/wot/holmgren/index.html

Eyewitness evidence does not confirm a large passenger jet hitting the Pentagon. 

Did AA 77 hit the Pentagon? Eyewitness accounts examined. by Gerard Holmgren June 2002

2.2.5 http://hamilton.indymedia.org:8081/front.php3?article_id=1786&group=webcast




2.3 What hit WTC towers? 


They are alleged to have been AA 11 and UA 175, both Boeing 767's.  A close viewing of the videos reveals that neither object was a Boeing 767.


2.3.1  http://thewebfairy.com/911


2.3.2  The 9/11 video footage of the planes striking the WTC was fake.  By Scott Loughrey






Given that a close examination of the 2nd WTC crash video demonstrates that it cannot be a real plane, but the incident was shown live, here is the documentation that realistic looking objects can easily be edited into a live broadcast in real time.


2.3.3 Lying with Pixels. By Ivan Imato  MIT's Technology review. July/August 2000



2.3.4 Having demonstrated that none of the objects which hit the three buildings were the planes alleged by the govt to have been involved , then where did those planes go?  Official aviation records records say that AA11 and AA77 did not exist .


"What really happened to American Airlines Flights 11 and 77 on Sept 11, 2001. by Gerard Holmgren Nov 13 2003.



If one were to use media reports to support the existence of AA 11, one would have to suggest that there were two such flights that day.


Flight 11 - The Twin Flight - by Woody Box 
2.3.5 http://physics911.org/net/modules/weblog/details.php?blog_id=28


Although official aviation records confirm that UA 93 and UA 175 did exist, they also indicate that the planes never crashed. On the date that this compilation was last updated , both aircraft were still registered as valid.


 Go to the FAA aircraft registry


and do an "n number" search for N591UA ( UA 93 on Sept 11) and N612UA (UA 175 on Sept 11). Why is neither plane listed as destroyed? In addition to the video evidence establishing that UA 175 did not hit the WTC, this would indicate that UA 93 is not what crashed in PA.




2.4 What was shot down in PA?


The mystery of the PA crash (allegedly UA 93) is less well understood than the other three planes. Nevertheless, the aircraft registry search as above indicates that the UA 93 did not crash.

There are also indications that whatever did crash in PA was shot down.


What did happen to Flight 93? by Richard Wallace. The Daily Mirror sept 13, 2002

2.4.1 http://www.unansweredquestions.net/timeline/2002/mirror091302.html

2.4.2 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12192317&method=full&siteid=50143

2.4.3 http://www.thepowerhour.com/postings-three/flight-93-shot-down.htm 

Why was 591UA (UA 93 on Sept 11 ) officially reported as being two different flights in two different cities at the same time ?

2.4.4 http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2004/10/300588.shtml

2.4a Are phone calls from planes, of the type allegedly made by passengers on Sept 11 possible ?

Project Achillies Report Part 1. Jan 23 2003 by A.K. Dewdney.

Preliminary low altitude cell phone experiment.

2.4a.1 http://feralnews.com/issues/911/dewdney/project_achilles_report_1_030123.html

Project Achillies Report  Part 2. Feb 25 2003

2.4a.2 http://feralnews.com/issues/911/dewdney/project_achilles_report_2_030225.html

This article concerns the economics of air phones. Note that it refers several times to the competition for business from cell phones and that all such references take it as given that cell phones do not work while the plane is in flight.

Permanet,nearlynet and wireless data. by Clay Shirky March 28 2003.

2.4a.3 http://www.shirky.com/writings/permanet.html


2.5 The World Trade Centre Towers and the WTC 7 building were brought down with  controlled demolitions.


According to the official story, the WTC towers collapsed due to a combination of fire and impact damage. The research below reveals this as a physical impossibility. In addition, the media doesn't like to talk so much about the identical collapse of WTC 7 - a 47 story building which was not hit by anything. Apart from Sept 11, 2001, no steel framed skyscraper has ever totally collapsed from fire. On Sept 11, it allegedly happened 3 times - all three buildings collapsing miraculously straight down so as not to damage any of the valuable nearby real estate. Why was the debris rushed away for recycling before any examination could be held? Why were expert opinions indicating a controlled demolition quickly suppressed ?


2.5.1 In Curious Battle: An expert recants on Why the WTC collapsed by John Flaherty and Jared Israel Dec 26, 2001.



For a series of engineering articles and informative videos on the WTC collapse, see


2.5:2  http://home.comcast.net/~jeffrey.king2/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html


2.5:3 Muslims suspend laws of physics by J. McMichael Nov 25 2001


2.5:4 Muslims suspend laws of Physics. part 2 by J.McMichael



Selling out the investigation by Bill manning   Fire Engineering Magazine Jan 2002


2.5.5 http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/MAN309A.html


2.5.6 A fire-fighter says "we think there were bombs set in the building"



2.5.7 Documentary footage from the scene of the WTC attacks, and eyewitness accounts from fire-fighters at the scene reveal serious flaws in the official accounts.



2.5.8  Evidence of explosives in South WTC Tower collapse



2.5.9 The jet fuel. How hot did it heat the World trade Center?



2.5.10 Where's the inferno?



WTC-7: The Improbable Collapse by Scott Loughrey 10 August 2003

5.17 http://globalresearch.ca/articles/LOU308A.html


Although the excerpt linked below was published in Oct 2001, the  book in question was written in 1999, and argued that the WTC was built as a "pre-packaged ruin". It was a financial and logistical disaster occupying valuable real estate.


The process of creating a ruin. Business week online Oct 5 2001.

Excerpt from "Divided we stand" by Eric Darton

5.18 http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/oct2001/nf2001105_5320.htm


Steel melts at about 1540 degrees. Jet fuel (kerosene) burns at a maximum of 800 degrees. Are we seriously expected to believe that burning kerosene towards the top of the building ( heat travels upwards ) somehow caused both towers to neatly implode in a manner identical to that of a controlled demolition ?


Where is the inquiry? I have seen bigger inquiries into suburban house fires. Why is discussion of the possibility of a controlled implosion completely taboo? Why do authorities keep inventing ridiculous stories about burning jet fuel melting steel?


2. 6  Where is the evidence against Bin laden?