Is the United States Government Guilty of Genocide?

                         Volume 1, No. 5


                        Richard McDonald

     When this  Nation was founded, each of the individual States
of this  union had their own Citizens (Capital "C") as defined in
the Constitution, but, then came the so-called 14th Amendment.

     For clarification  purposes, the term "Citizen" when used in
the constitutional  sense with  a capital  "C" shall  designate a
State Citizen  as per  the intent of the Founding Fathers of this
Nation, when used with a small "c" as it is used in the so-called
14th Amendment  shall designate  the federal  citizen which  is a
different class  of citizen.   In  law, every letter in a word is
important, the capitalization of a specific word means a specific
thing, the  use of  the same word, without the capitalization may
mean something  else, in  this case  it does;  the "Citizen" does
not include  the "citizen",  the word "Resident" does not include
the "resident."


          There is a clear distinction between national and State
citizenship.   U.S. citizenship  does not  entitle citizen of the
privileges and  immunities of  the Citizen  of  the  State.    K.
Tashiro v.  Jordan, 256  P. 545,  201 Cal.  239, 53  A.L.R. 1279,
affirmed 49  S.Ct. 47,  278 U.S. 123, 73 L.Ed. 214, 14 C.J.S. Sec
?2, p. 1131, n. 75.  In fact Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition,
agrees  with   the  distinction   between  different  classes  of

     "privileges and immunities clause.  There are two Privileges
     and Immunities  Clauses  in  the  federal  Constitution  and
     Amendments, the first being found in Art. IV, and the second
     in the  14th Amendment,  Sec. 1,  second sentence, clause 1.
     The provision   in Art. IV states that "The Citizens of each
     State  shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of
     Citizens in  the several  States,"  while the 14th Amendment
     provides that "No State shall make or  enforce any law which
     shall abridge  the privileges  or immunities  of citizens of
     the United States."
                                               [pages 1078-1079.]

Note the  lack of  capitalization in the wording used in the 14th
Amendment, this  specifically means  that  the  words  "citizens,
privileges, immunities" are not the same as in Article IV.

     The State  of California  was admitted  to the  Union of the
united States  in 1849 by an Act for Admission of California into
the Union,  Vol. 9, Statutes at Large page 452,  and was admitted
into the  Union on  an equal  footing with the original States in
all respects whatsoever.

     The State  of  California  was  required  to  have  its  own
Citizens, who  were first,  State Citizens, then as a consequence
of State Citizenship were American Citizens, known as Citizens of
the United  States, (Capital "C") there were no specific class as
this, but  for travelling  and protection  by the  United  States
government while  out of  the country, they were generally called
Citizens of the United States.  (capital "C")

     The Constitution  for the  United States  of America  (1787)
used the  term "Citizen  of the  United  States"  in  Article  I,
Section 2,  (capital "C"),  and numerous other sections each time
with capitalization,  this referred  to the  Sovereign  Political
Body of  State Citizens,  this Citizen  is entitled  to  all  the
Privileges and  Immunities of  the Citizens of the several States
under Article IV.

     Congress utilized  the same  term  "citizen  of  the  United
States" qualifying  it  with  a  small  "c"  to  distinguish  the
"federal  citizen"  in  the  so-called  14th  Amendment.    These
"citizens" have only statutory rights granted by Congress.

     Thus, Congress  and most  of the Judiciary have acknowledged
that an  amendatory act  cannot alter  the original intent of the
Constitution.   Therefore Congress  did not  alter the meaning of
the term  "Citizen of  the United States" (Capital "C"), it still
remains the same, a Citizen of a State.

     In the  past, the  Judiciary, without  the distinction being
properly brought  forth have  made rulings based upon the federal
"citizens" who  are resident  in  a  State,  not  State  Citizens
domiciled within their own State.

     The statement  by Chief  Justice  Taney  in  Dred  Scott  v.
Sanford, 19  How. 393,  422, in  defining the  term "persons" the
Judge stated  "...   persons who are not recognized as Citizens."
See also American and Ocean Ins. Co. v. Canter, 1 Pet. 511, which
also distinguishes  "persons" and  "Citizens."   These  were  the
persons that  were the  object of  the 14th Amendment, to give to
this class  of native  born "persons"  who were "resident" in the
union of  the United  States citizenship,  and authority to place
other than the white race within the special category of "citizen
of the United States."

     To overcome  the statement  in Dred  Scott, supra, that only
white people  were Citizens,  and all  other  persons  were  only
"residents" without  citizenship of  the  States,  Congress  then
passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14 STAT. 27.

     The Act  of Congress  called the  Civil Rights  Act, 14 U.S.
Stats. at  Large, p.  27, which  was the  forerunner of  the 14th
Amendment, amply shows the intent of Congress:

     "all persons  born in  the United States and not  subject to
     any foreign  power, excluding  Indians not taxed, are hereby
     declared to  be citizens  of the  United  States,  and  such
     citizens of  every race  and color * * * shall have the same
     right in  every state and territory of the United States * *
     * to  full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for
     the security  of person  and property as is enjoyed by white
                         [again, note the lack of capitalization]

     This was  the intent  of Congress,  not to infringe upon the
Constitution or the status of the de jure Citizens of the several
States.   The term  "persons" did  not include  the white de jure
State Citizens.  It was never the intent of the 14th Amendment to
subvert the  States' authority  or that of the Constitution as it
relates to  the status  of the de jure State Citizens.  People v.
Washington, 36  C. 658,  661 (1869)  overruled on  other grounds;
French v.  Barber, 181  U.S. 324;   MacKenzie  v. Hare, 60 L. Ed.

     The so-called  14th Amendment  uses language very similar to
the Civil  Rights Act  of 1866  and Harlan  J., in  a  dissenting
opinion quoted  from the  veto message  of President  Johnson his
interpretation of  its meaning:   It  "comprehends the Chinese of
the Pacific  States, Indians  subject  to  taxation,  the  people
called Gypsies,  as well as the entire race designated as blacks,
persons of  color, negroes,  mulattoes  and  persons  of  African
blood.  Every individual of those races born in the United States
is made  a citizen thereof."  Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, 114, 5
S.Ct. 41, 28 L.Ed. 643; see also In re Gee Hop, 71 Fed. 274 .

     It was  the intent  of the  so-called amendment, that the de
jure Citizens  in the  several States  were not  included in  the
terminology, as  they were  by birthright  Citizens as defined in
the Preamble,  and could  receive  nothing  from  this  so-called
amendment.  "No white person born within the limits of the United
States and  subject to their jurisdiction ...  owes his status of
Citizenship to the recent amendments to the Federal Constitution"
Van Valkenburg v. Brown, 43 Cal. Sup Ct. 43.

     In 1913,  came the  Federal Reserve Act (our downfall), then
in 1924,  Cook v. Tait, which stated that "citizens of the United
States wherever  they are resident" are subject to the income tax
which is  based upon  citizenship of  the United  States, now the
government, could  not tax only the citizens of the United States
under the  so-called 14th  Amendment, and not tax the white State
Citizens, if  they did  that there  would have  been a revolution
here in America, so the Federal Reserve Banks deliberately caused
the crash of 1929 (Congressional Record), and made all the people
who had  saved for  their old age lose their money that they were
saving,  then   the  government,   in  1935   instituted  "Social
Security", and  this was  controlled and handled by each State on
a state  level, so the States could handle their own Citizens and
"residents" under the so-called 14th Amendment.  Then in 1939 the
U.S. government  repealed the Social Security Act (a little known
fact), and reenacted it into the 1939 Income Tax Code, with a new
intent  and   meaning  classifying  everyone  who  has  a  SSN  a
"taxpayer" and  a federal  citizen of the United States under the
so-called 14th Amendment.

     Now the U.S. Government knowing this, under prompting of the
Federal Reserve,  stated that  the people  of America were saving
too much money, and therefore should pay an excise tax.  This was
the Victory  Tax to  help out  World War  II, but in one year the
government made so much money on this tax, they decided to repeal
the two-year  limitation on this Victory tax, and telling no one,
they made it a permanent tax on the citizens of the United States
who have SSN.

     In addition there are two naturalization clauses in the U.S.
Constitution,   (1) Under  Article I, Section 8, where only white
immigrants are  to be  naturalized  as  State  Citizens  by  each
separate State,  and (2)  Under the  so-called 14th Amendment for
all others,  to be  naturalized as a federal citizen (small "c").
The United  States Government  is naturalizing everyone under the
so-called 14th Amendment as a federal citizen.  WHY?

     So what  happened to  the Sovereign,  Political and Cultural
class of  white State  Citizens who are not subjects of Congress?
Have they all been eliminated and reclassified as citizens of the
United States under the so-called 14th Amendment?


Webster's Third International Dictionary, page 947:

     GENOCIDE  1.   The use of deliberate systematic measures (as
     killing, bodily  or  mental  injury,  unlivable  conditions)
     calculated to  bring about  the extermination  of a  racial,
     political or  cultural group,  (2)  or destroy the language,
     religion or culture of a group.

     The writer  believes that  the United  States Government  is
guilty of  using the so-called 14th Amendment and Social Security
to force  unlivable conditions (you cannot work if you don't have
a social  security  number)  to  accomplish  genocide  as  it  is
described above  to enlarge  and maintain  a revenue base for the
profit of  the Federal Reserve.  Forced integration is destroying
the White Political Cultural group known as State Citizens in all
the States.

     Now anyone  can do their own research and arrive at the same
legally correct  determination that  I have.   I did not cite all
the Congressional Records (CR) but, you could look them up if you
were so  inclined.   The proof is there, so what are you going to
do about it?

     Continue to be a victim of genocide!!!

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Richard McDonald