"My Bright Nights Vision"




Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

July 20, 2013 A.D.



I was day-dreaming the other day, and a powerful vision

unfolded in my mind's eye.


The vision was multiple growing Universes beginning to overlap each other

and "collide" in the way that galaxies are now passing through each other

but without member stars actually smashing into each other.


Those of you who know me probably also know that I have

reversed Einstein's famous equation by solving for "m"

instead of solving for "E".  This is what we get when we

reverse that equation by solving for "m":


m = E / (c * c)


This is a formulaic metaphor for Creation, because it literally

converts Energy to matter "m" by dividing the quantity of Energy "E"

by the velocity of light squared.


This process is similar to the physical process by which

steam "condenses" into liquid water.


In our formulaic metaphor, Energy "condenses" into matter.


I worked out the math and proved to myself that this equation

is true in both directions!


This theoretical solution was gifted to me in the Fall of 1995,

long before black holes were discovered to be emitting

huge bursts of gamma rays and other high-energy particles

in a process we now call "galactic core explosions".


The term "black hole" definitely needs to be changed

to something more descriptive, because these galaxy cores

are anything but "black" or super high concentrations

of matter that are so dense, even light cannot escape

their immense gravitational forces.


Of course, a galaxy's core will appear "black" as long as

one's measuring instruments are unable to detect

energy that is outside the miniscule spectrum of visible light,

or light that is visible to the naked eye.


More recently, astronomers have also confirmed that

some galaxies are emitting not only enormous quantities

of gamma rays, but also entirely new stars on a regular,

predictable schedule.


For example, use a search engine like Google or Bing

and search for:  "star factory" images


Hopefully, you will encounter such exciting titles as:


"The Splendor of Orion: A Star Factory Unveiled"


When we extrapolate this observable process by which

galaxy cores actually create new stars, sometimes as

quickly as 2 new stars every 24-hours, the conclusion is

inescapable that our Universe is not "expanding"

but "growing" as Thomas Joseph Brown explains

in one of his recorded lectures.


In a growing Universe, the quantity of observable matter

is constantly increasing, instead of remaining constant

or fixed.  There was a time in the recent past when

cosmologists were deeply engaged in a debate

over whether an "expanding" Universe would some day

expand so far out into the void that everything would

return to absolute zero on the Kelvin temperature scale.


The empirical discovery that our Universe is actually

"growing" has made it necessary to reject fully the

notion that our Universe would some day end up

as an immensely large but very cold and dark place --

much too cold and much too dark for any living

organisms to survive at all.


What my recent vision helped me to visualize is

an immensely large multi-verse that results from

literally merging or converging our known Universe

with neighboring Universes which astronomers

are only now detecting, because of gravitational

anomalies in the patterns of observable matter

near the Event Horizons of our Universe.


Picture this wonderful future for our known Universe:

by joining the process of star formation at galactic cores

with the process by which multiple Universes end up

overlapping each other, the density of stars in the

night sky should increase by a very noticeable amount.


I can even safely predict that the night sky will

become a glittering kaleidoscope of multi-colored

stars whose combined light will be bright enough

to read books without the aid of a flashlight.


If like me you also think that this vision may be

a foretaste of the real Heaven that awaits the

Children of God, don't let me stop you:


I believe that you will be right on the money

when it comes to exercising the freedom to

let your imaginations run wild about this

glorious and magnificent future that awaits us.


As Jesus once said, even your wildest imagination

cannot even come close to the world which God has

created for those who love Him and are permitted to enjoy

eternal life with Him.


I took that to mean that my imagination was

surely permitted to run wild, because even then

I would still not come close to what God has in store

for his Eternal Family.


Why anyone would choose to forfeit such a glorious

future is totally beyond me.


                              #   #   #




July 22, 2013 A.D.


This is brilliant Paul!


Yes, it appears that matter is increasing in the universe.


Halton Arp's work on the red shifts of quasars indicates that

they are proto-galaxies that grow into galaxies in quantized steps,

but that the red shift denotes age and energetic state rather than distance.


He proposes that quasars are emitted from galactic centers

(during the galactic core eruptions you reference) and

are not the great distances theorized in the present astrophysical paradigm.


So I totally agree that the galactic cores are not 'black'

but are rather star factories, giving birth to new matter.


Always enjoy these writings as well as your continued brilliant legal research.







September 15, 2013 A.D.


Hi Derek,


I've been writing occasionally about the Most High.


Thomas Brown is my best friend, so he's a little biased  :-)


Hope you enjoy this one (I can send you others, if you like) ...


Best regards to Ursula and your whole family ...



September 28, 2013 A.D.


Wow Paul!!


Thank you so much for this email!!  I will find your book!


Bless you!


There are so many questions running through my head!!


I can't help but think what a very special soul you are to be given such wisdom and visions!!


Just reading this gives me hope for future generations here.


Isn't it just all so very awesome!!


Email me anytime!!


I would love to continue hearing from you.


Do you have a website?


Or a newsletter??



Thank you again for sharing!!





Becki Hawkins





Sent from my iPad



Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2013 12:06 AM


To: nderf@nderf.org; jody@nderf.org


Subject: FYI: "My Bright Nights Vision," by Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S. (July 20, 2013 A.D.)





Thomas Brown is my best friend down in Auckland, New Zealand,

so he's a little biased  :-)


Hope you enjoy the essay:  it has profound spiritual implications for me,

and I would love to know that it does the same for you too ...


... healthy human beings are now having visions too!




Sep 30, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Jody Long, Webmaster <jody@nderf.org> wrote:


Hi Paul,


I really like your article.


Could I have your permission to put it on www.oberf.org ?



Kind regards,





September 30, 2013 A.D.


Of course.


Thanks, Jody!


I'm so glad you liked it.



October 8, 2013 A.D.


One of the factors that had not consciously occurred to me

was Earth's place in between spiral arms of the Milky Way.


When you stop to think about it, a lot of interstellar dust

would definitely obscure the visibility of distant galaxies;

and yet the position of the solar system in between

2 relatively dense galactic arms makes the night sky

that much clearer.


And another exciting point they made is that the

"boundaries” of the known Universe keep expanding

as the power of our telescopes increases.


It wasn't that long ago that the "boundary" of the

known Universe was the outer arms of that Milky Way.


Imagine what we would see if we could travel

all the way to the Event Horizon, and point our

most power telescopes outwards.


This is what I wrote to Thomas Brown recently:



Here's a useful thought experiment:


Let's design a probe that travels to the Event Horizon

at many times faster than the speed of light, and

it carries within its cargo bay another Hubble

Space Telescope ("HST"):


What will HST-II see when it reaches the Event Horizon

and looks out beyond that Horizon?



Answer:  probably something like THIS:



