Res. _______ 1__th CONGRESS ____ Session
Res. _______
appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article III(3) of the
U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United States of America
by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard B. Cheney, U.S.
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for
planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in Article III(3) of
the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out, and/or causing
to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11,
2001, as part of a strategic deception operation.
is a sufficient legal threshold of evidence to issue an indictment for the
crime of Treason against the above-named individuals under the US Constitution,
which in Article III(3) provides: "Sect. 3. Treason against the United
States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their
enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason
unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on open
confession in open court."
September 11, 2001 Attacks as Acts of Treason under Article III(3)
of the U.S. Constitution
United States Constitution, in Article 3, Section 3, says that it is treason
for a citizen of the USA to engage in “levying war” against the United States.
If U.S. citizens consciously participated in planning the attacks of 9/11 on
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, this participation would clearly be
treasonous. There is considerable prima facie evidence that named members of
the U.S. Executive Branch -- U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President
Richard B. Cheney, and U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld -- participated
in this planning.
prima facie evidence sustains a constitutional, Joint Resolution of the U.S.
Congress to appoint an Independent Prosecutor under the authority of Article
III(3) of the U.S. Constitution to prosecute Treason against these United
States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard
B. Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, and other John and
Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of treason, as defined in
Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, by conspiring to carry out, carrying
out, and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States
on September 11, 2001, as part of a strategic deception operation.
investigation of these acts of prima facie Treason was not carried out by the
9/11 Commission. This Commission, directed by an insider, Philip Zelikow, who
was directly connected to the named U.S. President George W. Bush of the U.S.
Executive Branch, took as its starting point the Bush-Cheney administration’s
claim that the attacks were planned and carried out entirely by members of
al-Qaeda. The Commission examined only facts and allegations that were
consistent with this theory.
evidence pointing to complicity by the named individuals -- U.S. President
George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard B. Cheney, U.S. Secretary of
Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld -- along with other John and Jane Does, was ignored
or, in a few cases, distorted. The U.S. Congress in its constitutional
jurisdiction needs to authorize the appointment of an independent prosecutor to
conduct a genuine investigation of this prima facie evidence of Treason under
Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, which is
summarized below in terms of six questions.
How Could Hijacked Airliners Have Struck the WTC and the Pentagon?
the standard operating procedure of the FAA and the US military had been
carried out on the morning of 9/11, AA Flight 11 and UA Flight 175 would have
been intercepted before they reached Manhattan, and Flight 77 would have been
intercepted long before it could have reached the Pentagon. (Such interceptions
are routine, being carried out about 100 times a year.) As to why these
interceptions did not occur, the public has never been given a plausible
explanation. Indeed, we have received three mutually inconsistent stories.
the first few days, military officials said that no fighter jets were sent up
by NORAD until after the strike on the Pentagon at 9:38, even though signs that
Flight 11 had been hijacked were observed at 8:15. That would mean that
although interceptions usually occur within 15 minutes, in this case over 80
minutes had elapsed before any fighters were even airborne. This story
suggested that a “stand-down” order had been issued.
a few days, a second story was put out, according to which NORAD had sent up
fighters but, because FAA notification had unaccountably come very late, the
fighters did not arrive soon enough to prevent the attacks. Critics showed,
however, that even if the FAA’s notifications had come as late as NORAD
claimed, there would have been time for interceptions to occur. This second
story did not, therefore, remove the suspicion that a stand-down order had been
9/11 Commission Report gives a third account, according to which, contrary to
NORAD’s timeline of September 18, 2001, the FAA did not notify NORAD about
Flights 175 and 77 until after they had struck their targets. This third story,
besides contradicting the second story and also considerable evidence that the
FAA had notified the military in a timely manner, contains many inherent
implausibilities. It does not, accordingly, remove grounds for suspicion that a
stand-down order had been issued -- a suspicion for which there is ear-witness
Why Did the Twin Towers and Building 7 of the WTC Collapse?
administration of U.S. President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard B. Cheney
has also failed to provide a credible explanation of the total collapses of the
World Trade Center buildings. According to the official explanation, the Twin
Towers collapsed because of the impact of the airplanes and the heat from the
ensuing fires. But this explanation faces several formidable problems.
Building 7 also collapsed, and in about the same way.
This similarity implies that all three buildings collapsed because of the same
causes. But building 7 was not hit by a plane, so its collapse must be
explained by fire alone. That would lead to the conclusion that all three
buildings collapsed from fire alone.
however, the fires in these three buildings were not very big, very hot, or
very long-lasting, compared with fires in some steel-frame high-rises that did
not induce collapses. In 1991, for example, a fire in Philadelphia burned for
18 hours, and in 2004, a fire in Caracas burned for 17 hours. But neither of
these fires resulted in even a partial collapse, let alone a total collapse. By
contrast, the World Trade Center’s north and south towers burned only 102 and
56 minutes, respectively, before they collapsed. Building 7, moreover, had
fires on only a few floors, according to some witnesses and all the
photographic evidence.
total collapses of steel-frame high-rise buildings have never, either before or
after 9/11, been brought about by fire alone, or fire combined with structural
damage from airplanes. All such collapses have been caused by explosives in the
procedure known as “controlled demolition.”
the collapses of these three WTC buildings all manifested many standard
features of controlled demolition, such as:
sudden onset (whereas steel, if weakened by fire, would gradually begin
to sag); straight-down collapse (as
opposed to falling over); collapse at
virtually free-fall speed (indicating that the lower floors were offering
little if any resistance); total
collapse (indicating that the massive steel columns in the core of each
building had been sliced into many pieces -- which is what explosives do in
controlled demolitions); the production
of molten steel; and the occurrence of
multiple explosions, as reported by dozens of people -- including journalists,
police officers, WTC employees, emergency medical workers, and firefighters.
The official theory cannot explain one, let alone all, of these features -- at
least, as physicist Steven Jones has pointed out, without violating several
basic laws of physics. But the theory of controlled demolition easily explains
them all.
although the question of whether explosives were used could have been answered
by examining the buildings’ steel columns, virtually all of the steel was
immediately sold to scrap dealers, trucked away, and sent to Asia to be melted
down. Moreover, although it is usually a federal crime to remove anything from
a crime scene, in this case the removal was overseen by government officials.
al-Qaeda terrorists could not have obtained access to the buildings for the
enormous number of hours it would have taken to plant the explosives. But the
question of how agents of the Bush-Cheney administration could have gotten such
access can be answered by pointing out that Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker III -- the
president’s brother and cousin, respectively -- were principals of the company
in charge of security for the WTC. It is also doubtful that al-Qaeda terrorists
would have had the courtesy to ensure that the buildings would come straight
down, rather than falling over onto other buildings.
Could the Official Account of the Pentagon Possibly Be True?
to the official account, the Pentagon was struck by AA Flight 77, under the
control of al-Qaeda hijacker Hani Hanjour. This account is challenged by many
Flight 77 allegedly, after making a U-turn in the mid-west, flew back to
Washington undetected for 40 minutes, even though it was then known that
hijacked airliners were being used as weapons and even though the US military
has the best radar systems in the world, one of which, it brags, “does not miss
anything occurring in North American airspace.”
the aircraft, in order to hit the west wing, reportedly executed a 270-degree
downward spiral, which according to some experts would have been impossible for
a Boeing 757. Hanjour, moreover, was known as “a terrible pilot,” who could not
even fly a small airplane.
how could a pilot as poor as Hanjour have found his way back to Washington
without guidance from the ground?
the Pentagon is surely the best defended building on the planet. It is not only
within the P-56-A restricted air space that extends 17 miles in all directions
from the Washington Monument, but also within P-56-B, the three-mile
ultra-restricted zone above the White House, the Capitol, and the Pentagon. It
is only a few miles from Andrews Air Force Base, which, assigned to protect
these restricted zones, has at least three squadrons with fighter jets on alert
at all times. (The claim by The 9/11 Commission Report
that no fighters were on alert the morning of 9/11 is wholly implausible.)
Also, the Pentagon is surely protected by batteries of surface-to-air missiles,
which are programmed to destroy any aircraft without a US military transponder
entering the Pentagon’s airspace. (So even if Flight 77 had entered the
Pentagon’s airspace, it could have escaped being shot down only if officials in
the Pentagon had deactivated its anti-aircraft defenses.)
terrorists brilliant enough to get through the US military’s defense system
would not have struck the west wing, for many reasons: It had been reinforced, so the damage was
less severe than a strike anywhere else would have been; it was still being renovated, so relatively
few people were there; the secretary of
defense and all the top brass, whom terrorists would presumably have wanted to
kill, were in the east wing; and hitting
the west wing required a difficult maneuver, whereas crashing into the roof
would have been easier and deadlier.
there is considerable evidence that the aircraft that struck the Pentagon was
not even a Boeing 757. For one thing, unlike the strikes on the Twin Towers,
the strike on the Pentagon did not create a detectable seismic signal. Also,
the kind of damage and debris that would have been produced by the impact of a
Boeing 757 was not produced by the strike on the Pentagon, according to both
photographs and eyewitnesses. Karen Kwiatkowski, who was then an Air Force
Lieutenant Colonel employed at the Pentagon, writes of “a strange lack of
visible debris on the Pentagon lawn, where I stood only moments after the
impact. . . . I saw . . . no airplane metal or cargo
debris.” Photographs show that the façade of the west wing remained standing
for 30 minutes after the strike and that, during this time, the hole in this
façade was only about 16 to 18 feet in diameter. A Boeing 757 has a wingspan of
about 125 feet, and a steel engine is mounted on each wing. And yet there was,
as Former Air Force Colonel George Nelson has pointed out, no visible damage on
either side of this hole. Former pilot Ralph Omholt, discussing both debris and
damage on the basis of the photographic evidence, writes: “there is no doubt that a plane did
not hit the Pentagon. There is no hole big enough to swallow a 757. . . . There is no viable evidence of burning jet fuel. . . . The pre-collapse Pentagon section showed no
‘forward-moving’ damage. . . . There was no tail, no wings; no damage
consistent with a B-757 ‘crash.’”
evidence that no large airliner hit the west wing is provided by the fact that
the fourth-floor office of Isabelle Slifer, which was directly above the strike
zone (between the first and second floors), was not damaged by the initial
is considerable evidence, moreover, that the aircraft that struck the Pentagon
was instead a US military missile. This evidence consists partly of testimony.
Lon Rains, editor of Space News, said: “I was convinced it was a missile. It
came in so fast it sounded nothing like an airplane.” The upper management
official at LAX, quoted earlier as saying that he overheard members of LAX
Security receiving word of a stand-down order, says that they later received
word that “the Pentagon had been hit by a rocket.” Secretary of Defense Donald
Rumsfeld, in an apparent slip of the tongue, referred in an interview to “the
missile [used] to damage this building.”
missile hypothesis is also supported by physical evidence. Dr. Janette Sherman
of Alexandria reports that shortly after the strike her Geiger counter showed
the radiation level, about 12 miles downwind from the Pentagon, to be 8-10
times higher than normal. Two days later, Bill Bellinger, the EPA radiation
expert for the region, said that the rubble at the crash site was radioactive,
adding that he believed the source to be depleted uranium. These findings are
what one would expect, says Dr. Leuren Moret -- formerly a scientist at the
Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory -- if the Pentagon had been struck by a
military missile with a depleted uranium warhead.
the basis of all this evidence, retired Army Major Doug Rokke has said: “When you look at
the whole thing, especially the crash site void of airplane parts [and] the
size of the hole left in the building . . . , it looks like the work of a missile.”
seventh reason to be dubious about the official story is that evidence was
destroyed. Shortly after the strike, government agents picked up debris from
the Pentagon in front of the impact site, put it in a large container, and
carried it off. Shortly thereafter the entire lawn was covered with dirt and
gravel, with the result that any remaining forensic evidence was covered up.
FBI agents also immediately confiscated the videos from security cameras on two
nearby buildings. Although the Department of Justice, responding to a request
under the Freedom of Information Act, has acknowledged the FBI’s possession of
at least one of these videos, the DoJ has refused to release it.
seven problems, besides challenging the official account, collectively indicate
that the strike on the Pentagon was orchestrated by forces within our own
government -- an act that would clearly constitute treason.
Why Did the President and His Secret Service Agents Remain at the School?
George W. Bush reportedly believed, upon hearing that a plane had struck one of
the Twin Towers, that it was an accident. It was not terribly strange,
therefore, that he decided to go ahead with the photo-op at the school in
Sarasota. Word of the second strike, however, should have indicated to him and
his Secret Service agents -- assuming the truth of official story, according to
which these strikes were unexpected -- that the country was undergoing an
unprecedented terrorist attack. And yet the Secret Service allowed him to
remain at the school for another half hour.
behavior was very strange. The president’s location had been highly publicized.
If the attacks were indeed unexpected, the Secret Service would have had no
idea how many planes had been hijacked, and they would have had to assume that
the president himself might be one of the targets: What could be more satisfying to foreign
terrorists attacking high-value targets in the United States than to kill the
president? For all the Secret Service would have known, a hijacked airliner
might have been bearing down on the school at that very minute, ready to crash
into it, killing the president and everyone else there -- including the Secret
Service agents themselves. It is, in any case, standard procedure for the Secret
Service to rush the president to a safe location whenever there is any sign
that he may be in danger. And yet these agents, besides allowing the president
to remain in the classroom another 10 minutes, permitted him to speak on
television, thereby announcing to the world that he was still at the school.
not this behavior be explainable only if Bush and the head of the Secret
Service detail knew that the planned attacks did not include an attack on the
president? And how could this have been known for certain unless the attacks
were being carried out by people within our own government? The 9/11
Commission, far from asking these questions, was content to report that “[t]he
Secret Service told us they . . . did not think it imperative for [the president]
to run out the door.” A serious inquiry into this matter, therefore, remains to
be made.
Why Did the 9/11 Commission Lie about Vice President Cheney?
sign of the complicity of Vice President Cheney is the fact that the 9/11
Commission evidently felt a need to lie about the time of two of his activities: his entry into the Presidential Emergency
Operations Center (PEOC) under the White House and his giving the order to
shoot down any unauthorized airplanes.
had been widely reported that Cheney had gone down to the PEOC shortly after
the second strike on the WTC, hence about 9:15. The most compelling witness was
Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, who testified to the 9/11 Commission
that when he arrived at the PEOC at 9:20, Cheney was already there and fully in
charge. The 9/11 Commission Report, however, claimed that Cheney did not enter
the PEOC until “shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58.” Mineta’s testimony,
given in an open hearing, was simply omitted from the Commission’s final
report. Why would the Commission go to such lengths to conceal the true time of
Cheney’s entry into the PEOC?
possible reason would involve the content of Mineta’s testimony. He said:
the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man
who would come in and say to the Vice President, “The plane is 50 miles out.”
“The plane is 30 miles out.” And when it got down to “the plane is 10 miles
out,” the young man also said to the Vice President, “Do the orders still stand?”
And the Vice President . . . said, “Of course the orders still stand. Have you
heard anything to the contrary?”
said that this conversation -- evidently meaning the final exchange -- occurred
at about 9:25 or 9:26.
testimony creates a problem for the official story. Secretary of Defense
Rumsfeld’s spokesman, in explaining why the Pentagon was not evacuated before
it was struck, claimed that “[t]he Pentagon was simply not aware that this
aircraft was coming our way.” The 9/11 Commission claimed that there was no
warning about an unidentified aircraft heading towards Washington until 9:36
and hence only “one or two minutes” before the Pentagon was struck at 9:38.
Mineta’s account, however, says that Cheney knew about an approaching aircraft
more than 10 minutes earlier. There would have been over 12 minutes for the
Pentagon to be evacuated.
account also seems to suggest that Cheney had issued stand-down orders. Mineta
himself did not make this allegation, saying instead that he assumed that “the
orders” were to have the plane shot down. But besides the fact that that
interpretation does not fit what actually happened--the aircraft was not shot
down -- it would make the story unintelligible:
The question whether the orders still stood would not make sense unless
they were orders to do something unexpected -- not to shoot the aircraft down.
By omitting Mineta’s testimony and stating that Cheney did not enter the PEOC
until almost 10:00, the 9/11 Commission implied that Cheney could not have
given a stand-down order to allow an aircraft to strike the Pentagon.
lie about Cheney’s entry into the PEOC was also important to the controversy
over whether the US military shot down Flight 93. The 9/11 Commission, simply
ignoring a vast amount of evidence that the military did so, supported the
official claim that it did not. The Commission provided this support by
claiming that Cheney, having not arrived at the PEOC until almost 10:00, did
not issue the shoot-down order until after 10:10 -- which would have been seven
or more minutes after Flight 93 had crashed (at 10:03). But in addition to the
evidence that Cheney had been in the PEOC since about 9:15, we also have
evidence -- including statements from Richard Clarke and Colonel Robert Marr,
the head of NORAD’s northeast sector (NEADS) -- that Cheney’s shoot-down order
was issued well before 10:00.
9/11 Commission’s obvious lies about Cheney’s activities give reason to suspect
that it, under the leadership of Philip Zelikow, was trying to conceal Cheney’s
responsibility for the Pentagon strike and the downing of Flight 93.
Did Members of the Bush-Cheney Administration Have Reasons to Desire the
Attacks of 9/11?
having the means and opportunity to orchestrate the events of 9/11 and their
subsequent cover-up, high officials in the Bush-Cheney administration would
also have had motives.
Afghanistan: Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book, The Grand
Chessboard, had said that establishing military bases in Central Asia would be
crucial for maintaining “American primacy,” partly because of the huge oil
reserves around the Caspian Sea. But American democracy, he added, “is inimical
to imperial mobilization.” Brzezinski, explaining that the public had
“supported America’s engagement in World War II largely because of the shock
effect of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor,” suggested that Americans today
would support the needed military operations in Central Asia only “in the
circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.”
for these operations was generated by 9/11 plus the claim by the Bush-Cheney
administration that the attacks had been planned in Afghanistan by Osama bin
Laden—-a claim for which it refused to provide any proof.
more specific motivation was provided by the “pipeline war.” The Bush-Cheney
administration supported--as had the Clinton-Gore administration until
1999--UNOCAL’s plan to build an oil-and-gas pipeline through Afghanistan, but
the Taliban, being unable to provide sufficient security, had become regarded
as an obstacle. In a meeting in Berlin in July 2001, representatives of the
Bush-Cheney administration, trying to get the Taliban to share power with other
factions, reportedly gave them an ultimatum:
“Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a
carpet of bombs.” When the Taliban refused, the Americans reportedly said that
“military action against Afghanistan would go ahead . . . before the snows
started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.”
the fact that the attacks on New York and Washington occurred on September 11,
the U.S. military had time to get logistically ready to begin the attack on
Afghanistan on October 7.
Iraq: Some key members of the Bush-Cheney administration
-- including Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick
Cheney himself -- had in the late 1990s been active members of an organization,
the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), that advocated attacking Iraq
to remove Saddam Hussein, establish a strong military presence, and control the
oil. PNAC’s Rebuilding America’s Defenses, released late in 2000, reiterated
the idea of a permanent military presence in the Gulf region, saying that the
“unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification” but “the
need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue
of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”
upon taking office, the Bush administration -- two former members have revealed
-- was intent on attacking Iraq. Then in
2003, after its war in Afghanistan, the administration used 9/11 as a pretext
for attacking Iraq, partly by suggesting that Saddam was involved in the
attacks, partly by playing on the American people’s sense, created by 9/11, of
being vulnerable to a major attack from abroad.
Military Spending: A second possible
motive was provided by PNAC’s more general goal of further increasing America’s
military superiority to be able to achieve global domination. This goal had
already been asserted in the draft of the “Defense Planning Guidance” written
in 1992 by Wolfowitz and Libby under the guidance of Cheney, who was completing
his tenure as secretary of defense. (In an essay that was entered into the Congressional
Record, this draft was portrayed as an early version of Cheney’s “Plan . . . to
rule the world.”)
2000, Wolfowitz and Libby were listed as participants in the project to produce
PNAC’s Rebuilding America’s Defenses, in which this goal showed up again. This
document also contained an idea perhaps derived from Brzezinski’s book: After saying that the desired Pax Americana
“must have a secure foundation on unquestioned U.S. military preeminence” and
that such preeminence will require a technological transformation of the US
military, it adds that this process of transformation will “likely be a long
one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl
9/11 came, it was immediately treated as “the Pearl Harbor of the 21st
century,” as President Bush reportedly called it that very night. It was also
characterized as, in Bush’s words, “a great opportunity,” with Rumsfeld adding
that 9/11 created “the kind of opportunities that World War II offered, to
refashion the world.” This idea then showed up in The National Security
Strategy of the United States of America, issued by the Bush administration in
September 2002, which brazenly said: “The
events of September 11, 2001 opened vast, new opportunities.”
central dimension of the desired technological transformation of the military
is the weaponization of space, euphemistically called “Missile Defense.” In
January of 2001, the Commission to Assess U.S. National Security Space
Management and Organization, which was chaired by Rumsfeld, published its
report. Speaking of the need for massive funding for the U.S. Space Command,
the Rumsfeld Commission asked whether such funding would occur only after a
“Space Pearl Harbor.”
the evening of 9/11, Rumsfeld held a press conference. In attendance was
Senator Carl Levin, the chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who was
asked this question: “Senator Levin, you
and other Democrats in Congress have voiced fear that you simply don’t have
enough money for the large increase in defense that the Pentagon is seeking,
especially for missile defense. . . . Does this sort of thing convince you that
an emergency exists in this country to increase defense spending. . . ?
Congress immediately appropriated an additional $40 billion for the Pentagon
and much more later, with few questions asked.
Summation: The 9/11 Attacks as Acts of
facts recited above constitute prima facie evidence that the named individuals
-- U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard B. Cheney, U.S.
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld -- and other John and Jane Does are
independently and jointly guilty of Treason against these United States under
Article III(3) of the U.S. Constitution, because:
The attacks of 9/11, as portrayed in the official account, could not have
succeeded if standard operating procedures between the FAA and NORAD had been
followed. The Pentagon, under the leadership of Donald Rumsfeld, has provided
three mutually inconsistent accounts of NORAD’s response, which means that at
least two of them are false. Moreover, the third account, articulated by the
9/11 Commission, is contradicted by a wide range of facts, including evidence
that the FAA had notified NORAD in a timely fashion. There must have been stand-down
orders, and these could have come only from the highest levels of the Pentagon
and the White House.
Overwhelming evidence exists that the collapses of the Twin Towers and Building
7 were instances of controlled demolition. But al-Qaeda operatives could not
have obtained the needed access to the buildings to plant the explosives and
would not have ensured that the buildings come straight down. The controlled
demolition, therefore, had to be the work of insiders. That President Bush was
one of those insiders is suggested by the fact that his brother and cousin were
principals in the company in charge of WTC security. Complicity at the highest
levels of the federal government is also indicated by the removal of evidence
(the collapsed steel), which is normally a federal offense. Finally, if the
airplane strikes could have occurred only with the consent of the president and
the secretary of defense (as suggested in the previous point), the coordination
of these strikes with the demolition of the buildings implies their involvement
in the latter as well.
Overwhelming evidence also exists for the conclusion that the attack on the
Pentagon was an inside job. That the official story could not be true is
evident from many facts: Hani Hanjour’s
incompetence; the choice of the west
wing as the target; the impossibility of
a commercial airliner’s coming back to Washington undetected and hitting the
Pentagon unless permitted; and the lack
of physical evidence consistent with an attack by a Boeing 757. That the strike
was an inside job is implied by the falsity of the official story, the evidence
that the strike was made by a military aircraft, the removal of evidence, and
the government’s refusal to release videos of the strike. This operation could hardly
have been planned without the involvement of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
Complicity at the highest levels of the federal government is also indicated by
President Bush’s remaining at the school after it was evident -- given the
truth of the official account -- that the United States was experiencing a
surprise attack. This behavior makes sense only if Bush and his lead Secret
Service agent knew that there would be no attack on the school.
The complicity of Vice President Cheney in the attack on the Pentagon and the
downing of Flight 93 is implied by the testimony of Secretary Mineta in
conjunction with the false claims of the 9/11 Commission, under the guidance of
administration insider Philip Zelikow, as to when Cheney went to the PEOC and when
he issued the shoot-down authorization.
The conclusion from the evidence that members of the Bush administration
orchestrated the attacks of 9/11 is reinforced by the fact that they had some
huge projects -- prosecuting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and obtaining funding
to accelerate the technological transformation of the military -- that would
likely be possible only in the event of “a new Pearl Harbor.”
the basis of this and other evidence, the conclusion that the Bush-Cheney
administration was complicit in the 9/11 attacks has been reached by many
Americans, including intellectuals and former military officers. It is time for
an independent official investigation into this evidence.
LECTOR: This memorandum is based upon
the best public research resources presently available. It is presented not as
a full treatment of the subject but as merely a brief summary pointing to the
existence of sufficient prima facie evidence to warrant the appointment of an
independent prosecutor.
Observation of LAX Security Events on 9/11 By an Upper Management LAX Official
was employed in upper management at LAX involved with security in the APO (Air
Port Operations -- where the planes are, not the passengers). I will not
otherwise identify myself in this statement, since I, for both personal and
professional reasons, need to remain anonymous. But I will give as much detail
as possible about security-related events in the APO that I overheard on
September 11, 2001, and will also suggest ways in which my account could be
in the APO involves the CHP, LAWA PD, LAPD, and the FBI, herein referred to as
“Security” (but the CHP was not in proximity to me during the period my account
on other days, there was “chatter” on LAX Security walkie-talkies, so what
Security was saying could easily be heard. On some of the walkie-talkies I
could overhear both sides of the conversations, on others only one. I do not
know who was at the other end of the walkie-talkies, but I can only assume that
it was LAX dispatch or command.
there, I observed and heard the following:
first, LAX Security was very upset because at that time it seemed to Security
that none of the Air Traffic Controllers (ATCs) tracking the hijacked airliners
had notified NORAD as required. Security was well aware that LAX was a target
and Emergency SOP were already in progress in that there was discussion of
evacuating the airport.
chatter revealed that the ATCs had notified NORAD, but that NORAD had not
responded because it had been “ordered to stand down.” This report made
Security even more upset, so they tried to find out who had issued that order.
A short time later the word came down that the order had come “from the highest
level of the White House.” This seemed inappropriate, so Security made attempts
for more details and clarification, which was not resolved in my presence.
planes were grounded and swapped out in Atlanta, Georgia, simply because they
did not pass the routine pre-flight inspection checklist. Those planes were
found to be fully loaded with automatic weapons. LAX Security surmised that
could only have been accomplished by Maintenance, the Caterers, but, in their
view, most likely by “House Keeping.”
Security believed that the terrorists did not board the planes through the
passenger terminals, but rather by similar means, i.e. via House Keeping. Other
airports were mentioned, but I was unable to get it all down. Therefore, I
don’t have an accurate accounting for the status and location of the other
piece of information that I overheard was that the Pentagon had been hit by a
was also a radio station identifying itself as LAX Radio, from which the
following was heard:
were 11 planes and 11 targets. But at the time only 10 of the targets were
mentioned: the WTC; the Pentagon;
the White House; the Capitol; Camp David;
the Sears Tower; the Space Needle; the Trans America Bldg.; LAX; and
Air Force One--“if it could be found.”
fighter jets had been scrambled and had successfully shot down a hijacked
airliner over Pennsylvania. The point of deployment of the fighter jets was
also mentioned, but I can’t remember the name of the military base.
of origin mentioned included Newark, Atlanta, and other locations, but it was
confusing to me in that I couldn’t determine if they were with respect to
hijacked planes or fighter jets being scrambled. Unfortunately the names of
these airports were not all familiar to me or it would have been easier for me
to account for them.
I was leaving there was an order to evacuate the airport.
2001 and 2002 I tried to notify the media of the events at LAX, but they made
it clear they were not interested.
can think of four ways in which my account of what I heard could be
LAWA PD, LAPD, and FBI records will reveal the names of the security officers
on duty in the APO during the time of the attacks.
I believe the head of LAX Security in the APO at that time was Captain Gray. He
should be able to confirm the fact that my account reflects what happened that
The audio recordings of radio transmissions at LAX would reveal the comments of
all the Security officers and LAX dispatch/command.
The audio recording of the LAX Radio broadcast would reveal what was broadcast
on 911.
Note: Items 3 and 4 would reveal if I have
inadvertently confused information attained from LAX Security with information
received from LAX Radio. (For example, I believe I heard the comment about a
rocket hitting the Pentagon during the walkie-talkie conversations, but it is
possible that I heard it later on the radio.
See David Ray Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (Northampton, Mass.: Interlink Books, 2005), 7-12, 282-85.
Ibid. For a summary statement of the omissions and distortions discussed in
that book, see Griffin, “The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie,” 9/11 Visibility Project, May
22, 2005
The FAA reported in a news release on August 9, 2002, that it had scrambled
fighters 67 times between September 2000 and June 2001, and the Calgary Herald
reported on October 13, 2001, that NORAD had scrambled fighters 129 times in
2000. A few days after 9/11, Major Mike Snyder, a NORAD spokesperson, told the
Boston Globe that “[NORAD’s] fighters routinely intercept aircraft” (Glen
Johnson, “Otis Fighter Jets Scrambled Too Late to Halt the Attacks,” Boston
Globe, Sept. 15, 2001
Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions
and Distortions, 139-48.
Ibid., 155-226. A briefer version of the problems is provided in Griffin,
“Flights 11, 175, 77, and 93: The 9/11
Commission’s Incredible Tales,”, Dec. 5, 2005
An upper management official at LAX has reported that he overheard members of
LAX Security (including officers from the FBI and LAPD) using their
walkie-talkies shortly after the attacks. In some cases, he could hear both
sides of the conversation. At first, the LAX officials were told that the FAA’s
Air Traffic Controllers had not notified NORAD about the hijackings. Later,
however, they were told that NORAD had been notified but did not respond
because it had been “ordered to stand down.” When LAX security officials asked
who had issued that order, they were told that it had come “from the highest
level of the White House” (“My Observation of LAX Security Events on 9/11,” by
an Upper Management LAX Official [attached];
although this official wants to remain anonymous, he would willingly
take a polygraph test).
“High-Rise Office Building Fire One Meridian Plaza Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,”
FEMA (; “Fire
Practically Destroys Venezuela’s Tallest Building” (
Chief Thomas McCarthy of the FDNY said that while the firefighters “were
waiting for 7 World Trade to come down,” there was “fire on three separate
floors” (Oral History of Thomas McCarthy, 10-11). Emergency medical technician
Decosta Wright said: “I think the fourth
floor was on fire. . . . [W]e were like, are you guys going to put that fire
out?” (Oral History of Decosta Wright, 11). These quotations are from the 9/11
oral histories recorded by the New York Fire Department at the end of 2001 but
released to the public (after a court battle) only in August 2005, at which
time they were made available on a New York Times website
A photograph taken by Terry Schmidt can be seen on page 63 of Eric Hufschmid’s
Painful Questions: An Analysis of the
September 11th Attack (Goleta, Calif.: Endpoint
Software, 2002) or on Schmidt’s website
( According to Schmidt, this photo was
taken between 3:09 and 3:16 PM, hence only a little over 2 hours before
Building 7 collapsed. It shows that on the north side of the building, fires
were visible only on floors 7 and 12. Therefore, if there were more fires on
the south side, as some witnesses have claimed, they were not big enough to be
seen from the north side.
Whereas several witnesses have testified to the existence of molten steel, a
few have reported that the ends of some of the steel beams were molten -- which
would be the case if explosives had been used to slice them. For example, Joe
O'Toole, a Bronx firefighter who worked for many months on the clean-up
efforts, said with regard to a beam that he saw lifted from deep below the
surface: “It was dripping from the molten
steel” (Jennifer Lin, "Recovery Worker Reflects on Months Spent at Ground
Zero," Knight Ridder, May 29, 2002
[]). Another witness
-- a vice president of his company -- reported that "sometimes when a
worker would pull a steel beam from the wreckage, the end of the beam would be
dripping molten steel" (Trudy Walsh, "Handheld APP Eased Recovery
Tasks," Government Computer News, 21/27a, Sept 11, 2002
See David Ray Griffin, “Explosive Testimony:
Revelations about the Twin Towers in the 9/11 Oral Histories,”, January 18, 2006
captain Dennis Tardio, for example, said:
"I hear an explosion and I look up. It is as if the building is
being imploded, from the top floor down, one after another, boom, boom, boom”
(Dennis Smith, Report from Ground Zero: The
Story of the Rescue Efforts at the World Trade Center [New York: Penguin, 2002], 18. Another firefighter said: “It seemed like on television [when] they
blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a
belt, all these explosions” (Oral History of Richard Banaciski, 3-4 [see note
8, above]).
Stephen E. Jones, “Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?” In David Ray
Griffin and Peter Dale Scott, eds., 9/11 and the American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (Northampton: Interlink, 2006); also available at
videos of the WTC collapses, see “9/11/01 WTC Videos”
The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions
and Distortions, 31-32.
For discussions of these six points, see the essay by physicist Stephen E.
Jones, mentioned above, and David Ray Griffin, “The Destruction of the World
Trade Center: Why the Official Account
Cannot Be True,” in Paul Zarembka, ed., The Hidden History of 9-11-2001
(Amsterdam: Elsevier, March, 2006; also available at, December 9,
2005 []).
“PAVE PAWS, Watching North America’s Skies, 24 Hours a Day” (
Russ Wittenberg, who flew large commercial airliners for 35 years after serving
in Vietnam as a fighter pilot, says that it would have been impossible for
Flight 77 to have “descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while
performing a steep 270 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s
first floor wall without touching the lawn.” It would, he adds, have been
“totally impossible for an amateur who couldn’t even fly a Cessna to maneuver
the jetliner in such a highly professional manner” (Greg Szymanski, “Former
Vietnam Combat and Commercial Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government
Job,” Lewis News, Sunday, January 8, 2006
[]). Hanjour’s incompetence was reported
by the New York Times, May 4, 2002, and CBS News, May 10, 2002. The 9/11
Commission Report in one place calls Hanjour “the operation’s most experienced
pilot” (530n147). But it elsewhere acknowledges that he was known to be a
“terrible pilot” (225-26, 242).
Besides the fact that this is what we would expect, this is evidently what
Pentagon officials tell their employees. April Gallop, who was working in the
Pentagon on 9/11, has reportedly said that during her classified tour when she
was first assigned to the Pentagon, she was told that it was the best-defended
building in the world (John Judge, “Pentagon and P-56 Preparations and Defenses
and the Stand-Down on 9/11,” Ratville Times, Jan. 11, 2006 []).
See Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report:
Omissions and Distortions, 159-64.
Thierry Meyssan, who has referred to these anti-missile batteries (Pentagate
[London: Carnot, 2002], 112, 116), has
said with regard to his source of information:
“The presence of these anti-missile batteries was testified to me by
French officers to whom they were shown during an official visit to the
Pentagon. This was later confirmed to me by a Saudi officer.”
John Judge, co-founder of 9-11 Citizens Watch, has reported that one day his
father -- John Joseph Judge, a WWII Army Air Corps veteran who worked at the
Pentagon until his death in 1965 -- showed him the location of an
air-to-surface missile.
Judge also reports that in 1998, he was given a tour of the Pentagon by Colonel
Robinson, the long-time director of security. While they were outside talking
about threats from terrorists, Robinson pointed to the roof and said, “we have
cameras and radar up there to make sure they don’t try to run a plane into the
building.” Since cameras and radars by themselves would not stop anything,
Judge concluded, Robinson’s statement implicitly referred to anti-aircraft
missiles (John Judge, “Pentagon and P-56 Preparations and Defenses and the
Stand-Down on 9/11,“ Ratville Times, Jan. 11, 2006 []; Judge, incidentally, intends with these
accounts to argue that there must have been a stand-down order, not to support
the idea that a missile hit the Pentagon).
The Pentagon, to be sure, has denied that it had any anti-aircraft batteries at
that time, saying that they had been considered “too costly and too dangerous
to surrounding residential areas” (Paul Sperry, “Why the Pentagon Was So
Vulnerable,” WorldNetDaily, Sept. 11, 2001
[]). But can anyone believe
that Pentagon officials would have let such considerations prevent them from
protecting themselves?
Won-Young Kim and Gerald R. Baum, “Seismic Observations during September 11,
2001, Terrorist Attack”
Karen Kwiatkowski, “Assessing the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory,” in Griffin
and Scott, eds., 9/11 and the American Empire:
Intellectuals Speak Out. For a more technical discussion of the debris,
see “The Missing Wings” (, in which
A. K. Dewdney and G. W. Longspaugh argue that the absence of wing debris alone
is sufficient to disprove the claim that a huge airliner hit the Pentagon. With
regard to debris inside the building, both Ed Plaugher, the county fire chief,
and Lee Evey, the head of the renovation project, reported seeing no big pieces
from an airplane (DoD News Briefings, September 12 and 15, 2001).
For photographic evidence and discussions thereof, see Eric Hufschmid, Painful
Questions, Chap. 9, and Dave McGowan, “September 11, 2001 Revisited: The Series:
Act II,” Center for an Informed America (
Nelson spoke on The Power Hour, April 27, 2005
Ralph Omholt, “9-11 and the Impossible: Part
One of an Online Journal of 9-11” (
Nikki Lowe, “Pentagon Survivor Donates $500 in Lieu of a Retirement Party: Isabelle Slifer Shares Her Story,” Pentagon
Memorial Fund Site
contrast, when the airliners crashed into the Twin Towers, several floors of
each building were immediately damaged.
“Eyewitness: The Pentagon,”,
June 30, 2005
relevant is testimony that it appeared to be a small military airplane, because
some such planes and some missiles look very much alike. Danielle O’Brien, one
of the air traffic controllers at Dulles, said on the basis of the radar data: “The speed, the maneuverability, the way that
he turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic
controllers, that that was a military plane” (ABC News, Oct. 24, 2001). Another
witness, seeing the aircraft from a 14th floor apartment in Pentagon City, said
that it “seemed to be able to hold eight or twelve persons” and “made a shrill
noise like a fighter plane” (“Extensive Casualties in Wake of Pentagon Attack,”
Washington Post, Sept. 11, 2001). There were, to be sure, many people who
reported seeing an airliner, perhaps even one with American Airlines markings,
headed towards or even hit the Pentagon. For an assessment of the credibility
of these testimonies, which shows that they should not be given more weight
than the physical evidence and the contrary testimony, see Dave McGowan,
“September 11, 2001 Revisited: Act II: Addendum 2”
Upper Management LAX Official, “My Observation of LAX Security Events on 9/11.”
“News Transcript: Secretary Rumsfeld
Interview with Parade Magazine,” US Department of Defense, Oct. 12, 2001 (
Greg Szymanski, “Radiation Expert Claims High-Radiation Readings Near Pentagon
after 9/11 Indicate Depleted Uranium Used;
High-Ranking Army Officer Claims Missile Used at Pentagon, Not
Commercial Airliner,”,” Arctic Beacon, Aug. 18, 2005
[], and W. Leon Smith and Nathan
Diebenow, “DU: A Scientific Perspective: An Interview With Leuren Moret,
Geoscientist,” Lone Star Iconoclast, Crawford, Texas, Nov. 20, 2005
Szymanski, op. cit.
Karen Kwiatkowski, who was working at the Pentagon that morning, reports that
“any physical remains of the aircraft that hit the Pentagon were quickly carted
away to some unknown location, so we have no physical evidence that the
aircraft really was Flight 77 or even a Boeing 757” (“Assessing the Official
9/11 Conspiracy Theory”). Photographic evidence of this removal can be seen on
Eric Hufschmid’s video, “Painful Deceptions” (available at www.EricHufschmid.Net).
A photograph showing this literal cover-up can be seen in Ralph Omholt, “9-11
and the Impossible: Part One of an
Online Journal of 9-11” (
On the confiscation of the film from the Citgo gas station and a nearby hotel,
respectively, see Bill McKelway “Three Months On, Tension Lingers Near the
Pentagon,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, Dec. 11, 2001
Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough, “Inside the Ring,” Washington Times, Sept.
21, 2001.
Scott Bingham, who has tried to get videos of the Pentagon strike released
under the Freedom of Information Act, has his lawsuit and the revealing
response posted on his website, Welcome to Flight
( A summary of this response is provided in
“Government Responds to Flight 77 FOAI Request,”, Aug. 2005 (
Further evidence of a cover-up is provided by investigative journalist Wayne
Madsen, who reports that he learned from both a senior Pentagon official and a
U.S. Army employee that a strict anti-leak policy was enacted after 9/11, which
forbad all employees to discuss the Pentagon strike and the FBI’s confiscation
of the security video tapes (Wayne Madsen Report, Jan. 15, 2006
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report
of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States,
Authorized Edition (New York: W. W.
Norton, 2004), 39.
See Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report:
Omissions and Distortions, 241-44.
The 9/11 Commission Report, 40.
“Statement of Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta before the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, May 23, 2003”
(available at
“Air Attack on Pentagon Indicates Weaknesses,” Newsday, Sept. 23, 2001.
The 9/11 Commission Report, 34.
During the Senate Armed Services Committee’s interview with General Richard
Myers (who was nominated to become chair of the Joint Chiefs) on September 13,
2001, the chair, Senator Carl Levin, said that “there have been statements that
the aircraft that crashed in Pennsylvania was shot down.” Myers replied that
“the armed forces did not shoot down any aircraft” (“Senate Armed Services
Committee Holds Hearing on Nomination of General Richard Myers to be Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Washington, D.C., September 13, 2001” [available
See Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report:
Omissions and Distortions, 238-39. Additional evidence that Flight 93
was shot down came from an apparent slip by Secretary Rumsfeld during his visit
to Iraq on Christmas Eve, 2004, when he referred to “the people who attacked
the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and
attacked the Pentagon” (“Surprise Trip for Donald Rumsfeld,” CNN, Dec. 24, 2004
of a more explicit nature came from Paul Cellucci, Washington’s envoy to Canada
in February of 2005. Seeking to convince Canada to support the missile defense
shield, he told his audience in Toronto that a Canadian general was in charge
of NORAD on 9/11 when it, under orders from President Bush, scrambled military
jets to shoot down a hijacked aircraft headed for Washington (Colin Perkel and
Beth Gorham, “Missile Rejection Perplexes U.S.,” Canadian Press, Feb. 23, 2005
Clarke reports that he received the authorization from Cheney shortly after
9:45, when the evacuation of the White House began (Richard A. Clarke, Against
All Enemies: Inside America’s War on
Terror [New York: Free Press, 2004],
7-8). According to James Bamford and an ABC News program called “9/11” (Sept.
11, 2002), Colonel Marr, after receiving Cheney’s shoot-down order, “sent out
word to air traffic controllers to instruct fighter pilots to destroy the
United jetliner,” saying: “United
Airlines Flight 93 will not be allowed to reach Washington, D.C.” (Bamford, A
Pretext for War [New York: Doubleday,
2004], 65-66). “These testimonies contradict the 9/11 Commission’s claim that the
military did not even know about the hijacking of Flight 93 until it had
For additional evidence, see Griffin, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, 237-40.
Why exactly the military denied shooting down Flight 93, rather than taking
credit for preventing a second attack on Washington, is unclear. But the very
fact that the military and the White House have steadfastly denied shooting
down Flight 93 suggests that this was a criminal act, which as such needed to
be covered up.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard:
American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (New York: Basic Books, 1997), 24-25, 35-36, 212.
Secretary of State Powell promised a White Paper presenting this proof, but it
was never produced. Also, although the Taliban said that it would hand bin
Laden over if the United States presented evidence of his involvement in 9/11,
Bush replied that there would be no negotiations or even discussion (“White
House Warns Taliban: ‘We Will Defeat
You,’”, Sept. 21, 2001). Four weeks after the attacks began, a Taliban
spokesman said: "We will negotiate.
But . . . [w]e are not a province of the United States, to be issued orders to.
We have asked for proof of Osama's involvement, but they have refused.
Why?" (Kathy Gannon, AP, “Taliban Willing To Talk, But Wants U.S. Respect”
See Ahmed Rashid, Taliban: Militant
Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001), Chs. 12 and 13,
entitled “Romancing the Taliban: The
Battle for Pipelines.”
Godoy, “U.S. Taliban Policy Influenced by Oil,” Inter Press Service, Nov. 16,
This according to Niaz Naik, the highly respected Pakistani representative at
the meeting, as reported in George Arney, “U.S. ‘Planned Attack on Taleban,’”
BBC News, Sept. 18, 2001. According to a story in the Guardian, “Threat of U.S.
Strikes Passed to Taliban Weeks Before NY Attack” (Sept. 22, 2001), one of the
American representatives confirmed that this discussion of military action did
See Paul D. Wolfowitz and Zalmay M. Khalilzad, “Saddam Must Go,” Weekly
Standard, Dec. 1997; PNAC, “Letter to
President Clinton on Iraq,” Jan. 26, 1998 (; and PNAC, “Letter to Gingrich and Lott,” May
29, 1998 ( The signers of the latter two letters
included Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld.
The Project for the New American Century, Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New
Century, September 2000 (, 14.
Paul O’Neill, who was secretary of the treasury and hence a member of the
National Security Council, has stated this in Ron Susskind, The Price of
Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White
House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), and in an
interview on CBS’s “60 Minutes” on January 11, 2004. The main topic within days
of the inauguration, O’Neill says, was going after Saddam, with the question
being not “Why Saddam?” or “Why Now?” but merely “finding a way to do it.”
Susskind, whose book also draws on interviews with other officials, says that
in its first weeks the Bush administration was discussing the occupation of
Iraq and the question of how to divide up its oil (
Richard Clarke, who had been the National Coordinator for Security and
Counterterrorism, has confirmed O’Neill’s charge, saying: “The administration of the second George Bush
did begin with Iraq on its agenda” (Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror [New York: Free Press, 2004], 264).
David Armstrong, “Dick Cheney’s Song of America,” Harper’s, October, 2002
(entered into the Congressional Record on October 10, 2002). One long section
of the 1992 draft, Armstrong points out, began by acknowledging “definitive
guidance from the Secretary of Defense.”
Rebuilding America’s Defenses, 50-51.
According to the Washington Post, Jan. 27, 2002.
Quoted in Bob Woodward, Bush at War (New York:
Simon & Schuster, 2002), 32.
“Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with the New York Times,” Oct. 12, 2001.
The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, Sept. 2002
Report of the Commission to Assess U.S. National Security Space Management and
Organization (
“Department of Defense News Briefing on Pentagon Attack, 6:42 PM, Sept. 11,
2001” (available at
The transcript, incidentally, has the question coming from Secretary Rumsfeld.
But the flow of the discussion suggests that it came from a reporter. In either
case, the 9/11 attacks were interpreted to mean that greater defense spending
was needed, “especially for missile defense.”
See at least most of the contributors to Paul Zarembka, ed., The Hidden History
of 9-11-2001 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2006
[March]); David Ray Griffin and Peter
Dale Scott, eds., 9/11 and the American Empire:
Intellectuals Speak Out (Northampton:
Interlink Books, 2006 [fall]); and
Kevin Barrett, John B. Cobb, Jr., and Sandra Lubarsky, eds., 9/11 and the
American Empire: Christians, Jews, and
Muslims Speak Out (Northampton: Interlink
Books, 2006 [fall]). These intellectuals include John B. Cobb, Jr., one of
America’s eminent Protestant theologians;
Rosemary Ruether, one of America’s leading Catholic theologians; Richard Falk, professor emeritus of
international law at Princeton University;
and Morgan Reynolds, the chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor
during part of the first term of George W. Bush.
64 Retired USAF Colonel George Nelson, for example, has written of the “nightmarish probability . . . that so many Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy in our country's history” (“911: Aircraft Parts as a Clue to Their Identity: The Precautionary Principle,”, April 23, 2005 []).