TO:       Dr. Jacques Jaikaran


FROM:     Dr. John C. Alden


DATE:     June 30, 2003 A.D.


SUBJECT:  help for a friend



Dear Jacques:


I am writing to you on behalf of my friend and colleague, Paul Andrew Mitchell.  I have given you a CD-ROM copy of the Supreme Law Library, which Paul conceived, developed and maintains with regular additions at his own expense.  That library is also available at Internet URL:


Between the public sector (which is accessible for free), and the private archives in the SupremeLaw group at Yahoo! Groups (which requires a modest subscription), there are over 50,000 documents in this library.  Paul is an excellent writer with a near photographic memory and a gift for seeing through the labyrinth.


Last week was a milestone for all of us, because his PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI was delivered to the U.S. Supreme Court.  I am an eyewitness in that case.  A printed copy of that PETITION is enclosed.  It is also on the Internet in hyperlinked form at URL:


Paul’s research, activism and extensive writings have attracted enormous amounts of retaliation, particularly the sustained and severe economic hardships.  He is presently living in extremely tight quarters in a “budget” hotel in downtown San Diego, but this is hardly a proper setup for someone with his talent, ability and potential.


He is also desirous of filing some valuable public interest litigation soon, which has the realistic potential to help the whole nation in very significant ways.  He needs a better small office/home office (“SOHO”) to make it all happen.


To illustrate, he has all the necessary computer hardware, including a cable modem and router, but the budget hotel where he is living does not allow telephones in the rooms, and they will not allow him to connect his cable modem to their coaxial TV cabling.  This forces him to pay hourly rates to access the Internet at the local Internet Café.


That hotel is also planning to remodel in the coming months.  This will disrupt Paul again by forcing him to dismantle and re-assemble his computer network twice (once to move into a temporary room, and once again to move back).  Disturbing that hardware is just not wise.


One of the several cases he is planning to litigate will have the People of California sue the seven largest California banks for honoring IRS levies without court-ordered WARRANTS OF DISTRAINT.  See U.S. v. O’Dell.  Paul has already started the foundation for that case, with a series of letters to those banks.


For example, those banks have now received verified and embossed copies of his excellent document entitled “31 Questions and Answers about the Internal Revenue Service.”  A copy is on your CD-ROM, and also at Internet URL:


Another case will sue the largest auto manufacturers and oil companies in California, for suppressing gas vaporizing technologies, and forcing the People of California to waste petroleum resources and to prolong a national dependence on foreign oil.  The research of a potential eyewitness in that case is available in Byron Wine’s folder:


A third case ‑‑ and I know you will be very interested in these plans ‑‑ will have Paul taking the “United States” (federal government) into involuntary bankruptcy, in his capacity as a Private Attorney General.  On a spiritual level, Paul is excited that 2003 A.D. turns out to be a Jubilee Year: 70 years have now passed since the secret bankruptcy that occurred in the year 1933 A.D. (not a secret any longer however).


Other cases are already underway, and would benefit from additional follow-up.  In this category are Paul’s MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION to the Ninth Circuit, to bar IRS from depositing any tax collections into any accounts other than the Treasury of the United States;  and his APPLICATION FOR ORDER DISSOLVING THE IRS which was filed in the Article III District Court of the United States in Santa Ana, California, last year.  These pleadings are available here:


Paul distributes hard copies of both pleadings to people all around the world, to supplement their correspondence with IRS, and the impacts have been dramatic.  New Zealand loves them too.


Very soon, Paul plans to serve a SUBPOENA on the State Bar of California, to produce the missing certificates of oath that must be indorsed upon all licenses to practice law in the State of California.  That SUBPOENA can be enforced directly by the U.S. Supreme Court, because the State of California will be the Respondent.  See Article III which confers original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court in such cases (“in which a State shall be Party”).


A companion SUBPOENA will command the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) to produce proper Presidential Commissions for all presently seated federal district and circuit judges.  In the course of appealing his copyright and trademark case to the Ninth Circuit, Paul was told by the DOJ in Washington, D.C., that they do not have Presidential Commissions for all federal judges.  After Paul submitted a proper FOIA request, it is now evident that 36 of 45 Ninth Circuit judges do not have the requisite credentials!  Additional follow-up is planned in a matter of days.  See 18 U.S.C. 912 (a federal felony).


All of these plans will require money, of course.  Paul and I have decided that it’s time to approach potential benefactors with the goal of raising $50,000 to support Paul’s continuing projects.  About 25% of this amount will be used to pre-pay the annual lease on a modern and private SOHO apartment situated close to the downtown courthouse and law library.  The remainder will cover office and living expenses, computer upgrades, research, writing and litigation costs (e.g. telephone and Internet access, filing fees, postage, stationery, etc.)


Paul wants to build 2 powerful dual-processors, and link them to each other and to a high-speed “broadband” Internet connection.  The prices of computer components have dropped so much, it is now possible to build a dual-CPU supercomputer for about $3,000, e.g. dual-Athlon or dual-Xeon.  These fast computers will be integrated into Paul’s existing LAN (local area network) of 2 slower machines, which will act as storage servers for redundant system and database file backups.


If need be, benefactors can receive a partial interest in the proceeds of another book which Paul is planning to write, entitled “Courts on Trial: Cracking the Code of Judicial Review.”  This book will document Paul’s first-hand experience with the widespread corruptions that now exist inside the federal courts.  His PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI is only a small part of that amazing story.  Paul is also willing to explore a 3-part production of “The Federal Zone” with major film studios, and he’s prepared to author the screenplay of opening scenes.


If you, or anyone you know, are in a position to originate a generous grant to Paul, please contact me directly.  Paul is committed to helping me as Trustee of The EyeCare Fund ‑‑ Vision for Everyone.  This fund will provide free routine and emergency eye care to patients who cannot afford health insurance.


We will both very much appreciate any assistance you can provide.



Sincerely yours,





John C. Alden, M.D., Eye Surgery

350 – 30th Street, Suite 444

Oakland 94609-3426



office: (510) 452-2020

home:   (510) 525-5194
