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Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 22:33:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Paul Andrew Mitchell" <>
Subject: San Diego County Grand Jury will review my case: GJ File # 2003/04-070 [CORRECTED]


Dear Friends,
I must be doing something right, finally, because the above is
the letter which I received today from Mr. Thomas E. McCarthy,
Foreman of the Grand Jury for the County of San Diego.
If you have been following the latest news in my Civil RICO case
now pending before the Superior Court of California, there was
a recent rash of mail fraud originating from the Office of the
Presiding Judge.  A Deputy District Attorney recognized fraud
in their correspondence, and recommended that I bring the
matter to the attention of the State Attorney General's office.
On the same day that I hand-delivered evidence of mail fraud
to the State Attorney General's office in downtown San Diego,
they referred the matter to the State AG's office in Sacramento.
Also, the Sheriffs in the county courthouse also recommended
that I consider filing a complaint with the Grand Jury.  I have
now submitted my complaint on their official Complaint Form here:
And, the Sheriffs also kindly served on the Presiding Judge's Office
my DEMAND for the identity of the author of the fraudulent
correspondence which I received from their office.  To date,
personnel in that Office have refused to reveal the identity(s)
of the author(s) of that fraudulent letter.
You could all help me a LOT by writing promptly to Mr. McCarthy --
to explain that it is of utmost importance to the People of California,
and to the entire nation, that I be guaranteed an opportunity to
try my Civil RICO case before a jury of my peers.
The federal government had their chance, and they blew it -- BADLY!
This is not a lot to ask, because my attempts to try my case before
a federal trial jury were entirely obstructed by federal employees,
many of whom turned up withOUT the requisite credentials;
and those federal employees were likewise aided and abetted
by numerous attorneys who turned up withOUT the licenses
that are required by the California State Bar Act:
(see section 6067, in chief)
Moreover, my federal case was "coercively" referred to a
man alleging falsely to be a federal Magistrate, when
25 years of Ninth Circuit cases have held that such a
referral violates the U.S. Constitution AND the Federal
Magistrates Act, particularly when the consent of all
parties was never obtained:
On the legal merits, I do strongly believe that the grand jury
needs to be informed that Congress intended for private
attorneys general to step into the role I have now assumed,
in particular because Congress found that there is a shortage
of public prosecutors sufficiently qualified to investigate and
prosecute organized crime syndicates:
In particular, after the RICO laws were amended, criminal copyright
infringement became a RICO predicate act, warranting triple damages
on top of the actual damages I deserve from such infringements.
Since State courts have original jurisdiction of Civil RICO claims,
it stands to reason that the county grand jury would also have
the power and authority to pursue such investigations, if and when
local Districts Attorney either decline and/or are not qualified
to pursue them officially.
I don't know if it will ultimately make any difference to the grand jury,
one way or the other, but I don't think it could hurt if you explained
to them that the restitution I deserve is now intended to be used
for charitable purposes, and to help the People of San Diego
in particular.  My spiritual values prevent me from spending such
sums on selfish purposes.
Please take the time to write to the Foreman at the following address
(preferably with AFFIDAVITs attesting to my qualifications):
Mr. Thomas E. McCarthy, Foreman
San Diego County Grand Jury
Hall of Justice
330 W. Broadway, Suite 477
San Diego 92101-3830
Reference: Grand Jury File # 2003/04-070
Thank you all very much for your prompt assistance and support.
If you do find the time to write to the Foreman above, please
send me a courtesy copy of your correspondence.  I would
appreciate that very much.

Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Private Attorney General and Plaintiff,
Superior Court of California docket #GIC807057

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