c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
                                         Tucson [zip code exempt]
                                                 ARIZONA REPUBLIC

                                                 October 16, 1996

                     FINAL NOTICE AND DEMAND

Governor Fife Symington
State of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona state

Dear Governor Symington:

                          FINAL NOTICE

This is to place you on formal written notice that alleged agents
of the  United States  and of the State of Arizona, including the
Attorney General  of Arizona,  have failed or otherwise neglected
entirely to  register Me  as a  qualified Elector in the upcoming
November general  elections.  As a Citizen of Arizona state, I am
entitled by  Law to  choose My  Representative in the Congress of
the United States, pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 1, in
the Constitution  for the  United States  of America, as lawfully
amended ("U.S.  Constitution").   This practice  by the  State of
Arizona is  a blatant  deprivation of  fundamental Rights,  under
color of state law, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 242.


Accordingly, I  hereby make  this final  written demand  of  you,
Governor Fife  Symington, to  order the  Arizona  State  Attorney
General to  register Me as a "Qualified Elector" for the upcoming
November general  election, and  to provide  me with  an official
absentee Elector  ballot, in  the event  that I  should be out of
state on  business during  general election  week.   Since I have
made numerous  attempts to  settle this  matter administratively,
and judicially,  beginning in  the late  Spring of 1996, I hereby
demand that you issue said order immediately, in order to obviate
major government  and individual  liabilities  for  violating  18
U.S.C. 242,  and also Article I, Section 2, Clause 1, in the U.S.
Constitution, which  you have  taken a  solemn oath to support, I

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state, federal witness
and Counselor at Law (not a federal citizen)

copies:   Clerk of Court, District Court of the United States
          Judge Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
          Chief Justice, Arizona Supreme Court
          Attorney General, Arizona State
          Speaker, Arizona House of Representatives
          President, Arizona State Senate

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Arizona v. Mitchell : Voting Rights Violation