C E R T I F I C A T E   O F   S E R V I C E

     At the time of service, I hereby certify that I was at least

18 years of age, that I was not a party to the action, and that I

personally served  this NOTICE and PETITION on interested parties

by delivering one copy of each document, on this twentieth (20th)

day of November, 1992, in a sealed envelope addressed as follows,

and by  leaving the  same NOTICE  and PETITION  at the  following

physical location:

Barbara Boxer
3301 Kerner Boulevard
San Rafael, California Republic

Dated:  November 20, 1992 Anno Domini

Randy Hillner
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

                   A C K N O W L E D G M E N T

I hereby acknowledge receipt of the NOTICE and PETITION mentioned

above, at the physical location shown above:

Signed Name                            Date

Printed Name                           Title

for Barbara Boxer, 3301 Kerner Boulevard, San Rafael, California.

   Certificate of Service of NOTICE and PETITION: page 1 of 1

                             #  #  #      

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People v. Boxer