Transcript of Paul Mitchell's Voice Mail
                Saturday Evening:  April 6, 1996

Enter your number please.


Please enter your security code.

You have two saved messages.

Main menu.

To listen to your messages, press "1".

First saved message:

Paul, this is Ivy West.

I need you to give me a call.

I need  to tell  you what  Elizabeth is  doing, and  how  she  is
defrauding people.

I have  the documents.   And  she's lying  and she's going to get
everyone arrested when they go to this thing this weekend.

I need  you to  call me  because she said, "Well, if I won't help
her, then she's gonna have you help her."

And I said, "So, you're gonna have him go to jail with you?"

And she  said,  ""Well,  everybody  knows  what  they're  getting
themselves into."

I said,  "No, they  don't, because  you're not  disclosing what's
going on."

Paul, you  need to call me.  800-841-2195.  It's my pager.  I can
read it.   Leave a number where I can call you back directly, and
I'll call you back right away.

Thank you.

End of message.

To erase this message, press "7".

Transcription by:

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law, Federal Witness,
and Private Attorney General



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