


Archived here with permission

of the author, Janet Phelan

and Robert Kelly, Publisher,

The American's Bulletin

telephone:  541-779-7709



May of 2004, the court appointed John T. Rogers, Jr., to "protect the interests of Lee Peters, conservatee."  Rogers met with Lee only twice in the twenty-two months he was her attorney, refusing many requests to meet by his court-appointed client.  He promised her he would ensure she remain at home and that her son Casey would be her conservator.


According to Marilyn Peters, who is writing a book about the experience with conservatorship court, Rogers exacerbated the situation in the following ways:


When a competing petition for conservator was filed by Kathy Peters and Nora Hamill, Casey and Marilyn requested he speak with Lee about this. He refused.


Rogers added to the mix conservatorship of the estate to what was only a request for conservator of person.


Rogers  botched the mediation.  He refused to allow Lee to be present.  When the mediation agreement was unsatisfactory to Casey and Marilyn, he agreed to make the suggested changes, but failed to do so.


Rogers exhibited verbal rage when confronted with this failure.


After reporting to the judge that the mediation had broken down, Rogers recommended the appointment of professional conservator Frumeh Labow, who decimated Lee's previously unencumbered estate.


When Judge Aviva Bobb asked for the Trust to be brought to her, Rogers refused.  When Casey subpoenaed all financial records from Lee’s credit union, Rogers instructed them not to comply with the request.


Rogers declared to the court the advisability of institutionalizing Lee, violating his original promise.


According to Marilyn Peters, "The conservator denied Lee social interactions, exercise, proper nutrition, adequate fluids, vital medical care which resulted in her untimely and preventable death."


Rogers was awarded $75,000 in attorney’s fees.