Certified U.S. Mail                   c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
Serial Number #P-476-653-252                Tucson, Arizona state
Return Receipt Requested                          zip code exempt

                                                    June 19, 1996


Attorney General
Department of Justice
10th and Constitution, N.W.
Washington, D.C.

Dear Attorney General:

This is  a request under the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"),
5 U.S.C. 552 et seq., and regulations thereunder.

If some of this request is exempt from release, please furnish Me
with those  portions  reasonably  segregable.    I  am  requiring
certified copies  of the documents requested, in lieu of personal
inspection of same.

Documents requested:

     For all  633 federal  agents who  rotated in  and out of the
     standoff with  the "Montana  Freemen"  in  Garfield  county,
     Montana state, including also FBI Agent Thomas T. Kubic, the
     local FBI  commander, and  FBI Director  Louis J. Freeh (see
     attached  newspaper   article  entitled  "Freemen  surrender
     peacefully;  court battle next," written by Len Iwanski, The
     Associated Press,  Tucson Citizen,  Friday, June  14,  1996,
     page 5A):

     1.   Certified copies  of their  solemn oaths  of office, as
          required by  Article VI,  Clause 3, of the Constitution
          for the United States of America, as lawfully amended.

     2.   Certified copies of their fidelity bonds.

     3.   Certified  copies   of  their   formal  delegations  of
          authority, beginning  with the  President, through  the
          Attorney General, linking all officials in the chain of
          command between them and the President.

     4.   Certified copies  of their  licenses to practice law in
          the State of Montana.

     5.   Certified   copies    of   their   alien   registration
          certificates (applicable to all resident aliens).

The requested  records are  not exempt  from  disclosure  because

     (A)  could not  reasonably be expected to interfere with law
          enforcement proceedings;

     (B)  would not  deprive a  person of a right to a fair trial
          or an impartial adjudication;

     (C)  could not  reasonably  be  expected  to  constitute  an
          unwarranted invasion of personal property;

     (D)  could  not  reasonably  be  expected  to  disclose  the
          identity of a confidential source;

     (E)  would not  disclose techniques  and procedures  for law
          enforcement investigations  or prosecutions,  and would
          not   disclose    guidelines   for    law   enforcement
          investigations or prosecutions;

     (F)  could not  reasonably be  expected to endanger the life
          or physical safety of any individual.

                                        [see Exemption 7 in FOIA]

The official  credentials of  federal officers  employed  by  the
United States  Department of  Justice  for  duty  in  and  around
Garfield county,  Montana state,  are matters  of  public  record
which are not covered by the Privacy Act ("PA"), or by any of the
exemptions listed in the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA").

If you  are not  the correct  person  to  whom  this  Freedom  of
Information Act  Request should be directed, kindly forward it to
the correct person.

Time is  of the  essence.   If you  have any questions about your
rights and  obligations under  5 U.S.C. 552 et seq., permit us to
recommend that  you review A CITIZEN'S GUIDE ON USING THE FREEDOM
GOVERNMENT RECORDS,  First  Report  by  The  House  Committee  on
Government  Operations,  Subcommittee  on  Information,  Justice,
Transportation, and  Agriculture, 1993 Edition, House Report 103-
104, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, Union Calendar No. 53.

Thank you  very much  for your consideration, and for your timely
obedience to  the controlling  laws in  this matter, specifically
the Freedom  of Information  Act and  the  Constitution  for  the
United States of America, as lawfully amended.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

attachment:  Associated Press column by Len Iwanski
             mentioned above

email:    supremelawfirm@altavista.net

website:  http://supremelaw.com

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People v. United States et al.