c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 Tucson [zip code exempt] ARIZONA STATE December 12, 1996 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS AGAINST: Rupert Randall Parsons Keven Entzel WITH VERIFICATION PER 28 U.S.C. 1746(1) Postmaster Billings, Montana state Postal Zone 59108/tdc Dear Postmaster: This is My formal NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS of obstruction of correspondence and mail tampering against the men currently going by the names of "Rupert Randall Parsons" and "Keven Entzel" and doing business at "The Freedom Center" [sic], P.O. Box 80446, Billings, Montana state, Postal Zone 59108-0446 [sic]. I received today, at USPS Station #749 in Arizona state, a large 10x14" envelope with the following items of first class, priority, and certified U.S. Mail addressed to Me, at "The Freedom Center" (see mailing location described above): 1. #10 envelope from Department of State, U.S.A., Washington, D.C. 20520, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, IS/FPC/RD-Rm. 1512, postmarked October 28, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 2. #10 envelope from Clerk, U.S. District Court, District of Montana, 5405 Federal Building, 316 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana 59101, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use $300, postmarked October 28, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 3. #10 envelope from U.S. Department of Justice, Mail Referral Unit, RM. B 324, 10th & Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530, Official Business, postmarked October 23, 1996 status: not opened before delivery 4. #10 envelope from U.S. Department of Justice, Mail Referral Unit, RM. B 324, 10th & Constitution, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530, postmarked October 8, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 5. #10 envelope from Department of State, U.S.A., Washington, D.C. 20520, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, IS/FPC/RD - 1512, postmarked October 9, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 6. #10 envelope from U.S. Department of Justice, Tax Division, CTS, Eastern/FOIA, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, postmarked October 21, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 7. #10 envelope from U.S. Department of Justice, Mail Referral Unit, RM. B 324, 10th & Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20530, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, postmarked October 15, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 8. #10 envelope from Jackson & Rice, Counselors at Law, 833 North Last Chance Gulch, Helena, Montana 59601, postmarked November 12, 1996 status: not opened before delivery 9. #10 envelope from U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, P.O. Box 3235, Salt Lake City, Utah 84110- 3235, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, postmarked October 11, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 10. #10 envelope from Internal Revenue Service, Ogden, UT 84201, M/S 7000, postmarked October 17, 1996 status: not opened before delivery 11. #10 envelope from Internal Revenue Service, 7000 DEN, 600 17th Street, Denver, CO 80202, Official Business, Penalty for Private Use, $300, postmarked October 25, 1996 status: not opened before delivery 12. 9x12" envelope from Clerk, U.S. District Court, 301 South Park, Room 542, Federal Building, Drawer 10015, Helena, MT 59626, Official Business, Certified U.S. Mail serial number #P 525 020 838, postmarked October 18,1996, "picked up 21st Oct, 96 RRP" [sic] status: opened before delivery to Me 13. 9x12" envelope from Dana., Dudley, Sui Juris, American national P.O.W., c/o General Delivery, Y.C.D.F., 3165 King Avenue East, Billings city, Montana state, zip code exempt, postmarked October 12, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 14. 9x12" envelope from Dana., Dudley, Sui Juris, juris et de jure, American national, P.O.W. Hostage, c/o Y.C.D.F., 3165 King Avenue East, Billings city, Montana state, zip code exempt, Lawful Mail, See Public Law: 91-375, Sec. 403, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1510, 1702, obstruction of correspondence and mail tampering, 5 year jail term each, postmarked October 12, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 15. 9x12" envelope from Dana., Dudley, Sui Juris, Political Hostage, Yellowstone County Detention Facility, 3165 King Ave. East, Billings, Montana state, united States of America, Zip Exempt, Lawful Mail, See Public Law 91-375, Sec. 403, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1702, 1510, obstruction of correspondence, 5 year jail term, postmarked October 10, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me 16. 10x14" envelope from Dana., Dudley, Sui Juris, American national, P.O.W. Hostage, c/o General Delivery at Y.C.D.F. at 3165 King Avenue East, Billings city, Montana state, zip code exempt, postmarked October 8, 1996 status: opened before delivery to Me Total number of pieces delayed: 16 Total number of envelopes opened: 12 Summary of charges: against Rupert Randall Parsons [sic]: 16 counts of obstruction of correspondence 12 counts of mail tampering against Keven Entzel [sic]: 16 counts of obstruction of correspondence 12 counts of mail tampering Enclosed please find the empty envelopes, the contents of which I have removed because they consist of important legal mail which was transmitted to Me by the respective senders. Because I have obviously needed to open all envelopes to remove their contents, I have indicated above which envelopes were previously opened without my prior authorization, and which were not opened without my prior authorization. Please be advised that at no time did I ever sign or date a USPS Form 3801, Standing Delivery Order, authorizing anyone else to receive, or to sign for, any class of U.S. Mail directed to Me at "The Freedom Center, P.O. Box 80446, Billings, Montana", particularly Certified U.S. Mail. Please send Me all necessary forms for Me to file formal criminal charges against the individuals named above, for the violations itemized above. Thank you very much for your consideration. VERIFICATION I, Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S., Citizen of Arizona state, federal witness, and Counselor at Law, hereby verify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the "United States", that the above statements of fact are true and correct, to the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1). Executed on December 12, 1996: /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S. Citizen of Arizona state, federal witness, Counselor at Law, and Relator in People v. United States, District Court of the United States, Billings, Montana state copies: Federal Bureau of Investigation Billings, Montana state Office Manager, USPS Station #749 Tucson, Arizona state Postal Inspector, Billings, Montana Postal Zone 59108 Postal Inspector, Tucson, Arizona Postal Zone 85719 all mail senders itemized above email: supremelawfirm@altavista.net website: http://supremelaw.com # # #
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People v. United States et al.