TO:       Richard McDonald

FROM:     Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
          Counselor at Law

DATE:     April 13, 1997

SUBJECT:  Removal by Plaintiffs in People v. United States et al.

     28 U.S.C. 1441.  Actions removable generally

     (b)  Any civil  action of  which the  district  courts  have
     original jurisdiction  founded on  a claim  or right arising
     under the  Constitution, treaties  or  laws  of  the  United
     States shall  be removable without regard to the citizenship
     or residence of the parties.


     (e)  The court  to which such civil action is removed is not
     precluded from  hearing and  determining any  claim in  such
     civil action  because the  State court from which such civil
     action is removed did not have jurisdiction over that claim.

We have  beat Judge  Shanstrom on  this point.  Specifically, the
Plaintiffs claim  a right  which  arises  under  the  Freedom  of
Information  Act,   and  the  state  court  has  no  jurisdiction
whatsoever over such a claim.

We  will   petition  the   Ninth  Circuit  for  leave  to  appeal
interlocutory order  on  this  point,  but  only  after  we  have
requested a  Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law, in order to
perfect the case file on appeal.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law and federal witness
c/o 2509 N. Campbell Avenue, #1776
Tucson, Arizona state
Postal Zone 85719/tdc



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People v. United States et al.