TO:       J. Kevin O'Brien, Chief
          Freedom of Information-Privacy Act Section
          Information Resources Division
          Federal Bureau of Investigation
          U.S. Department of Justice

FROM:     Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
          Counselor at Law

DATE:     August 24, 1996

SUBJECT:  Kubic, Thomas J., et al.
          FOIAPA No. 411592

I have  received but not accepted your letter date-stamped August
19, 1996.   This is to inform you that I have refused said letter
for fraud.

The requisite  credentials of  all 633 federal agents who rotated
in and  out of  the standoff with the Montana Freemen in Garfield
county, Montana state, are a matter of public record.

Specifically,  their   Appointment  Affidavits  are  OMB-approved
forms.    For  example,  see  OMB  Approval  No.  50-R0118,  U.S.
Government Printing Office: 1985-461-275/20152, Standard Form 61,
Revised September  1970, U.S.  Civil Service  Commission,  F.P.M.
Chapter 295, 61-107.  See Paperwork Reduction Act.

We have  sent numerous  FOIA requests  to the executive branch of
the federal  government, and  we have  received many  Appointment
Affidavits in response to said requests.  Please take note of the
fact that  said Affidavits exhibit the oath of office required by
Article VI, Clause 3, and 5 U.S.C. 3331.

If any  of the  633 alleged  federal agents whose credentials are
sought should  feel it necessary to redact their signatures lines
from said  Appointment Affidavits, I will not object.  I think it
only proper that their signatures be protected against forgeries,
don't you  agree?  We wouldn't want them to be the victims of any

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law
c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
Tucson, Arizona state



copy:     Attorney General
          Department of Justice

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People v. United States et al.