Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris
c/o general delivery
Battle Lake [zip code exempt]

In Propria Persona

Under Protest and
by Special Visitation


                      DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA

                         FOURTH DIVISION

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [sic], )  Case No. CR-4-96-65
          Plaintiff [sic],      )  NOTICE OF MOTION AND
                                )  MOTION TO DISMISS
     v.                         )  DUE TO ILLEGAL GRAND JURY
                                )  PROCEEDINGS:
EVERETT C. GILBERTSON [sic],    )  28 U.S.C. 1867;
                                )  Rule 6(b)(2), Federal Rules
          Defendant [sic].      )  of Criminal Procedure

COMES NOW  Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris, Citizen of Minnesota

state, expressly  not a  citizen of  the United  States ("federal

citizen") and Defendant in the above entitled matter (hereinafter

"Defendant"), to move this honorable Court to dismiss the instant

case with prejudice, due to improper seating and improper conduct

of the  federal grand  jury which  issued the indictment on which

the instant  case is  premised, and  to provide  formal Notice of

same to all interested party(s).

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 1 of 9

     This honorable Court will please take formal judicial Notice

of the  fact that  Defendant is  not a bar-licensed attorney, and

has not had the advantage(s) of formal education in an accredited

law school.  For this reason, Defendant must learn and digest the

particulars of  law and procedure independently, as time permits.

Therefore, this  Motion is  timely because the proper workings of

the federal grand jury system have only recently been deciphered.

The seven-day  time limit  for filing motions related to improper

grand jury  procedure(s) does  not apply  in  the  instant  case,

particularly when  due process  Rights  guaranteed  by  the  U.S.

Constitution are  at issue.   Even with the statutory time limit,

this Motion  is timely  because it  is being  filed  as  soon  as

possible after  discovery of  the  rules  according  to  which  a

federal grand  jury is  required to  proceed.   Moreover, related

statutory provisions have only recently been unraveled to clarify

the grounds  and the  precise manner  in  which  this  Motion  is

required to be prepared and submitted to this honorable Court.

     The key  provision which  demonstrates that Defendant should

have been  notified of an investigation and proceedings, premised

upon allegations of complaint prior to the grand jury having been

convened, is  found at  Rule 6(b)(1)  of  the  Federal  Rules  of

Criminal Procedure, to wit:

     (1)  Challenges.   The attorney  for  the  government  or  a
     defendant who  has been held to answer in district court may
     challenge the  array of  jurors on the ground that the grand
     jury was  not selected, drawn or summoned in accordance with
     law, and  may challenge  an individual  juror on  the ground
     that the  juror is  not legally qualified.  Challenges shall
     be made  before the administration of the oath to the jurors
     and shall be tried by the court.
                                                 [emphasis added]

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 2 of 9

     By failing  properly to  notify the Defendant of allegations

of complaint  and intent  to present  matters to a grand jury for

consideration, the  United States  Attorney effectively  deprived

Defendant of:   (1)  the Fourth Amendment Right to have access to

affidavits of  complaint;   (2)  the  Sixth  Amendment  Right  to

interview witnesses  against him;   (3) the Sixth Amendment Right

to have  the assistance  of Counsel  during the proceedings;  and

(4) the  Right to challenge the jury selection process and/or the

qualifications of individual jury candidates.

     In the grand jury forum, prospective defendants enjoy Rights

articulated in  Rule 5.1(a), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure,

pertaining to preliminary examinations, to wit:

     The defendant  may cross-examine  adverse witnesses  and may
     introduce evidence.

               [Rule 5.1(a), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]

     This Court  will also  please take  formal Notice  that  the

Federal Rules  of Evidence,  which are  otherwise restrictive, do

not apply  to preliminary  hearings or to grand jury proceedings.

See  Rule   1101(d)(2)  and   (3),  Federal  Rules  of  Evidence.

Accordingly, the  applicable  elements  of  the  common  law  and

constitutionally guaranteed  Rights are  both preserved  in these

two forums.   According  to the  U.S. Supreme Court's decision in

Blair v.  United States, 250 U.S. 273, 282 (1919), the grand jury

retains common  law powers  and authority vested by common law of

English-American lineage  prior to  the ratification  of the U.S.

Constitution.   The reason  for the  preservation  of  the  grand

jury's traditional  authority, with  the exclusion  provision  at

Rule 1101(d)(2),  is found  at  28  U.S.C.  2072,  which  conveys

authority for  the U.S.  Supreme Court  to promulgate  rules  for

statutory courts of the United States, to wit:

     (b)  Such rules  shall not  abridge, enlarge  or modify  any
     substantive right.   All  laws in  conflict with  such rules
     shall be of no further force or effect after such rules have
     taken effect.

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 3 of 9

     Therefore,  convening   a  grand  jury  in  secret,  without

affording  Defendant   an  opportunity   to  challenge  the  jury

selection process or the qualifications of the individual jurors,

and to  exercise Fourth and Sixth Amendment Rights to have access

to the  substance of  complaints, to interview adverse witnesses,

and either  stand in  Defendant's own  stead or be represented by

counsel, defaults  the alleged  indictment into  an action  ultra

vires ab  initio (without  authority from  the beginning).    The

entire grand  jury array  must be  defaulted, therefore,  and the

indictment dismissed, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1867(d), to wit:

     (d)  Upon motion  filed under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of
     this section,  containing a  sworn statement of facts which,
     if true,  would constitute  a substantial  failure to comply
     with provisions  of this title ....  If the court determines
     that there has been a substantial failure to comply with the
     provisions of  this title  in selecting  the grand jury, the
     court shall  stay the proceedings pending the selection of a
     grand jury  in conformity  with this  title or  dismiss  the
     indictment, whichever is applicable.
                                                 [emphasis added]

     Where the  instant case is concerned, the alleged indictment

must be  dismissed  because  the  entire  selection  and  seating

process was  conducted under  the exclusive control of the United

States Attorney,  without Defendant  having had an opportunity to

participate  in  the  selection  and  qualification  process,  as

prescribed by Rule 6(b)(1), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

     This, of  necessity, defaults  all members of the grand jury

responsible for  the alleged  indictment, because an a posteriori

position does  not afford  the opportunity  to correct  an  error

which abridges  the provisions  of Rule  6(b)(1) of  the  Federal

Rules of Criminal Procedure.

     Defendant's Affidavit  of Facts,  as required  by 28  U.S.C.

1867(d), follows the PROOF OF SERVICE attending to this Motion.

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 4 of 9

                        REMEDY REQUESTED

     Premises considered, Defendant moves this honorable Court to

dismiss the  indictment  with  prejudice,  said  dismissal  being

mandated by the operation of law.


     Defendant hereby  verifies, under  penalty of perjury, under

the laws  of the  United States  of America,  without the "United

States", that  the above  statement of facts is true and correct,

and all matters of law addressed herein are accurate and true, to

the best  of  Defendant's  current  information,  knowledge,  and

belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

Dated: _______________________________________

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Everett C. Gilbertson
Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris
Citizen of Minnesota state
(expressly not a citizen of the United States)

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 5 of 9

                        PROOF OF SERVICE

I, Everett  C.  Gilbertson,  Sui  Juris,  hereby  certify,  under

penalty of  perjury, under  the laws  of  the  United  States  of

America, without the "United States," that I am at least 18 years

of age,  a Citizen  of one  of the  United States of America, and

that I personally served the following document(s):

                 28 U.S.C. 1867;  Rule 6(b)(1),
               Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
                   28 U.S.C. 1746(1), 1867(d)

by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first

class United  States Mail,  with  postage  prepaid  and  properly

addressed to the following:

Henry Shea
United States Attorneys
110 South Fourth Street
Minneapolis [zip code exempt]

Attorney General
Department of Justice
10th & Constitution, N.W.
Washington [zip code exempt]

Solicitor General
Department of Justice
10th & Constitution, N.W.
Washington [zip code exempt]

Dated:  _________________________________

/s/ Everett C. Gilbertson
Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris
Citizen of Minnesota state
(expressly not a citizen of the United States)

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

See USPS Publication #221 for addressing instructions.

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 6 of 9

Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris
c/o general delivery
Battle Lake [zip code exempt]

In Propria Persona

Under Protest and
by Special Visitation


                      DISTRICT OF MINNESOTA

                         FOURTH DIVISION

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [sic], )  Case No. CR-4-96-65
          Plaintiff [sic],      )  AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS
                                )  IN SUPPORT OF
     v.                         )  MOTION TO DISMISS DUE TO
                                )  ILLEGAL GRAND JURY PROCEEDING:
EVERETT C. GILBERTSON [sic],    )  28 U.S.C. 1746(1), 1867(d)
          Defendant [sic].      )

COMES NOW  Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris, Citizen of Minnesota

state, expressly  not a  citizen of  the United  States ("federal

citizen") and Defendant in the above entitled matter (hereinafter

"Defendant"), to submit this, Defendant's AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS.


     Defendant hereby  verifies, under  penalty of perjury, under

the laws  of the  United States  of America,  without the "United

States", that  the following  statement  of  facts  is  true  and

correct, and all matters of law addressed herein are accurate and

true, to  the best of Defendant's current information, knowledge,

and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 7 of 9

     I am  a Citizen  of Minnesota  state, which  is one  of  the

several States party to the Constitution for the United States of

America, as lawfully amended (hereinafter "U.S. Constitution").

     I inhabit  and live  in Battle  Lake,  Minnesota  state,  on

privately owned  land which  is not within any federal enclave or

federal area,  as ceded to the United States (federal government)

in compliance with 40 U.S.C. 255.  See also 18 U.S.C. 7(3).

     As such, I am endowed by My Creator with certain unalienable

Rights, and  I am  entitled to  all Rights  secured by  the  U.S.

Constitution, particularly  with respect  to due  process of  law

provisions articulated  in the  Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh

Amendments to said Constitution.

     I attest  that I  was never served with actual notice of any

grand jury  investigation  concerning  allegations  made  in  the

alleged indictment(s) filed in the instant case.

     I attest  that I was never present, nor was I represented by

counsel, when the grand jury was drawn and seated and, therefore,

I did  not have  the opportunity  to  challenge  the  grand  jury

qualification or  seating process  before the fact, as prescribed

by Rule 6(b)(1) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

     I attest  that I was never provided with copies of any valid

affidavits of complaint, as required by the Fourth Amendment, nor

did I  have an  opportunity to  confront witnesses against Me, as

assured by the Sixth Amendment.

     I attest  that I  was  never  provided  the  opportunity  to

present evidence  to the  grand jury  once convened,  nor to call

witnesses on My behalf.

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 8 of 9

     I attest  that  the  first  knowledge  I  had  of  any  such

proceedings was conveyed to Me by means of a "Warrant for Arrest"

[sic] which  was delivered  from the  office of  the Clerk of the

United States District Court  [sic]  by "IRS" agents [sic] and by

Ottertail County  Sheriff's deputies,  and by means of an alleged

"indictment"  [sic]  having  been  presented,  unsigned,  at  the

"arraignment" [sic].

     Further Affiant Sayeth Naught.

Dated: _______________________________________

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Everett C. Gilbertson
Everett C. Gilbertson, Sui Juris
Citizen of Minnesota state
(expressly not a citizen of the United States)

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

      Motion to Dismiss for Illegal Grand Jury Proceedings:
                          Page 9 of 9

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U.S.A. v. Gilbertson, District Court