TO:       Alicia Mason, Court Clerk for:

          Hon. Florence-Marie Cooper

          District Court of the United States

          Courtroom No. 750

          Edward R. Roybal Federal Building

          255 E. Temple Street

          Los Angeles, California 90012


FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell

          Private Attorney General


DATE:     May 28, 2002 A.D.


SUBJECT:  Courtesy Copies for Judge Cooper



Greetings Alicia Mason,


We just today discovered Judge Cooper’s website on the Internet, where we learned of her procedures for Courtesy Copies.


To date, we have been showing Judge Cooper as the recipient of Courtesy Copies on our PROOFS OF SERVICE, and directing those copies to the Clerk of Court in downtown Los Angeles.


Unfortunately, it appears that the deputy clerks are not reading our PROOFS OF SERVICE, but are returning our Courtesy Copies instead.


So, we are enclosing all Courtesy Copies that have been returned to date by the Clerk of Court.


If we are still in error about the correct procedure, please advise in writing to the mailing location shown below.



Thank you.


Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Private Attorney General


U.S. Mail:


  c/o Forwarding Agent

  40960 California Oaks Road, Box 281

  Murrieta 92562



copy:  Teresa Giordano