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Case 2:14-cr-00027-NDF   Document 52   Filed 03/20/14   Page 1 of 1


Case No. #2:14-CR-00027-NDF-2




FRCrP Rule 12.3



TO:    Office of U.S. Attorney, Cheyenne;  and

       Office of Clerk of Court, USDC/DWY


DATE:  3/14/2014



(2)  Contents of Notice


(A)     law enforcement agency(s):

U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Information Policy, and

U.S. Marshals Service (7x)


(B)     agency member(s):

Deputy U.S. Marshals in San Diego, Calif., Spokane, Washington, and Seattle, Wash.;  various Officers at U.S. DOJ, Washington, D.C. (see (A) above, and many FOIA requests)


(C)     times(s):

in particular, after moving to Seattle, Wash., on June 18, 2009, to present, and during five (5) separate meetings with Deputy U.S. Marshals, Judicial Security Dept., USDC/WDWA.  Earlier when Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al. was commenced at Federal District Court in Sacramento, Calif. circa September 2001 (see SUBPOENAs and Rotella v. Wood re: private attorneys general).




/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, 18 U.S.C. 1964

All Rights Reserved (cf. UCC 1-308)



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