John E.  Trumane, appearing  specially, in  my own  stead,  under
protest, and with explicit reservation of all my rights.

Your Honor,  the  Petitioners  have  left  a  host  of  important
questions unanswered.

The Court's  original order  made  reference  to  an  "authorized
representative".  Since I have not authorized anyone to represent
me or  stand in  my place,  does this not make the original order
impossible to obey on its face?

Does the record exhibit the authorization required by IRC 7401?

Does the  record show  that I  have been  served with evidence of
this authorization?

Petitioners have  cited IRC  7402(b).    Does  this  not  mandate
appropriate process  and show  that Petitioners have knowledge of
the 7401 prerequisites?

Does Mr.  Extort claim  to be the Secretary's authorized delegate
as required by IRC 7401?

Mr. Extort has received written demands from me for exhibition of
his oath of office and his delegation of authority.

Does the  record show  the Notice of Default which I also sent to
Mr. Extort,  via registered  U.S. Mail?  Does the record not show
that Mr.  Extort has  failed to exhibit the necessary authorities
to me?

Has the  Supreme Court  not ruled that jurisdiction and authority
must be demonstrated when they are challenged in writing?

On a  higher level  of analysis,  I refer  this  Court  to  Lloyd
Bentsen's disqualification  under Article  1, Section 6, Clause 2
in the U.S. Constitution.  Is it not impossible for Lloyd Bentsen
to delegate  any authority whatsoever to Mr. Extort until the end
of Bentsen's latest Senate term?

I refer  the Court  to Eisner  v. Macomber.   Regarding Bentsen's
disqualification, has  the U.S.  Supreme Court  not told Congress
that it  has no  power whatsoever  to alter  the Constitution  by
means of legislation?

On a different level of analysis, Title 26 as such has never been
enacted into positive law, so said House Speaker Tip O'Neill.  To
my knowledge,  this is  still true  today.   The provision at IRC
7851(a)(6)(A) states that Subtitle F shall take effect on the day
after the Title is enacted.

Is the  Court aware  that 7401  falls within  Subtitle F?  Is the
Court aware  that 7851(a)(6)(A)  also falls  within  Subtitle  F?
Does this  not seem  like a  hopelessly recursive vicious circle,
resulting in obvious vagueness and convolution?

       Questions for First Hearing on Order to Show Cause:
                          Page 1 of 3

Is the Court willing to admit that this one provision causes just
a little bit of doubt about the enforceability of a Summons under
Subtitle F?   Is  it not the case that this Court has no positive
law to  enforce, and hence there is no relief that can be granted
to the Petitioners?

As a  California Citizen, am I not immune from the enforcement of
non-positive federal law?

Does the "void for vagueness" doctrine not give me the benefit of
the doubt in such a case?

Has the  Supreme Court  not held that doubt should be resolved in
favor of those upon whom the tax is sought to be laid?

Has the  Supreme Court  not held  that provisions  like 7851  are
construed most  strongly against  the Government, and in favor of
the Citizen?

Have the  Petitioners not exhibited a unsubstantiated presumption
that I am a taxpayer?

Is there  a judicial determination in the record which shows that
I am  taxpayer?  I am not aware of any judicial power Court which
has made such a determination.

Is this  Court not barred by the exception clause in 28 USC 2201,
the Declaratory  Judgments  Act,  from  making  such  a  judicial

Were this  Court to issue an order compelling me to produce books
and records,  would not  such compelled  performance  violate  my
fundamental rights  on its  face without  my consent?    Has  the
Supreme Court  not ruled  that waivers of fundamental rights will
NOT be presumed?

Does not  such an  order exhibit  a rebuttable  presumption  that
these so-called books and records actually exist?

Does the  record contain  evidence that  I was  ever served  with
actual notice of a record keeping requirement by the Secretary of
his delegate?

Have we not come full circle back to Lloyd Bentsen's disability?

The Petitioner's  Memorandum in  Support of Petition spends a lot
of time  talking about  the Powell  criteria, and  then it refers
specifically  to   "the  investigation   of  the   Kormans'   tax
liabilities" on page 6, line 13.

Who are  the Kormans,  if you  don't mind  my asking?  Are they a
party to this action?

Are we  to believe  that the Petitioners simply threw boilerplate
before this  Honorable Court,  and were  so sloppy they forgot to
change all the names in their word processor?

       Questions for First Hearing on Order to Show Cause:
                          Page 2 of 3

Does this not strongly suggest bad faith before this Court by the

What am  I to make of the Petitioners' failure to join the issues
which I  drafted in  my brief?    Are  they  giving  their  tacit
approval to the points and authorities which I have cited?

Is this Court convened under some colorable jurisdiction?  If so,
what jurisdiction would that be exactly?

The original  petition made  reference to  some "it",  to which I
strongly object.   Does  this not  imply some  kind  of  juristic
"person"?   Are Petitioners attempting to establish a presumption
that I am some kind of juristic person?

May I suggest that this Court take a close look at Rule 12(h)(3),
which states  that the Court shall dismiss the action whenever it
appears by  the suggestion  of the  parties that  the Court lacks
jurisdiction of the subject matter?

Thank you for your consideration.

       Questions for First Hearing on Order to Show Cause:
                          Page 3 of 3

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John E. Trumane