c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
                                         Tucson [zip code exempt]
                                                    ARIZONA STATE

                                                    April 5, 1997

Carolyn Emerine, Program Director
Pima County Attorney's Office
32 North Stone, #1400
Tucson, Arizona state

Subject:  New Life Health Center Company

Dear Ms. Emerine:

     I have  probable cause to believe that I was victimized by a
small, white  collar racket  in  Tucson,  Arizona  state,  during
calendar years  1996 and  1997.   In the  spring of 1996, a local
Tucson health  food chain  hired Me  to  defend  them  against  a
federal grand  jury subpoena  for company  records.   I was  then
appointed to  the position  of Vice  President for Legal Affairs,
and that  appointment was presented to the United States District
Court in  Tucson as a bona fide document.  A similar document was
presented to  that Court  as a  bona fide non-disclosure contract
barring the  General  Manager  from  disclosing  company  records
without prior  written authorization  of the  company's  Trustee;
criminal liability  attached  to  any  violations  of  that  non-
disclosure contract.

     What I  did not know at that time was that the "Trustee" who
allegedly signed  these documents appears to be nothing more than
a rubber  stamp.   I have  made numerous  attempts to locate this
"Trustee," to  no avail.   When  I first  brought My suspicion in
this regard  to the  attention of  the company's  accountant, Mr.
Neil Thomas  Nordbrock, I was abruptly terminated one month later
from My position as Vice President for Legal Affairs.  I was also
thrown out  of the  office I  was given  to work, and the General
Manager went  so far  as to  pry into  My private  whereabouts, I
believe, because he wanted Me to leave town.

     The rubber stamp trustee raises several serious questions of
law, including  the  high  probability  of  fraud,  perjury,  and
contempt of  court for  the two documents which were presented to
federal district  court as  bona fide  documents, "signed" by the
company Trustee.  Also, the General Manager has been "signing" an
untold number of regular business checks with this rubber stamp.

     Last but  not least, I witnessed the General Manager culling
checks from  the records which he was required to disclose to the
federal grand  jury, I  believe because he had been spending (co-
mingling)  considerable   amounts  of  trust  money  on  personal
luxuries, such  as expensive  South American macaw birds, and new
cars and trucks every year or so.

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
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     Not only  do I believe that this is a clear case of wrongful
termination from My position as Vice President for Legal Affairs,
which  is  cause  for  a  major  civil  action  which  I  am  now
contemplating;  I also believe that the record supports a finding
of probable cause that the General Manager and his accountant are
conspiring to  commit fraud, mail fraud, perjury, and contempt of
court with  their use  of a phony company trustee, who is nothing
more than  a rubber  stamp, controlled  and liberally used by the
company's General  Manager whenever the need, or occasion, should
arise.   If employees  or other  workers should  get too close to
this fraud, they are thrown out into the street.

     Attached to  this AFFIDAVIT  OF PROBABLE  CAUSE is  a signed
copy of My THIRD NOTICE AND DEMAND, dated January 3, 1997, to the
General Manager, Dr. Eugene A. Burns, D.C., N.D.  This NOTICE AND
DEMAND is  just one  of the many documents which I currently have
in My  possession and control, which substantiate the facts which
I have stated to you in this AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE.


The Undersigned  hereby verifies, under penalty of perjury, under
the law  of the  United States  of America,  without the  "United
States", that  the above  statement of facts is true and correct,
according to  the best  of My current information, knowledge, and
belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

Executed on:  April 5, 1997

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state and federal witness

             incorporated by reference
             as if set forth fully herein

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
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First Class U.S. Mail                 c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
                                         Tucson [zip code exempt]
                                                    ARIZONA STATE

                                                  January 3, 1997

Dr. Eugene A. Burns, D.C., N.D. [sic]
New Life Health Center Company
4500 E. Speedway, Suite #27
Tucson [zip code exempt]

Subject:  Wrongful Discharge

                     THIRD NOTICE AND DEMAND

Dear Gene:

     This is  a formal  notice to  You that  I have  vacated  the
business office  which the Trust was providing to Me at the above
location.  I have left the two office keys on the shelves mounted
on  the  wall  adjacent  to  the  office  hallway,  next  to  the
refrigerator.   I have  given Susan Shew Your copy of Black's Law
Dictionary and  the  three  volumes  on  banking  law  which  You
purchased (one 3-ring binder was never shipped by the publisher).
If You  are missing  anything else, please let Me know in writing
at once,  and I  will return it immediately if I agree that it is
Yours and  if I took it by mistake when I had to move out on such
short notice.

     This  is  also  My  formal  demand  that  You  perform  Your
obligations to  Me in  My capacity  as Vice  President for  Legal
Affairs of  New  Life  Health  Center  Company.    The  following
compensation is due to Me:

     last pay check, dated 6/30/96, was $300.00,
     which is $200.00 short of My last full paycheck   $200.00

     pay due for period 7-1-96 to  7-8-96              $500.00

     pay due for period 7-8-96 to  7-15-96             $500.00

     pay due for period 7-15-96 to 7-22-96             $500.00

     pay due for period 7-22-96 to 7-25-96
     (pro rated 4/5 x $500.00)                         $400.00

     Subtotal:                                       $2,100.00

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
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     I also  demand that  You compensate  Me  for  the  following

unspecified damages:

     1.   You violated the non-disclosure agreement which You had
          with the Trust, and were fully aware when You signed it
          that criminal  liability attached to violations of said
          agreement.   You filed this non-disclosure agreement in
          the United  States District  Court in  Tucson, Arizona,
          under  penalty  of  perjury,  and  utilized  it  as  an
          argument justifying Your refusal to disclose records to
          a federal grand jury.

     2.   My fundamental  Right to privacy was also violated when
          You violated the Trust's non-disclosure agreement.

     3.   You were  negligent for  failing to provide Me with the
          option to  disclose My  cancelled pay checks, or not to
          disclose them,  to outside persons.  In Tim's presence,
          I witnessed You culling cancelled checks which You felt
          would incriminate  You before  a  federal  grand  jury,
          because of  trust funds  which You co-mingled with Your
          personal account(s) for Your own personal benefit.

     4.   My discharge  was arbitrary, capricious, and just plain
          wrong, because  You and others around You blamed Me for
          the consequences  that resulted  from Your  failure  to
          appear in  court, and Your decision to surrender to the
          FBI with  a bar member over My objections and/or when I
          was in-flight on Your behalf to the Ninth Circuit Court
          of Appeals.   You  complained that I was "out of touch"
          when I was at 35,000 feet en route to San Francisco, to
          file pleadings for Your Emergency Motion.

     5.   As a  consequence of  the painful  and unnecessary  ill
          will which  resulted from  Your actions described in 4.
          above, My  professional  reputation  has  been  damaged
          because of  the requirement  that I  now explain why My
          tenure  at   the  Trust  was  terminated  so  abruptly,
          arbitrarily, capriciously, and wrongfully.

     6.   In front  of three  witnesses, You openly admitted that
          You were considering a guilty plea in anticipation of a
          federal grand  jury indictment.   In  light of  all the
          conclusive evidence  which I  presented to You to prove
          that there  are  no  federal  income  tax  statutes  to
          violate (e.g.  IRC 7851(a)(6)(A)),  You must  have  had
          some other  criminal statute(s)  in mind.  I reserve My
          Right to  hold You  personally liable to Me for all the
          unnecessary pain and suffering which Your admission has
          caused to Me.

     7.   You agreed  to pursue  the Petition  for a Rehearing En
          Banc and,  upon that  agreement, I proceeded to prepare
          the necessary  Petition to the Ninth Circuit, which You
          then decided  not to file.  This had the consequence of
          destroying most,  if not  all, of  the legal foundation
          which I  had prepared  on behalf of the Trust and other
          American People  similarly situated,  preventing  other
          Trust officers,  all other co-workers, and the American
          People in  general from  ever enjoying  the benefits of
          that foundation, which was prepared as much for Them as
          it was for You.

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
                          Page 4 of 6

     8.   You aided  and abetted in an act of wire fraud upon Me,
          when You allowed Susan Shew to use My name, without any
          signature, on  a work  order which  She faxed  from her
          home to  E-Z  Messenger  Service,  and  then  You  made
          excuses for her failure to get prior permission from Me
          to use  My name  in that  fashion.  When I attempted to
          investigate this  wire fraud  by  presenting  You  with
          written evidence of it, You fell silent.

     9.   You discharged  Me without the benefit of a termination
          notice from  the Trustee  of  New  Life  Health  Center
          Company, making it necessary for Me to question whether
          or not  You had any authority to do so.  My appointment
          contract was signed by the Trustee, so I am entitled to
          proceed on  the basis  of  this  proof  that  only  the
          Trustee had  authority to hire and fire officers of the

     10.  I am  currently entitled  to two  percent (2%)  of  the
          gross revenues to be derived from Internet sales of New
          Life Health  Center's products and services, because of
          the agreement  which You  made with Me to that end, and
          because My  computer  expertise  helped  to  open  that
          opportunity for the Trust.  I must proceed on the basis
          of the  presumption that the Trust now has no intention
          of ever  performing under  this agreement, resulting in
          further damages still to Me.

     11.  You violated  My fundamental  Right to personal privacy
          when  you   stated  that  I  had  not  been  using  the
          condominium which  you  helped  Me  to  rent,  and  you
          demanded that  I disclose  my "plans"  to you  and  the
          landlord, Neal  Manning, at  once.  This put Me under a
          cruel and  unusual punishment,  on top  of the wrongful
          discharge and  the demand  that I  vacate  the  Trust's
          business office.  Was it Your intention to throw Me out
          onto the  street and,  if so, for what specific conduct
          by Me?

     12.  I must  now waste the set of business cards which I had
          printed at My own expense, because they exhibit fax and
          telephone numbers which are in Your business office.

     I will  look forward  to knowing that the federal grand jury
in the  matter of  New Life  Health Center  Company  has  decided
against issuing  any indictments  against You  or the  Trust,  in
large part  because of  all the  many overtime hours of difficult
and productive  work which  I performed  on behalf  of You,  Your
Spouse, and the Trust.

     As you  already know,  this work is now a matter of official
record in  the United States District Court, Judicial District of
Arizona, Tucson,  U.S.D.C.  Case  Number  #GJ-95-1-6-JMR,  Appeal
Number  #96-16145,  and  the  Federal Bureau of Investigation  in
Phoenix, Arizona.

     For the  record, I  hope you  will tell  the truth about the
many times  You complimented Me for all that work, and encouraged
Me to  continue with the chosen strategy, particularly while that
work was  being done  in Your  presence and under Your direct and
immediate supervision.

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
                          Page 5 of 6

                       NOTICE OF DEADLINE

     If, within ten (10) calendar days, I do not receive from You
a written  offer of  compensation and  compromise for  all of the
damages which  I have  sustained to  date and  which are itemized
above, I will take appropriate action to enforce My Rights.


     I hereby  certify, under  penalty of perjury, under the laws
of the  United States  of America,  without the  "United States",
that the  above statement  of facts  is true  and correct, to the
best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me
God and pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

     Thank You for Your cooperation and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state,
Counselor at Law, and federal witness

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice



copies:   Neil Nordbrock, witness
          Sheryl Smith [sic], Trustee, New Life Health Center
          Richard Rineer, New Life Health Center
          Susan Shew, New Life Health Center
          Martha Rosenau, former worker
          Tim Hay, computer consultant
          Larry Stevens, current worker
          litigation files

    Affidavit of Probable Cause in re: New Life Health Center:
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In Re Grand Jury Subpoena