Registered U.S. Mail No. ________________________________________ Return Receipt Requested Restricted Delivery Requested FORMAL REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATION FROM: Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S. Counselor at Law and federal witness c/o 2509 North Campbell, #1776 Tucson, Arizona state TO: Grand Jury Foreperson and the Grand Jury In re: New Life Health Center Company Grand Jury Room, Fourth Floor U.S. DISTRICT COURTHOUSE 55 E. Broadway Tucson, Arizona state DATE: April 28, 1996 Dear Foreperson: This is our formal request that you and the other members of the federal grand jury conduct a full and immediate investigation into our allegations that U.S. Attorney Robert Miskell, and possibly also other accomplices of his within the Department of Justice and the "Internal Revenue Service", have committed Mail Fraud, Jury Tampering, and Obstruction of Justice in the matter of the New Life Health Center Company (see U.S.D.C. #GJ-95-1-6). We have attached a considerable amount of written materials to substantiate the fact that, on September 25, 1989, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Miskell was sanctioned $4,797 by the U.S. District Court Judge in the case of U.S. v. Nordbrock et al. for repeatedly lying to that Court. We argue that such a sanction should give this grand jury pause to consider the credibility, and motives, of Robert Miskell whenever he approaches you in the matter of the New Life Health Center Company, and possibly also other cases which he may bring before you, including but not limited to "illegal tax protestor" cases. We have also attached a considerable amount of written materials to substantiate our allegation that Mr. Miskell, and possibly other accomplices of his within the Department of Justice and also the "Internal Revenue Service", have either delayed, diverted, and/or obstructed our PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION to you, dated March 20, 1996, and sent via Registered U.S. Mail, USPS serial number #R-591-643-753, Return Receipt Requested and Restricted Delivery Requested. This PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION was subsequently incorporated by reference as an exhibit in our AFFIDAVIT OF CAUSES AND OBJECTIONS TO O.S.C., which was filed with the Clerk of the U.S. Distict Court, District of Arizona, on April 25, 1996. A copy of the completed AFFIDAVIT of April 25, 1996, is attached for your information. Formal Request for Investigation: Page 1 of 9 One of the Exhibits attached to our original PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION to you included a page from the IRS Internal Revenue Manual, Handbook of Delegation Orders, page 1229-80, (dated 4-3-91), Delegation of Personnel-Related Matters, Chart 2, in which the Deputy Commissioner is delegated authority to do the following: Approve monetary awards and exceptions to monetary award scales up to and including $10,000 for any one individual or group, and incur necessary expenses for the recognition of contributions Approve monetary awards and exceptions to monetary award scales of $5,000-$10,000 (excluding PMRS Cash Awards) for any one individual or group As Chairperson, Executive Resources Board, to review and concur in recommendations for all awards for executives Recommend to Treasury, monetary awards of $10,001-$25,000 ($5,001 or more for Performance Management and Recognition System (PMRS) Cash Awards) for any one individual or group Recommend an additional monetary award of $10,000 (total $35,000) to the President through Treasury. [Emphasis added] We are prepared to recommend witnesses to you who are willing to testify, under oath, that these PMRS awards are specifically reserved for the President of the United States, and for U.S. Attorneys, upon obtaining grand jury indictments against "illegal tax protestors". On this point, we would like to emphasize that, under the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, protest has never been illegal in America. The term "illegal protestor" is, therefore, an oxymoron which cannot survive a challenge on constitutional grounds. Accordingly, to be consistent with the Constitution, the term "illegal tax protestor" as found in various Acts of Congress must be interpreted to mean that the "tax" is "illegal", and not the "protest". Upon request, we can provide you with numerous Supreme Court authorities for the proposition that Congressional statutes must be construed in harmony with the fundamental Law. Thus, it now appears that there are substantial cash incentives for U.S. Attorneys to lie, tamper, and obstruct evidence in seeking and obtaining indictments requested by the "Internal Revenue Service", all in violation of applicable federal law (see Title 18 United States Code) and the principles established in the Constitution for the United States of America. We have also enclosed materials which show that the Internal Revenue Service has, since the year 1981, conducted an aggressive campaign to harass and intimidate people affiliated with the New Life Health Center Company, in order to "make an example" of them. Specifically, we would like to draw your attention to Exhibit 1 from the AFFIDAVIT OF NEIL NORDBROCK REGARDING NOTICES OF DEFICIENCY IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. This Exhibit 1 is entitled [see next page]: Formal Request for Investigation: Page 2 of 9 COMPARISON CHART AMOUNTS ASSESSED IN NOTICES OF DEFICIENCY WITH CORRECTED AMOUNTS OF DEFICIENCY COMMISSIONER NOW ASSERTS BURNS AND RELATED BUSINESS ENTITIES: This chart shows quite a dramatic discrepancy between, on the one hand, the total from IRS Notices of Deficiency for the calendar years 1978 thru 1982 ($721,572.00) and the corrected amounts which total only $24,978.00. The arithmetic difference between these two amounts is almost $700,000. According to said AFFIDAVIT OF NEIL NORDBROCK, "The most flagrant violation occurred in Burns' case for 1983, where the IRS now acknowledges that the original assessment is more than 99.5% incorrect. See Chart." In support of our allegation that there has been systematic abuse of the grand jury in the matter of New Life Health Center Company and its workers, we attach a copy of PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT in the case of Nordbrock v. Jensen, case number CIV-86-687-PHX-CLH in the United States District Court for the District of Arizona. See, in particular, the following pages in this document: 6, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 18. Ladies and gentleman of the federal grand jury in the matter of the New Life Health Center Company, we are prepared to provide you with additional expert testimony concerning the subjects discussed above, and other matters which are closely related to those subjects. This expert testimony will give you much insight into what has recently been proven, by authors and investigators around the country, to be the greatest fiscal fraud that has ever been perpetrated upon any people at any time in the history of the world. We now look forward with eager anticipation to testifying before you, because the time has now come for a shift in the wind. Formal Request for Investigation: Page 3 of 9 Sincerely yours, /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S. Counselor at Law and federal witness email: copies: New Life Health Center Company U.S. District Judge John M. Roll Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski enclosures: proof of $4,797 court sanction against Robert Miskell AFFIDAVIT OF CAUSES AND OBJECTIONS TO O.S.C. AFFIDAVIT OF NEIL NORDBROCK REGARDING NOTICES OF DEFICIENCY PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT 23 copies of CITIZENS RULE BOOK and JURY HANDBOOK Formal Request for Investigation: Page 4 of 9 PROOF OF $4,797 COURT SANCTION AGAINST U.S. ATTORNEY ROBERT MISKELL Formal Request for Investigation: Page 5 of 9 AFFIDAVIT OF CAUSES AND OBJECTIONS TO O.S.C. Formal Request for Investigation: Page 6 of 9 AFFIDAVIT OF NEIL NORDBROCK REGARDING NOTICES OF DEFICIENCY Formal Request for Investigation: Page 7 of 9 PLAINTIFFS' RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Formal Request for Investigation: Page 8 of 9 23 copies of CITIZENS RULE BOOK and JURY HANDBOOK (under separate cover) Formal Request for Investigation: Page 9 of 9 # # #
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In Re Grand Jury Subpoena