Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law and federal witness
c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
Tucson, Arizona state, USA
zip code exempt (formerly DMM 122.32)

Under Protest and by Special Visitation
with explicit reservation of all rights



IN RE GRAND JURY SUBPOENA      ) Case No. GJ-95-1-6 (JMR)
SERVED ON                      )
                               ) TRIAL BY JURY OF PEERS OF
                               ) ALL FACTS AND LAWS AT ISSUE:
                               ) FRCP Rules 38, 39,
                               ) Seventh Amendment

COMES NOW  Paul Andrew,  Mitchell, Sui  Juris, Sovereign  Arizona

Citizen (hereinafter  "Counsel") and  Vice  President  for  Legal

Affairs of  New Life  Health Center  Company,  an  Unincorporated

Business Trust domiciled in the Arizona Republic (hereinafter the

"Company"), to make a formal Demand upon this honorable Court for

a Jury Trial of Right, pursuant to Rules 38 and 39 of the Federal

Rules of Civil Procedure and the Seventh Amendment, of all issues

so triable,  including but  not limited  to providing declaratory

relief as to:

          Notice and Demand for Trial by Jury of Peers:
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     (1) whether  or not  the Company and/or Dr. Eugene A. Burns,

General Manager  of the  Company, are guilty of contempt of Court

in the instant case;

     (2) whether  or not certain named and unnamed individuals in

the "Internal Revenue Service", the "Department of the Treasury",

and/or the  United States Department of Justice have participated

in a  conspiracy of multiple crimes, including but not limited to

fraud,  mail  fraud,  obstruction  of  justice,  jury  tampering,

perjury, extortion,  barratry, and contempt of court, in order to

destroy the  Company's business and to destroy the reputations of

its officers, co-workers and Trustee(s);

     (3) whether or not evidence is sufficient to sustain a legal

conclusion  that   the  so-called   Fourteenth,  Sixteenth,   and

Seventeenth Amendments  to the Constitution for the United States

of America were never properly approved and adopted, and that the

original Thirteenth  Amendment was properly approved and adopted,

according to the provisions of Article V of said Constitution;

     (4) whether or not certain named individuals associated with

the instant  case have  proper credentials  to be  exercising the

powers and authorities of the office(s) they claim to occupy and,

if not,  whether or  not official  action should  be initiated to

oust them  from said  offices by  the Attorney General of Arizona

state by filing a petition with a court of competent jurisdiction

for a Writ of Quo Warranto against all such individuals.

     On behalf  of the  Company, Counsel  explicitly reserves Our

fundamental Right to try any and all additional issues of law and

fact as  they may  arise during the course of admitting compelled

testimony obtained  under oath from competent witnesses called by

either side in the instant case.  See Seventh Amendment.

     Upon the granting of this Demand for Trial by Jury of Peers,

Counsel hereby  provides formal  Notice to all interested parties

of His  intent to issue appropriate subpoenas to certain material

witnesses to the matter at hand.

          Notice and Demand for Trial by Jury of Peers:
                          Page 2 of 4

Respectfully submitted on June 14, 1996

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state,
Federal Witness, and
Vice President for Legal Affairs

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

          Notice and Demand for Trial by Jury of Peers:
                          Page 3 of 4

                        PROOF OF SERVICE

I, Paul  Andrew, Mitchell,  B.A.,  M.S.,  hereby  certify,  under

penalty of  perjury, under  the laws  of  the  United  States  of

America, without the "United States", that I am at least 18 years

of age  and a Citizen of one of the United States of America, and

that I personally served the following document(s):

                      NOTICE AND DEMAND FOR
                     TRIAL BY JURY OF PEERS
                 OF ALL FACTS AND LAWS AT ISSUE:
              FRCP Rules 38, 39, Seventh Amendment

by placing  said document(s)  with exhibits in first class United

States Mail,  with postage  prepaid and properly addressed to the

following individuals:

ROBERT L. MISKELL                  John M. Roll
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      U.S. District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

JANET NAPOLITANO                   Clerk
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      U.S. District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

Grand Jury Foreperson              Postmaster
In re: New Life Health Center Co.  U.S. Post Office
55 E. Broadway                     Downtown Station
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

Judge Alex Kozinski                Evangelina Cardenas
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals     "Internal Revenue Service"
125 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 200     300 West Congress
Pasadena, California               Tucson, Arizona

Attorney General                   Solicitor General
Department of Justice              Department of Justice
10th and Constitution, N.W. !      10th and Constitution, N.W. !
Washington, D.C.                   Washington, D.C.

Dated:  June 5, 1996

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state and Federal Witness

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

          Notice and Demand for Trial by Jury of Peers:
                          Page 4 of 4

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In Re Grand Jury Subpoena