Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law and federal witness
c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
Tucson, Arizona state, USA
zip code exempt (formerly DMM 122.32)

Under Protest and by Special Visitation
with explicit reservation of all rights



IN RE GRAND JURY SUBPOENA      ) Case No. GJ-95-1-6 (JMR)
SERVED ON                      )
                               ) REQUEST FOR FORMAL JUDICIAL
                               ) NOTICE OF EVIDENCE ATTACHED
                               ) AND UNDER SEPARATE COVER

COMES NOW  Paul Andrew,  Mitchell, Sui  Juris, Sovereign  Arizona

Citizen (hereinafter  "Counsel") and  Vice  President  for  Legal

Affairs of  New Life  Health Center  Company,  an  Unincorporated

Business Trust domiciled in the Arizona Republic (hereinafter the

"Company"), to  give notice  to all  interested parties,  and  to

request formal  Judicial Notice  by this  honorable Court, of the

attached "Introduction  & Statement  of  Purpose  for  Exhibit  &

Evidence Packet," written by Dan Meador & Lindsey Springer, which

is the  introductory statement  to a  separate document  entitled

"Exhibit Package:   Federal & Federal State Jurisdiction Limits,"

by the  same authors,  the latter  of which  is transmitted under

separate cover in duplicate:  one copy to the Clerk of the Court,

and one  complementary copy to the presiding Judge in the instant


   Notice of Meador's Exhibits Attached and under Separate Cover:
                           Page 1 of 3

     Since the  latter document  is rather  voluminous, leave  is

hereby requested  of this  honorable Court  formally to file only

one (1)  copy with  the Clerk  of the  Court, in  the interest of

saving time and reducing unnecessary expenses.


I, Paul  Andrew, Mitchell,  B.A., M.S., Citizen of Arizona state,

Federal Witness,  and Vice  President for  Legal Affairs  of  the

Company, hereby  certify that  the above  statements of  fact are

true  and  correct,  to  the  best  of  my  current  information,

knowledge, and  belief, so  help Me  God, pursuant  to 28  U.S.C.


Executed on June 15, 1996

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state, Federal Witness,
Counsel of Record, and Vice President for
Legal Affairs of New Life Health Center Company,
an Unincorporated Business Trust domiciled
in the Arizona Republic (a Union state)

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

   Notice of Meador's Exhibits Attached and under Separate Cover:
                           Page 2 of 3

                        PROOF OF SERVICE

I, Linda  H. Burns,  hereby certify,  under penalty  of  perjury,

under the  laws of  the United  States of  America,  without  the

"United States", that I am at least 18 years of age and a Citizen

of one of the United States of America, that I am not currently a

Party to  this action, and that I personally served the following

                     NOTICE OF EXHIBITS AND
                      OF EVIDENCE ATTACHED
                    AND UNDER SEPARATE COVER

by placing  said document(s)  with exhibits in first class United

States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to:

ROBERT L. MISKELL                  John M. Roll
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      U.S. District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

JANET NAPOLITANO                   Clerk
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      U.S. District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

Grand Jury Foreperson              Postmaster
In re: New Life Health Center Co.  U.S. Post Office
55 E. Broadway                     Downtown Station
Tucson, Arizona                    Tucson, Arizona

Judge Alex Kozinski                Evangelina Cardenas
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals     "Internal Revenue Service"
125 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 200     300 West Congress
Pasadena, California               Tucson, Arizona

Attorney General                   Solicitor General
Department of Justice              Department of Justice
10th and Constitution, N.W. !      10th and Constitution, N.W. !
Washington, D.C.                   Washington, D.C.

Dated:  June 5, 1996

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Citizen of Arizona state

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

   Notice of Meador's Exhibits Attached and under Separate Cover:
                           Page 3 of 3

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In Re Grand Jury Subpoena