Private Attorney General Discloses Credentials Missing from Federal Courts



Supreme Court today deliberates suit blocking Obama presidency

Los Angeles Times, California -- 5 hours ago

It may come as something of a shock to those millions planning trips to Washington for the Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama that he ...



Lawsuit contesting Obama citizenship continues,0,664988.story

Chicago Tribune, United States -- December 4, 2008

AP CHICAGO -- Opponents of Barack Obama will learn this week whether the U.S. Supreme Court will consider a lawsuit contesting the president-elect's ...



Supreme Court to Consider Obama’s Citizenship

findingDulcinea, New York -- 1 hour ago

by Josh Katz

Today, the Supreme Court discusses a case questioning Obama’s citizenship that has not garnered much attention from the mainstream media until ...



Supreme Court Examines Obama Citizenship

Evening Bulletin, Pennsylvania -- 4 hours ago

By John Rossomando, The Bulletin

The full U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to meet today to decide whether to hear a case calling for the release of ...



Justices Mull Whether to Consider Obama Citizenship Case

ABA Journal, Illinois -- 4 hours ago

By Molly McDonough

Supreme Court justices are scheduled to hold a private conference today to consider high court petitions. One that is bringing loads of ...



CNN reports Berg v. Obama, Sorta

ireport -- 5 hours ago

Well it looks like the Berg v. Obama Citizenship Lawsuit finally hit home with Main Stream Media, sorta. Although the name Berg was not mentioned, ...



The Donofrio case:  "natural born citizen" (not about Obama's birth certificate), D.C. -- 6 hours ago

By Arlen Williams

Today, before the United States Supreme Court lies Leo Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State. ...



Why the POTUS Needs to Be a Natural-Born Citizen

Right Side News, Georgia -- 7 hours ago

By Frank Salvato

The Founders and Framers were incredibly intelligent people. In fact, they operated, intellectually, at a grade 24 level, grade 12 equating ...



WND readers deliver urgent requests to review Obama citizenship, Oregon -- 12 hours ago

By Chelsea Schilling

The Supreme Court will soon receive urgent requests to determine whether Barack Obama meets natural-born citizenship requirements under ...



Lawsuit Questions Obama’s Citizenship

CARIBWORLDNEWS.COM, New York -- 14 hours ago

CaribWorldNews, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. Dec. 5, 2008:

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to decide today whether to they will hear a lawsuit challenging ...



Is Barack Obama a British Citizen?, MA -- 14 hours ago

At this writing, the Supreme Court of the United States has not yet spoken on the "APPLICATION FOR EMERGENCY STAY " of Leo C. Donofrio, Pro Se, ...



Court to weigh question about Obama citizenship

Washington Times, D.C. -- 16 hours ago

The Supreme Court plans to meet Friday to decide whether to hear a case that could determine whether President-elect Barack Obama ever becomes the nation's ...



Will Supreme Court take case on Obama's citizenship?

OpEdNews, Pennsylvania -- 20 hours ago

This article, by James Janega from the Chicago Tribune, was on the top column over at Drudge today.  I reported on this developing story a little more than a ...



Supreme Court To Hear Obama Case

ABC2 News, Maryland -- 21 hours ago

All eyes will be on the Supreme Court Friday when the justices will consider a lawsuit that alleges Senator Barack Obama was not qualified to be on the New ...



Case Against Obama Citizenship at SCOTUS

Christian Broadcasting Network, Virginia -- 21 hours ago -- The U.S. Supreme Court will hear a challenge to President-elect Barack Obama's citizenship and consequent eligibility to take the nation's ...



Justices to decide whether to hear Obama citizenship challenge

Legal News Line, D.C. -- 22 hours ago

BY CHRIS RIZO WASHINGTON (Legal Newsline) -- The U.S. Supreme Court will decide Friday whether to hear a lawsuit by challenging President-elect Barack Obama's ...



Suit Over Obama's Citizenship Goes to Supreme Court, Florida -- December 4, 2008

The U.S. Supreme Court is meeting Friday to consider a lawsuit challenging President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship, but few legal scholars expect ...



Obama Birth Certificate Case To Be Considered By Supreme Court

Chicagoist, Illinois -- December 4, 2008

Yesterday we explored what we thought was a benign attempt by a fringe political group to raise a ruckus over Barack Obama's birth certificate. ...



U.S. Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Afro American, Maryland -- December 3, 2008

By James Wright (December 3, 2008) -- In a highly unusual move, U.S. Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has asked his colleagues on the court to ...



Supreme Court to consider taking up lawsuit challenging Obama's citizenship, UK -- December 4, 2008

The U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to take up a lawsuit challenging President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. citizenship on Friday, a continuation of a New ...



Why the POTUS Needs to Be a Natural-Born Citizen

Canada Free Press, Canada -- 5 hours ago

By Frank Salvato Friday, December 5, 2008 T

he Founders and Framers were incredibly intelligent people. In fact, they operated, intellectually, ...

-- Google News



More than 60,000 letters sent to U.S. Supreme Court -- watchman08, Fri;article=121963;title=APFN

More than 60,000 letters sent to U.S. Supreme Court WND readers deliver urgent requests to review Obama citizenship  more



Supreme Court today deliberates suit blocking Obama presiden -- APFN, Fri December 5 10:04;article=121964;title=APFN