TO:       Crystal Eney

      c/o Computer Science & Engineering

          University of Washington

          101 Allen Center

          Box 352350

          Seattle 98195-2350



FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

          Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a);  and,

          Qualified Federal Witness, 18 U.S.C. 1512, 1513


DATE:     May 23, 2011 A.D.


SUBJECT:  threatening a Federal witness with false arrest



Hello Crystal Eney:


I regret to inform you that you and, others not yet named here, are now under investigation on suspicion of threatening a qualified Federal witness with false arrest, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1512 and/or 1513.  Violations of the latter criminal statutes are felony Federal offenses, also implicating 18 U.S.C. 4 (misprision of felony).




Pursuant to the holdings of the U.S. Supreme Court in Counselman v. Hitchcock, 142 U.S. 547, 563 (1892), McCarthy v. Arndstein, 266 U.S. 34, 40 (1924), George Smith v. U.S., 337 U.S. 137 (1949), and Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966), formal NOTICE is hereby given to you that you have the Right to remain silent, under the Fifth Amendment;  you have the Right to assistance of Counsel, under the Sixth Amendment;  and, any thing which you say, or do, from this point forward, can and will be held against you in the District Court of the United States supra.  See 18 U.S.C. 3231 (DCUS).  Statutes conferring original jurisdiction must be strictly construed [cites omitted here].


Notice to principals is notice to agents.

Notice to agents is notice to principals.


Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)

Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13


All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

Cc:  proper authorities