Certified U.S. Mail:



September 26, 2000 A.D.


Ms. Fannie Davis, 77-00415

Disclosure Officer

55 South Market Street

Mail Stop HQ 4603

San Jose 95113



Subject:  Certification Fee Enclosed


Dear Ms. Davis:


Per your letter dated September 22, 2000, enclosed please find one (1) United States Postal Money Order in the amount of one U.S. Dollar ($1.00).


Please expedite the certification and delivery of a copy of the original of Mr. Brian Watson’s Form 61, Appointment Affidavit, to My mailing location shown below.


Thank you very much.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Donald E. Wishart


Dr. Donald E. Wishart, D.M.D.

C/o 5150 Graves Avenue, Suite 12-C

San Jose 95129



Enclosure:  U.S. Postal Money #01627290066

            2000-09-26, Post Office 951291