Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris

Citizen of California State,

Federal Witness and Victim

c/o 5150 Graves Avenue, Suite 12-C

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



In Propria Persona and

by Special Appearance Only


All Rights Reserved

without Prejudice









UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [sic], )  Case Number CR-00-20227-JF


          Plaintiff [sic],      )  FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO

                                )  DISMISS COUNTS FOUR THRU SEVEN,

     v.                         )  BY AFFIDAVIT:


DONALD E. WISHART [sic],        )  IRC 3121(e) (for example);

                                )  28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

          Defendant [sic].      )



COMES NOW Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, Citizen of California State and Defendant in the above entitled matter (“Defendant”), to submit this, His FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTS FOUR THRU SEVEN, BY AFFIDAVIT, which MOTION was previously filed and served in the instant case.

Defendant chooses to supplement said MOTION by attaching the following documents and formally incorporating same by reference, as if set forth fully here, to wit:


(1)           Appendix “A” from “The Federal Zone: Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue,” electronic ninth edition:  with author’s letter to John Knox and the winning brief in Knox v. U.S. et al., USDC San Antonio, Texas, Case No. SA-89-CA-1308;


(2)           NOTICE AND DEMAND FOR MANDATORY JUDICIAL NOTICE, as filed in U.S.A. v. Knudson, USDC Nebraska, Case No. 4:CV-96-3275:  with author’s careful re-write of the decision in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Company, in light of municipal nature of IRC’s income tax provisions;


(3)           MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES PROVING THE VOLUNTARY NATURE OF FEDERAL INCOME TAXES, as filed in Gilbertson v. United States et al., DCUS Minnesota, Case No. CR-4-96-65;


(4)           Press Release entitled “Congresswoman Suspected of Income Tax Evasion,” August 28, 1996, with copy of letter from Rep. Kennelly to Mr. John Randall, January 24, 1996, constructing IRC section 3121(e).


Defendant will now briefly discuss the relevance and materiality of each document in the order listed above:


(1)  The intentional vagueness which is evident throughout the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) is due, in large part, to unlawful dominion by the federal government -– by attempting to enforce its municipal laws inside the territorial jurisdiction of the 50 States.  “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord.”  Proverbs 12:22

The entire nation owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the late John H. Knox, who pioneered perhaps THE most detailed explanation of the IRC’s municipal nature, for its time.  The matter is res judicata.

Mr. and Mrs. John Knox won their law suit.  That is the reason why we refer to this document as their “winning brief.”


(2)  The second document is a careful re-write of the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Company, 240 U.S. 1 (1916) (“UPRR”).  That decision was also written in complex, convoluted language which only served to obfuscate the most important issues in that case.

Notably, the UPRR was not a corporation chartered by the State of Utah;  it was a federal corporation created by Act of Congress, at a time when Utah was a federal territory, and not a Union State.

In this context, the Court is respectfully requested to take formal judicial notice of the holdings in Daly v. The National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America, Indiana Supreme Court (1878).  Headnotes from that decision are reproduced at the very end of (1) above.  The most of important of those holdings was this:


An act of Congress creating a private corporation is the act of Congress as the local Legislature of the District of Columbia;  as Congress can not, under the federal constitution, as the Congress of the United States, create a private corporation.


In the context of the instant case, this Court must also take formal judicial notice of the statute at 36 U.S.C. 1101, sections 70 thru 72, which contains an odd reference to “United States of America, Incorporated”  in a subsection which was, evidently, never enacted.

Defendant hereby specifically denies that the United States of America, Incorporated [sic], is a federal corporation in good standing.  Defendant also denies that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a federal corporation in good standing.

Moreover, the Plaintiffs in the instant case must, necessarily, be the 50 States of the Union, because a second “United States of America” simply does not exist, because it can not exist.  Why?

Answer:  Congress is prohibited from re-defining any terms which are found in the Constitution for the United States of America, as lawfully amended.  See Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189.  The term “United States of America” is found in the Preamble, and at Article II, Section 1, Clause 1.

It follows, therefore, that the attorneys for the government do not, and can not, have valid power(s) of attorney to represent an entity which simply does not exist, as a matter of fact and as a matter of law.  They may as well be here to represent Humpty Dumpty.

If the moving “party” in the instant case is masquerading as a federal corporation in good standing, then it is a fraud upon this Court, and upon Defendant, to name it without also appending either “Incorporated” or “Inc.” to its proper name.

If the moving “party” is the 50 States which are united by, and under, the U.S. Constitution, then the Plaintiffs (plural) have failed to prosecute the instant case:  not a single State Attorney General, or his delegate(s), have ever made proper appearances in this Court.

Defendant specifically denies that any of the government’s attorneys, who have already filed pleadings in the instant case, ever did so with any valid power(s) of attorney to represent any of the 50 States of the Union (California or otherwise).  This is an utterly classic misrepresentation.

Thus, the United States of America (plural) have failed to prosecute, and this case should be dismissed for failure to prosecute.


(3)  The third document listed above speaks for itself.  Notably, in 1953, when he was the head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, a Mr. Dwight Avis made the following remarkable statement to a subcommittee of the Committee of Ways and Means, in the U.S. House of Representatives:


Let me point this out now:  Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax. Now, the situation is as different as day and night.


In light of all the cross-linkages and inter-dependencies which the instant record has already established between the Internal Revenue Code and Title 27 of the United States Code, it is no surprise to discover that the IRS must depend upon legitimate excise taxes to sustain the ruse that federal income taxes are mandatory.

Also in document (3) above, IRS Publication 21 is quoted with emphasis.  This Publication is widely distributed to high schools in America.  It acknowledges that compliance with a law that requires the filing of returns is voluntary.  At the same time, it suggests that the filing of a return is mandatory.  For our purposes here, the following sentence is pivotal:

You must decide whether the law requires you to file a return.


(4)  Lastly, see the Press Release entitled “Congresswoman Suspected of Income Tax Evasion” and the attached copy of U.S. Representative Barbara Kennelly’s letter to Mr. John Randall, dated January 24, 1996.  Defendant appreciates the need to certify such documents, in order to render them admissible.

Accordingly, Defendant hereby notifies all interested parties of His specific intent to subpoena Rep. Barbara Kennelly, and the staff members of the Legislative Counsel and the Congressional Research Service who advised her during the preparation of said letter.

Rep. Kennelly is reported to have written that those staff members are (or were) “legal experts.”  If they are, indeed, legal experts, then Defendant fully intends to qualify them as expert witnesses to the municipal nature of the IRC’s income tax provisions.

Most notably, the term “State” at IRC 3121(e) specifically includes ONLY the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa;  it does NOT include any of the 50 States of the Union.  When Congress wishes to include also those 50 States, it knows how to do so.  For example, see IRC 4612(a)(4)(A):  “United States” means the 50 States etc.!!

More importantly, if the legal experts construct IRC 3121(e) in this fashion, then Defendant argues that all other federal statutes which exhibit similar language must be constructed in the same way.

Confer at “Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius” in Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition:  what was omitted or excluded was intended to be omitted, or excluded.



The Undersigned hereby formally testifies, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1) -– that available evidence of which this Court must take formal judicial notice, provides conclusive proof that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are decidedly not a federal corporation in good standing, in part because the statute at 36 U.S.C. 1101 never enacted subsection (71) whereby the juristic entity “United States of America, Incorporated” might have been created, were it not for the Prohibition against re-defining terms which are expressly used in the Constitution for the United States of America, as lawfully amended, which Prohibition is found in the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189;  and in part because Congress can only create a corporation in its capacity as the Legislature for the federal zone, as held by the Indiana Supreme Court in Daly v. The National Life Insurance Company of the United States of America (1878).



For all of the supplemental reasons stated herein, and in the original MOTION TO DISMISS COUNTS FOUR THRU SEVEN, this honorable Court should dismiss Counts FOUR thru SEVEN with prejudice as to the Plaintiffs, but without prejudice as to Defendant’s FIRST CROSS-COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, as now pending before this honorable Court, and without prejudice as to Cross-Plaintiff’s VERIFIED CROSS-COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND MONETARY DAMAGES, as currently lodged before the District Court of the United States under the instant docket number.


I, Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, hereby verify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that the above statement of facts and laws is true and correct, according to the best of My current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).  See Supremacy Clause in pari materia with all provisions of Title 28, U.S.C. (Constitution, Laws and Treaties of the United States are supreme Law of the Land).


Dated:  October 18, 2000 A.D.



Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Donald E. Wishart


Donald E. Wishart, D.M.D., Sui Juris

Citizen of California State,

Federal Witness and Victim

(18 U.S.C. 1512, 1513)


All Rights Reserved without Prejudice



I, Donald E. Wishart, Sui Juris, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that I am at least 18 years of age, a Citizen of ONE OF the United States of America, and that I personally served the following document(s):





IRC 3121(e) (for example);  28 U.S.C. 1746(1)


by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first class United States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following:


Robert S. Mueller III             John S. Gordon

Office of the U.S. Attorney       Office of the U.S. Attorney

280 South First St., Ste. 371     312 North Spring Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        Los Angeles [ZIP code exempt]



Thomas S. DiLeonardo              Ronald A. Cimino

Department of Justice, Tax Div.   Department of Justice, Tax Div.

West. Criminal Enforcement Sec.   West. Criminal Enforcement Sec.

600 “E” St., N.W., Room 5712      600 “E” St., N.W., Room 5712

Washington [ZIP code exempt]      Washington [ZIP code exempt]



John Paul Reichmuth               Billy Brown

Federal Public Defender’s Office  Internal Revenue Service

160 W. Santa Clara St., Ste. 575  55 South Market Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



Paul Camacho                      Don Hallenbeck

Internal Revenue Service          Internal Revenue Service

55 South Market Street            55 South Market Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



Mel Steiner                       Colbert Tang

Internal Revenue Service          Internal Revenue Service

55 South Market Street            55 South Market Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



Brian Watson                      Ken Whitmore

Internal Revenue Service          Internal Revenue Service

55 South Market Street            55 South Market Street

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        San Jose [ZIP code exempt]



Dan Sutherland                    Solicitor General

Internal Revenue Service          U.S. Dept. of Justice

55 South Market Street            10th & Constitution, N.W.

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        Washington [ZIP code exempt]



Bay View Federal Bank             Chief Counsel

Attention:  Legal Department      Internal Revenue Service

2121 South El Camino Real         1111 Constitution Ave., N.W.

San Mateo [ZIP code exempt]       Washington [ZIP code exempt]



Jeremy Fogel                      Patricia V. Trumbull

c/o Clerk of Court                c/o Clerk of Court

280 S. First Street, Rm. 2112     280 South First Street, Rm. 2112

San Jose [ZIP code exempt]        San Jose [ZIP code exempt]




Executed on October 18, 2000 A.D.


/s/ Donald E. Wishart


Donald E. Wishart, D.M.D., Sui Juris

Citizen of California State,

Federal Witness and Victim

(18 U.S.C. 1512, 1513)



All Rights Reserved without Prejudice



Attachment “A”:


Appendix “A” from “The Federal Zone:

Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue


electronic ninth edition:


with author’s letter to John H. Knox

and the winning brief in

Knox v. U.S. et al., USDC San Antonio, Texas,

Case No. SA-89-CA-1308



Attachment “B”:



as filed in U.S.A. v. Knudson, USDC Nebraska,

Case No. 4:CV-96-3275:


with author’s careful re-write of the decision in

Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Company


in light of the municipal nature of

the IRC’s income tax provisions



Attachment “C”:





as filed in Gilbertson v. United States et al.,

DCUS Minnesota, Case No. CR-4-96-65



Attachment “D”:


Press Release entitled

Congresswoman Suspected of Income Tax Evasion


August 28, 1996


with copy of letter from Rep. Kennelly

to Mr. John Randall, January 24, 1996,

constructing IRC section 3121(e)