Certified U.S. Mail

Serial Number #7000-1530-0001-3473-5283

Return Receipt Requested






TO:       Mr. David Baltimore, President

          The California Institute of Technology

          1200 East California Boulevard

          Pasadena 91125



FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

          Author, Damaged Party and Plaintiff


DATE:     November 1, 2001 A.D.


SUBJECT:  Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.

          #CIV. S-01-1480 WBS DAD PS



Greetings Mr. Baltimore:


Attached please find a true and correct copy of the RETURN OF SERVICE of SUMMONS and COMPLAINT as properly served upon The California Institute of Technology (“Cal Tech”) on October 2, 2001 A.D. at 10:05 a.m. by Enrique Mendez, Registered Process Server, DDS Legal Support Systems, 2900 Bristol St. E106, Costa Mesa 92626, CALIFORNIA, USA.


As stated on the original SUMMONS, Cal Tech had twenty (20) days after service to answer the Initial COMPLAINT.  That deadline was midnight at the end of October 24, 2001 A.D. (allowing one day of grace).


No such ANSWER has been served upon Me or upon any of My designated agents.


No such ANSWER has been filed in the Clerk’s official docket file, either.


Accordingly, Cal Tech is now in default as against My Initial COMPLAINT for damages in the amount of two billion, six hundred twenty million, eight hundred thousand lawful United States dollars ($2,620,800,000.00).  See Seventh Amendment.


We will now proceed to perfect a lawful lien against Cal Tech, and to commence enforcement and collection proceedings.


Thank you, Mr. Baltimore, for your consideration.


Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Private Attorney General


copy:  Clerk of Court, DCUS, Sacramento, California


       Dr. John C. Alden, M.D., Interim Trustee

       The EyeCare Fund ‑‑ Vision for Everyone


       Adam Cochran, Intellectual Property Counsel and

         Designated Agent, Cal Tech, fax: (626) 577-2528