Time:    Mon Oct 27 03:35:19 1997
Date:    Sun, 26 Oct 1997 16:41:04 -0700
To:     (Recipient list suppressed)
From:    Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in toolbar]
Subject: SLL: copyright violations and file development
Cc:      supremelaw@ibm.net, pmitch@primenet.com

[This text is formatted in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]


TO:       Team SL

FROM:     Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
          Counselor at Law

DATE:     October 26, 1997

SUBJECT:  SLL and Copyright Developments

I'll try  to summarize  briefly the  progress I  have  made  with
copyright enforcement, and SLL file development.

The Alta  Vista results were edited into HTML, and then posted to
a private  file on  the website.   Alta Vista  is  only one among
numerous search  engines which  we can  exploit for this project,
but it  is still  by far  the best, so people do tend to feed all
their URL's to it, en masse.  Some SLL URL's have not been fed to
Alta Vista yet, because I have just not had the time.

Alta Vista  reported 136  separate files with "The Federal Zone",
in one or more places within each file.  Thus, this report is now
a  very  good  administrative  control   for  further   research,
documentation, and evidence gathering.

The results  of requesting  other search  engines --  to find the
exact same  key word  -- can be appended, in continuous numerical
order,  to  the  Alta  Vista  report.     The  results  of  these
subsequent queries  will need  to be  integrated, one  at a time,
with the first 136, to avoid unnecessary duplication.

Several more  large universities  have surfaced as violators.  We
are generating  two paper  folders for each major violation:  one
for the  user who  authored the  violation, and  one for  the ISP
which hosts this user and his violation.

Some of  the universities  have even  slandered us,  directly  or
indirectly, by  grouping "The  Federal Zone"  with "hate  groups"
and/or "extremists."   All  we need to do there is cite Kennedy's
concurring  opinion  in U.S. v. Lopez,  and I  expect  that  such
innuendo will be retracted.

The rate  of visits to Gilbertson's OPENING BRIEF continues to be
very high,  and this  is a very good sign.  The email traffic, in
general, is  beginning to exhibit a lot of obvious silence on the
merits as  discussed in  that brief.   Gilbertson  evidently will
never know what he has done by abandoning that defense.

Our policy  is that all violators will be treated equally, and an
ISP cannot  claim ignorance,  when their  behavior is  closer  to
negligence, if not outright aiding and abetting.

If you think about it, a valid "link," whether active now or not,
means that the person who activated the link must have tested it.

For our  purposes, this  means that  one or  more chapters of the
book were downloaded onto that user's computer -- passing through
his modem, into his RAM, and then into a disk cache directory, if
not also  saved to  a user  directory.  This conduct violates the
copyright, in all cases.

It is  critical to understand that absolutely no one, whatsoever,
ever requested,  much  less  obtained,  permission  to  host  the
electronic fourth  edition on the Internet in this fashion.  That
is why we will treat "linkers" and "hosts" identically.

In this  context, a "host" is an ISP which has all or part of the
book on  a computer  which they  own or  control.   A "linker" is
someone who  modified an  HTML file  in order  to "point  to," or
"link to," a host copy.

Our legal  position here  is that  the  "linkers"  are  literally
pointing to  stolen property, and that means they are accessories
who have  aided and  abetted the  same  violation  as  a  "host."
Under 18 U.S.C. 2, accessories and principals are treated one and
the same,  for purposes  of criminal liability.  I am confident I
can prevail with this argument before a jury.

We need  to beef  up our  negotiating stance,  because  it  could
happen that  we fall  into a  stalemate with  some  organizations
which may  counter offer, and then use that position to stall any
further good  faith negotiations.   I  could see a scenario which
embraces  a   "last  and   best"  offer,  beyond  which  criminal
complaints are filed, and civil actions are commenced.

I would  prefer to  organize all the evidence to support a charge
of conspiracy, under 18 U.S.C. 242.  When the jury gets to hear a
long train of defendants, numbering in the 100's, all of whom are
trying to  worm out  of the exact same violation, using a variety
of stupid  and indefensible  arguments, it is going to get rather
repetitively obvious what has really been going on.

The bigger  question is  the court  in which to sue.  I know from
brutal experience  that  the  federal  courts  will  be  entirely
unsympathetic to  my authorship  rights.   I know  enough now  to
disqualify all  federal judges,  without exception,  on  numerous
counts;   however, convincing  a state superior court that it has
jurisdiction  over  out-of-state  violators  will  be  no  picnic
either.   The standing  reservation appended  by Congress  to the
International Covenant,  is the only way to go, as far as subject
matter jurisdiction is concerned.

On the  practical side, preparing for these earnest negotiations,
and generating  all the  paperwork they  will require, will be no
picnic either.   It  would help me enormously if all of you could
install an  Iomega ZIP drive, so that I can feed you huge chunks,
if the  latest file  set does  not fit  onto one  cartridge.  The
website files  alone  just  doubled  in  size,  because  we  have
outputted HTML  files for  each ASCII file, then written a backup
(.BAM =  BAckup of  the Markup  language, because  .BAH looks too
much like .BAK).  Each .BAK file is a backup of the corresponding
ASCII ("K" for ASCII).

So, I  see two  ZIP cartridges  evolving:  copyright enforcement,
and website  development.   I would like to nail down every known
violator, with  some  assurance  that  the  files  and  links  in
question have  been removed  completely from the Internet, before
we host  the electronic seventh edition in SLL.  This development
needs to  wait anyway,  until we  get our  PREEDIT batch  program
tested and  installed in production mode.  Then, we can literally
haul --  on entire  sets of  ASCII files,  and have them all pre-
edited in a matter of seconds.

I will ask Corbin tomorrow if he has any good systems programmers
on his  staff.   This particular  function is  one which  we  can
afford to donate to the Internet, once it is up and running.

The Tables of Contents are a trickier problem, but Toney Anderson
has generously donated a new copy of Page Mill 2.0.  This program
can be  exploited to  update TOC's  quickly, without the need for
laborious manual edits.

The  key  here  is  to  have  a  template,  like  PROLOG.HTM  and
EPILOG.HTM, which  will  allow  us  literally  to  "drop"  string
constants into pre-assigned spaces in the template file.  This is
something I  have done  a lot,  because we  did so much work with
language compilers  and operating systems, during my minicomputer
heyday.   The template  can be  either  blocked  and  copied,  or
blocked and  deleted, in order to accommodate a larger or smaller
number of actual filenames, respectively.

Have you  noticed how very "tight" that batch FOR-DO loop is, for
our needs?   It works the same from 1 to N input filenames, where
N is any large integer (e.g. >100).  Tables of Contents should be
limited, for  practical purposes, however, by grouping files into
a larger  number of "folders," or categories.  So, the value of N
will best never reach 100.

To this  end, we  will begin  "pushing down"  the list  of  court
cases,  into  a  separate  Table  of  Contents  just  for  cases;
likewise, there  will  also  be  another  separate  category  for
"Resources," and  any other aggregates which make sense.  In this
fashion, the  website tree structure will grow in both dimensions
-- horizontally  AND vertically.   Hopefully, Page Mill will help
facilitate this maintenance task.

That's about  it for  now.   This is  enough of  a brain dump for
today.   The Most  High woke me up at midnight last night, I know
now because  that window  of time  is THE  most quiet  one on the
Internet.   Plus, we  rolled back the clocks, so I gained an hour
relative to  everyone else  (except Arizona).  I have really been
pounding on  the net,  with both fists, because the HTML evidence
had to be gathered for each URL.

I also stored each file at each node higher up in these URL's, as
a way  of "walking  up" the pathname to its logical "root."  This
helped me  to isolate  the ISP's and their administrative offices
(telephones, mailing  addresses, titles, etc.);  that information
is not usually mentioned at the tail end of these URL's.

You may need to re-read this entire memo, and get in sync with my
thinking about these two projects;  but, if you do, I believe you
will see  what a  good strategy  is now  evolving.   One  of  the
peripheral  ("side")  benefits,  of  course,  is  that  all  this
Internet research  will overlap  a lot  with leverage  for future
marketing efforts.   The  eventual publicity  concerning stubborn
violators will do wonders for SLL visibility.

Bye for now.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Mitchell

Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law and federal witness
c/o 2509 N. Campbell Avenue, #1776
Tucson 85719/tdc
ARIZONA STATE (See USPS Publication #221.)

email:       supremelaw@ibm.net (586/Eudora Pro 3.0.3(32):
             preferred, to conserve all resources)
phone:       (520) 320-1514 (private line:
             please get permission to disclose)
fax machine: (520) 320-1256 (dedicated hard copy:
             available 24-hours per day or night)
website:     http://www.supremelaw.com

                             #  #  #

Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01
B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02
tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03
email:   [address in toolbar]        : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04
website: http://supremelaw.com       : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05
ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best 06
             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone 07
             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this 08
_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09
As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall 10
not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11
======================================================================== 12
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