The federal Constitution makes a careful distinction between | |
natural born Citizens and | citizens of the United States2 |
Compare Article 2, Section 1, Clause
5 of the U.S. Constitution with |
Section 1 of the 14th
Amendment to the U.S Constitution |
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this constitution, shall be eligible to the office of president; | All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. |
One is an unconditional Sovereign by natural birth, who is endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights; | the other has been granted the revocable privileges of U.S.2 citizenship, endowed by the Congress of the United States2. |
One is a Citizen, | the other is a subject. |
One is a Sovereign, | the other is a subordinate. |
One is a Citizen of
our constitutional Republic; |
the other is a citizen of
a legislative democracy (the federal zone). |
Notice the superior/subordinate relationship between these two statuses. I am forever indebted to M. J. "Red" Beckman, co-author of The Law That Never Was with Bill Benson, for clearly illustrating the important difference between the two. Red Beckman has delivered many eloquent lectures based on the profound simplicity of the following table: | |
Chain of command and authority in a: | |
Constitutional Republic | Majority Rule Democracy |
Creator | X |
Individual | Majority |
Constitution | Government |
Government | Public Servants |
Public Servants | Case & Statute Law |
Statute Law | Corporations |
Corporations | individual |
In this illustration, a democracy ruled by the majority
places the individual at the bottom, and an unknown elite, Mr. "X" at the
top. The majority (or mob) elects a government to hire public "servants"
who write laws primarily for the benefit of corporations. These
corporations are either owned or controlled by Mr. X, a clique of the
ultra-wealthy who seek to restore a two-class "feudal" society. They
exercise their vast economic power so as to turn all of America into a
"feudal zone". The rights of individuals occupy the lowest priority in
this chain of command. Those rights often vanish over time, because
democracies eventually self-destruct. The enforcement of laws within this
scheme is the responsibility of administrative tribunals, who specialize
in holding individuals to the letter of all rules and regulations of the
corporate state, no matter how arbitrary and with little if any regard for
fundamental human rights:
"A democracy that recognizes only manmade laws perforce obliterates the concept of Liberty as a divine right." | |
In the constitutional Republic,...the rights of individuals are supreme. Individuals delegate their sovereignty to a written contract, called a constitution, which empowers government to hire public servants to write laws primarily for the benefit of individuals. The corporations occupy the lowest priority in this chain of command, since their primary objectives are to maximize the enjoyment of individual rights, and to facilitate the fulfillment of individual responsibilities. The enforcement of laws within this scheme is the responsibility of sovereign individuals, who exercise their power in three arenas: the voting booth, the trial jury, and the grand jury. Without a jury verdict of "guilty", for example, no law can be enforced and no penalty exacted. The behavior of public servants is tightly restrained by contractual terms, as found in the written Constitution. Statutes and case law are created primarily to limit and define the scope and extent of public servant power. | |
Sovereign individuals are subject only to a common law, whose primary purposes are to protect and defend individual rights, and to prevent anyone, whether public official or private person, from violating the rights of other individuals. Within this scheme, Sovereigns are never subject to their own creations, and the constitutional contract is such a creation. To quote the Supreme Court, "No fiction can make a natural born subject." Milvaine vs Coxe's Lessee, 8 U.S. 598 (1808). That is to say, no fiction, be it a corporation, a statute law, or an administrative regulation, can mutate a natural born Sovereign into someone who is subject to his own creations. | |
Appendix: | |