TO:        Agostino Cangemi

           Assistant Counsel to the Mayor

           The City of New York

           Office of the Mayor

           New York 10007

           NEW YORK STATE, USA


FROM:      Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

           Counselor at Law, Federal Witness,

           and Private Attorney General


DATE:      August 8, 1999


SUBJECT:   Criminal Copyright Infringement by Daniel Levy,

           dba "Levity" in New York City



Dear Mr. Cangemi:


Thank you very much for the kind consideration you showed in your letter to me, dated August 2, 1999.


We appreciate why the Mayor's Office would be prohibited from intervening in any private litigation matters.


We also appreciate the fact that you referred our materials to the New York City Police Department.


Under separate cover, the Chief of Police should already have received another copy of those materials which we mailed to him directly.


Thank you again, and please extend my warmest wishes to the Mayor.  If I were a voter in New York State, Mr. Giuliani would already have my vote for the office of U.S. Senator.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.



p.s.  Would the Mayor accept a few packages of Twinkies,

to counter Hillary's excuses for her wayward husband?

(Out here in the West, we call it "The Twinkie Defense.")


copies:  Richard Sheirer, The City of New York

         Chief of Police, The City of New York