TO:       Mr. Wesley C.J. Ehlers

          (unlicensed attorney)


FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell

          Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)


DATE:     June 18, 2003 A.D.


SUBJECT:  missing Presidential Commission for William B. Shubb

          missing consent to civil jurisdiction by U.S. Magistrate



Greetings Mr. Ehlers:


You have fraudulently withheld from the United States District Court and from the Superior Court of California in San Diego, California, the verified and recorded facts that:


(1)           the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed that they have no Presidential Commissions for Mr. William B. Shubb, Mr. Stephen S. Trott or for Mr. Dale A. Drozd;  and,


(2)           I have repeatedly re-confirmed that I never consented to civil jurisdiction by any United States magistrates, and I have objected to same on numerous occasions.


Accordingly, I hereby demand that, within 5 days of receiving this DEMAND, you produce Presidential Commissions for Mr. Shubb and Mr. Trott, and a form signed by me expressly consenting to civil jurisdiction by a United States Magistrate, by faxing all three (3) of said documents to the following fax number:  (619) 234-5272.


Beyond that deadline, PLEASE SHUT UP AND STOP LYING TO STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS IN CALIFORNIA!  You are a criminal for doing so.


If this DEMAND is also a communication which you likewise consider to be “nonsensical” [sic], then allow me to recommend that you seek immediate therapy from a qualified psychotherapist.


The laws requiring Presidential Commissions, and consent by all parties to civil jurisdiction by magistrates, are clear enough to me.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Sick and Tired of your BULLSHIT