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  127. http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/demoweb/html-primer.html.
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  314. Hands OFF! The Net, a new webzine focusing on cyberspace rights
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  343. CIA: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare
  344. CIA: World Fact Book 1992
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  349. Fringes of Reason
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  352. Waco History (The BATF Raid)
  353. A brief history of drug use
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  355. Killer Shroom File
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  365. channing.1
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  437. LBL Human Genome Center
  438. MRC Human Genome Mapping Project Resource Center
  439. http://www.chias.org/
  440. Franklin Institute Science ontreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer 1990

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  469. Gaia Committee on Ecology and the Environment
  470. Yahoo - Science:Ecology
  471. David W. Lehning's Personal Home Page
  473. Environment and Ecology
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  475. 3WNet Webdex Index
  476. bionet.info-theory: Economy ecology integration, feedback mech
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  478. gaia
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  486. hyperborea
  487. Tangerine Dream: Hyperborea
  488. Tangerine Dream: Cinnamon Road/Hyperborea (7")
  489. INDEX: Hyperborea
  490. Alchemical Garden at the Edge of Time
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  492. http://www.hia.com/hia/pcr/orbits
  493. Seminar Program Post-Modern Physics in Recent Literature The
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  499. Sasha's List of Hot Links
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  501. Terence McKenna
  502. Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi
  503. Islamic Arts: Islamic literatures: MIDDLE PERIOD: THE RISE OF
  504. Britannica Search: rumi
  505. Muhammad and the Religion of Islam: THE CULTURE OF ISLAM: Religion
  506. Sabzevari, Hajji Hadi
  507. http://fuzine.mt.cs.cmu.edu/mlm/lycos-register.html
  508. Lycos URL Registration Form
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  516. rumi
  517. Morteza Anvari's Rumi Page
  518. Audio Tape: Rumi, Voice of Longing
  519. Index of /Rumi_Circle_Web_Page
  520. Look here for a daily poem from RUMI: Fountain of Fire
  521. Life of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
  522. The Poetry of Rumi and Coleman Barks
  523. alt.fan.jalaludin_rumi
  524. Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
  525. A collection of Poetry by Jalaluddin Rumi.
  526. Coleman Barks - Original and Rumi poems
  527. Poems of Jalaluddin Rumi
  528. Poems of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi
  529. Rumi
  530. Rumi: Fountain of Fire
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  597. HempBC's Gorgeous Fine Bud Garden!
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  599. The Federal Zone HTML
  600. The Two United States and the Law HTML
  601. text option
  602. Indexed quote collection
  603. and now for something completely different
  604. telescope were criminalized
  605. psychedelic plants were banned in later years
  606. DNA ALERT!
  607. The Declaration of Evolution
  608. [Earth from space picture]
  609. earth-e_icon.gif
  610. earth-w_icon.gif
  611. earth1_icon.gif
  612. earth2_icon.gif
  613. earth3_icon.gif
  614. earth4_icon.gif
  615. earth_big_icon.gif
  616. earth_icon.gif
  617. einstein_icon.gif
  618. escherknot_icon.gif
  619. fractal2_icon.gif
  620. fractal3_icon.gif
  621. fractal4_icon.gif
  622. fractal5_icon.gif
  623. fractal_icon.gif
  624. galaxy2_icon.gif
  625. galaxy_icon.gif
  626. keep_cyberspace_free.
  627. man_machine_icon.gif
  628. saveatree_icon.gif
  629. scales_icon.gif
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  634. [Hyperreal Main Page]
  635. [Hyperreal Drug Archive]
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  650. Thigpen's Taoism Page
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  655. not democracy
  656. "American Democracy": Paradigm VS. Praxis
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  661. sovereignty
  663. The Two United States and the Law
  664. Abraham Lincoln
  665. Albert Einstein
  666. the illegal search for self-awareness
  667. US Govenment the World's Leading Drug Peddler
  668. America is repeating one of her most preposterous
  669. War on Drugs
  670. prejudice, backed by a power
  671. DEA
  672. Controlled Substances Act
  673. The Two United States and the Law
  674. Terence McKenna Land
  675. Why Save the Rainforest?
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  690. The Space Telescope Science Institute
  691. Exploratorium
  692. Menu
  693. The Living Earth
  694. infoage.html
  695. COUNSELING AND NATURE: the Greening of Psychotherapy/Project
  696. Subject: sci.skeptic FAQ: The Frequently Questioned Answers
  697. Terence Mckenna at Camden Centre 1992
  698. humanities.uchicago.edu/forms_unrest/ROGET.html
  699. www.cc.columbia.edu/acis/bartleby/bartlett
  700. www.eb.com
  701. the-tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/works.html
  702. www.bart.nl/~micha/mystica.html
  703. www.pitt.edu/HOME/GHNet/GHNet.html
  704. www.asap.unimelb.edu.au/hstm/hstm_ove.htm
  705. ipl.sils.umich.edu
  706. the-tech.mit.edu/Classics
  707. politicsusa.com/PoliticsUSA/resources/almanac
  708. www.odci.gov/cia
  709. http://www.gsa.gov/staff/pa/cic/cic.htm
  710. www.fedworld.gov
  711. ssdc.ucsd.edu/gpo
  712. www.loc.gov
  713. www.un.org
  714. www.usdoj.gov
  715. www.census.gov
  716. www.whitehouse.gov
  717. www.nytimes.com
  718. www.the-times.co.uk
  719. www.cnn.com
  720. www.telegraph.co.uk
  721. www.sfgate.com
  722. www.pathfinder.com/time
  723. update.wsj.com
  724. www.industry.net
  725. www.commerce.net
  726. www.cnet .com
  727. www.apple.com
  728. www.digital.com
  729. www.hp.com
  730. www.ibm.com
  731. www.intel.com
  732. www.microsoft.com
  733. www.novell.com
  734. www.zdnet.com
  735. www.browserwatch.com
  736. Sun
  737. java.sun.com
  738. www.ncsa.uiuc.edu
  739. home.netscape.com
  740. www.psi.com
  741. www.sgi.com
  742. www.tucows.com
  743. cwsapps.texas.net
  744. www.enterprise.net/stars
  745. www.paris.org/Musees/Louvre
  746. www.nmaa.si.edu:80
  747. gertrude.art.uiuc.edu/ludgate/the/place.html
  748. www.rockhall.com
  749. www.siba.fi/Kulttuuripalvelut/music.html
  750. www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/0-Tour.html
  751. www.music.sony.com/Music/MusicIndex.html
  753. sunsite.sut.ac.jp/wm
  754. postcards.www.media.mit.edu/Postcards
  755. www.directnet.com/wow
  756. www.crc.ricoh.com/people/steve/kids.html
  757. pantheon.cis.yale.edu/~jharris/mediocre.html
  758. www.suck.com
  759. www.word.com/index.html

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  760. Index
  761. bionet.info-theory: Economy ecology integration, feedback mech (fee) for nat resource use
  762. comp.ai.alife: Re: Earth as organism, society as brain: marriage of
  763. SOSIG Homepage |
  764. polecon
  765. Marx and Engels Online Library
  766. Journal of Political Ecology
  767. International Political Economy
  768. food-for-thought mailing list
  769. CIA World Factbook 1995
  770. Cyberchronicle of Political Economy
  771. Centre for Economic Reform and Transformation (CERT)
  772. Yahoo - Business and Economy:Organizations:Public Interest
  773. Habitat Ecology Home Page
  774. Yahoo - Science:Ecology
  775. Internet Catalogue Ecology
  776. Index of /~phraber/bio310/
  777. Other Internet ecology resources
  778. School of Social Ecology, UCI
  779. Common Boundary Conference: Inner Ecology/Outer Ecology
  780. Landscapes
  781. List of WWW Sites of Interest to Ecologists
  782. College of Human Ecology
  783. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  785. Economy
  786. Chapter 7 -- Considerations Regarding "The Ultimate Social System"
  787. Anthology of Poetry
  788. Poetry
  789. The Unexamined Life
  790. Gopher Menu
  791. Soviet Archive (Library of Congress)
  792. Smithsonian Institution - University of Louisville
  793. Smithsonian Museum Overview
  794. Index of /faqs-hierarchy/bionet/bionet.info-theory
  795. Index of /newfaqs/bionet.info-theory
  796. Cypherpunks 13th Archive: Re: INFO THEORY MYTH
  797. Business, Economics, and Law Resources on the Net
  798. NIC - bionet.info-theory
  799. Libertarian Organizations
  801. Party platforms, manifestos, and political speeches
  802. Libertarian FAQ: Organizations
  803. A Liberty Library -- home page
  804. Beyond Government by Harry Reid
  806. From talk.politics.theory Mon Jan 22 10:36:29 1996 Path:
  807. Anarchist Theory FAQ
  808. Libertarian Party 1994 Platform
  809. TLP.html
  810. Between Anarchism and Libertarianism: Defining a New Movement
  811. The Electric Library -- The Web's Most Comprehensive one-stop digital
  812. WebCrawler Results for "libertarian AND green"
  813. WebCrawler Results for "libertarian AND green" (26 - 50)
  814. United States of America home page at UNC-CH
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  838. Earth 2: A Gaian Hypothesis by Karla Tonella - References
  839. Anodea Judith
  840. The Gaian Conspiracy
  841. harvey
  842. The Altar of Polly Jean Harvey
  843. PJ Harvey : Interview : SF Examiner
  844. PJ Harvey - WWW Home Page
  845. PJ Harvey - WWW Home Page
  846. Butthole Surfers Bootleg Goes Legit
  847. polly jean harvey
  848. Polly-Jean Harvey
  849. FAQ
  850. Photos/Images
  851. Press Clippings
  852. Spin Magazine
  853. PJ Harvey : Interview : Interview
  854. Earth2: A Gaian Hypothesis - Karla Tonella - characterssection
  855. The HTML Language
  856. Wired and Weird
  857. [ISMAP]
  858. Hottips Home Page
  859. GAIA Discussion List FAQ
  860. gaialist.htm: From or About GAIA-L Discussion List
  861. An HTML Index of the complaint
  862. Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition Court Challenge to the CDA
  863. CDT's Communications Decency Act Issues Page
  864. http://iisd1.iisd.ca/YOUTH/YSBK119.HTM
  865. biblio-ecology-econom>
  866. Gaia Ecology and Mind
  867. Environmental Organization WebDirectory -
  868. Gaia Committee on Ecology and the Environment
  869. gaia
  870. Britannica Online
  871. Britannica Search: what is the meaning of existence
  872. Folk Arts: Folk literature: ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT: Cultural exchange in written and oral traditions.
  873. Mitch's DIOXIN AND PCB INFO
  874. Dioxins R US
  875. E Patrol Foundation
  876. Promotion Resource
  877. PBS Program Navigator
  878. Walter Cronkite interview
  879. ("CONFIDENTIAL: A Tentative Hypothesis on Nicotine
  880. Table of Contents
  881. Discovery Channel Online Search Results
  882. WebCrawler Search Results for: gaia ecology economy
  883. Infoseek Guide : Search Results
  884. NewVeg Home Page
  885. The Noam Chomsky Archive
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  888. DrugText
  889. The USENET Frequently-Asked-Questions Document about
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  891. The Internet Underground
  892. No More Secrets page
  893. Classic Ciphers and their Weaknesses
  894. The Cryptography and PGP Page
  895. List of Dictionaries
  896. Dictionary of Scientific Quotations
  897. The Skeptic's Dictionary
  898. IRC
  899. Hacking IRC - The Definitive Guide
  900. Hyperreal
  901. The Eight Circuits, or Systems of Human Intelligence
  902. Gilligan's Island and the Eight Circuit Model
  903. Star Trek and the Eight Circuit Model
  904. Concord Prison Psilocybin Rehabilitation Project
  905. The Declaration Of Evolution
  906. Digital Polytheism
  907. Allen Ginsberg
  908. William Burroughs
  909. Personal Computer/Personal Freedom
  910. The Eternal Philosophy of Chaos
  911. HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials
  912. LIST of low cost web space services
  913. WWW FAQ: How do I publicize my work?
  914. How to Set Up an email Form
  915. Walter Cronkite on the "Drug War"
  916. Arizona State University - Walter Cronkite School of Journ...
  917. Jak Kirman -- Politics -- Drugs
  918. And The Answer Is
  919. A Guided Tour of the War on Drugs
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  922. Switchboard
  923. Worldwide White Pages
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  925. American Directory Assistance
  926. Centre for Population Biology
  927. http://forest.bio.ic.ac.uk/cpb/cpb/cpbintro.html
  928. The WWW Virtual Library: Biodiversity & Ecology (Biosciences)
  929. Economic Policy Institute
  930. Biology Sources
  931. Conservation Ecology
  932. CCT Pollution Prevention
  933. The Hempster Company
  934. Other Interesting Searches/Services
  935. IMS: His Holiness, the Dalai Lama of Tibet, National Press Club
  936. Bus Driver Not Cowed but Might Be Canned
  937. NewVeg Home Page
  938. Vegan Radio/TV
  939. The 1996 Great American Think-Off
  940. 1996 Finalists
  941. James Lovelock
  942. Gaia: Science, Metaphor, or Myth? (The Tangled Web, Lawrence University--Bjornerud)
  943. The Gaia Hypothesis
  944. gaia lynx version
  945. Earth 2: A Gaian Hypothesis - gaia section footnotes
  946. Gaia Ecology and Mind
  947. TCIY - Ch 8, Gaia
  948. Gaia: The Wisdom of the Earth
  949. Earth 2: A Gaian Hypothesis by Karla Tonella - References
  950. American Directory Assistance - People: Record
  951. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue
  952. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue
  953. Complex Systems
  954. Sustainable Development
  955. A list of Virtual Libraries on the Web
  956. el_dorado's Home Page
  957. Text version
  958. Discovery Channel School: Welcome
  960. Table of Contents
  961. Links on Evolutionary Theory and Memetics
  962. Behavior of Information
  963. Living Information
  964. Philosophies of the Branches of Knowledge: Philosophy of nature:< /a>
  965. aikido
  966. Visit the page
  967. The Open Text Index
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  969. Cybernetics and Systems Theory
  970. mailing lists and newsgroups
  971. Gaia Ecology and Mind
  972. Setting up your own home page
  973. Center for Bioethics
  974. Monsanto's Aspartame
  975. The Ever Expanding Miscellaneous Page
  976. Toxicity Warning:
  977. Mission Possible
  978. EIJ Fall 95: "Food Slander" Is Now a Crime
  979. The Progressive
  980. Earth First!
  981. FAIR- Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting
  982. Pesticide Action Network
  983. Rainforest Action Network
  984. Resource Renewal Institute
  985. Rocky Mountain Institute
  986. Whole Earth Review
  987. Center for Democracy and Techology
  988. Ending Corporate Governance
  989. Green Parties of North America
  990. Test Ban
  991. National Political Index
  992. NPR
  993. The New Party
  994. Planet Central Television
  995. Project Censored
  996. Society of Professional Journalists
  997. Discovery Channel Online
  998. The Human Rights Web Home Page
  999. Left On Line
  1000. LinkStar
  1001. New Riders'
  1002. Nuclear Information and Resource Service
  1003. The WWW Virtual Library
  1004. WebActive
  1005. The WELL
  1006. Gaia Forest Archives
  1007. Mother Jones
  1008. The Omnivore
  1009. Utne
  1010. XINES/Desert Moon Periodicals
  1011. Z Net
  1012. AltaVista: Simple Query link:http://www.geocities.com/athens/ 1942 -host:ht...
  1013. [Eco]'s Kewl Links
  1014. Neil Young
  1015. X-Files
  1016. Quotation's
  1017. Galileo
  1018. Dilbert
  1019. Kids WB
  1020. InfoShop
  1021. InterNet Address Finder
  1022. Guide to Writing HTML
  1023. SoFtWaRe
  1024. IRC stuff (FTP)
  1025. [Eco] HomePage
  1026. gaia/home.htm: Some Gaia Resources
  1027. Gaia
  1028. Towards a Global Brain
  1029. The Gaian Mind
  1030. Whole Systems
  1031. ~g~g~ Gaia Page ~g~g~
  1032. Gaia Organisation (Denmark)
  1033. The Nine Houses of Gaia
  1034. Gaia Preservation Coalition
  1035. OneEarth Gallery
  1036. GAIA International
  1037. Ecotherapy: The Ecology of Gaia, Sensation and Soul
  1038. Another (mostly environmental) Gaia Site
  1039. Special Issue on "The Quantum of Evolution"
  1040. High Times Interview -- Terence McKenna
  1041. The Used Software Exchange (USoX)
  1042. GUI Designer/webmaster Pitsco Technology Education
  1043. Shareware Link
  1044. mysticangel's Home Page
  1045. The Canadian Kids Home Page