TO: Hon. Bill Kolender
San Diego County Sheriff
P.O. Box 429000
San Diego 92142
FROM: Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
DATE: July 4, 2004 A.D.
SUBJECT: criminal conduct by Richard C. O’Hare as documented in
of California, Clerk’s docket number #GIC807057
I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, Citizen of California State, Federal Witness and Private Attorney General, on My honor and under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), hereby warrant that probable cause exists to justify the immediate arrest and arraignment of Richard C. O’Hare on formal charges as documented in the above stated VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINTs and supporting evidentiary documents.
Pursuant to the holding of the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Miranda v. Arizona, Richard C. O’Hare has previously been informed, in writing transmitted via first class U.S. Mail, that he has the Right to remain silent; that he has the Right to effective assistance of Counsel; and that anything which he may say, or do, from that point forward, can and will be held against him in a court of Law.
I hereby verify also, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that I am the victim of, and also an eyewitness to, the criminal violations enumerated in said VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINTs.
Please make all necessary arrangements to execute the arrest of Richard C. O’Hare, and/or to schedule on-site assistance to the victim for purposes of executing a proper Citizen’s Arrest, at a time and place convenient to the victim and to your office.
Thank you, in advance, for your immediate cooperation in this matter.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew Mitchell
Private Attorney General, Superior Court #GIC807057