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Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998 09:56:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell <>  | Block address
To: telecode <>
Add Addresses

Thank you for supplying additional evidence that
you are in possession and/or control of all,
or parts, of electronic copies or derivatives
of "The Federal Zone: Cracking the Code of
Internal Revenue" (any edition).

Extant Internet copies have been modified
in violation of the explicit restriction,
expressly stated as follows:

"The purpose of this requirement is faithfully
 to preserve all punctuation, Capitalization,
 bold, italics and underlines exactly as found 
 in the original text."

If the copy(s) in your possession or control
do NOT contain said statement in the Preface,
this is proof that you have a bootleg version
which has been modified illegally.

If the copy(s) in your possession and control
DO contain said statement in the Preface,
then you have already been given lawful and
adequate NOTICE of the text integrity requirement.

Moreover, the original Preface very clearly states
that a $25 fee MUST be paid.  Quoting the original
text as follows:

"If you make unauthorized copies of this book
 without paying the Author for those copies,
 you are obtaining unjust enrichment by doing so,
 and therefore you are no different from the
 government officials who are stealing from you."

"Single Copy Cost:  $25.00 (includes shipping and
 handling via first class U.S. mail)"

If the copy(s) in your possession or control
do NOT contain said statements in the Preface,
this is proof that you have a bootleg version
which has been modified illegally.

If the copy(s) in your possession and control
DO contain said statements in the Preface,
then you have already been given lawful and
adequate NOTICE of the fee requirement.

Please see the industry standard definition 
of "shareware" as defined in the Software
Publishers Association "glossary" at URL:

Specifically, if the fee is not paid within 30 days,
the software must be removed from the user's system.
This is accepted industry practice.

Moreover, no one ever obtained this author's
prior permission to host or post any part of
"The Federal Zone" anywhere on the Internet,
and the book was written BEFORE the Internet
became widely available, with the initial
release of Netscape circa 1995.  We have 
received no fees whatsoever from any Internet
Service Providers, covering the period between
1990 and the present.

Now, we demand that you produce proof of payment,
AND also disclose to us where you obtained the
file(s) in question.  Proof of purchase must be
sent via U.S. Mail to:

  Supreme Law Firm
  c/o general delivery at:
  2509 North Campbell Avenue, #1776
  Tucson 85719/tdc

Finally, we are demanding that you remove all
extant copies, links to past and present copies,
and all pointers found in index databases for
search engines, over which you have control,
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.  The term "copies" 
includes, but is not limited to, any and all
derivatives, whether based on the original files
or not.

If we do not receive written confirmation of same
within seventy-two (72) hours, we will proceed
on the basis of the presumption that you intend
to persist in violating my exclusive copyrights
in this published work.

Thank you for your consideration.

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Author (under a pen name)

copy:  <>
       litigation files (pending)
       copyright enforcement staff

---telecode <> wrote:
> Paul,
> Here is the "permission" slip you have asked for, nay, demanded. Oh,
> more thing, I asked for YOUR number. I would have called YOU. I
would have
> paid the bill. But then, hey, you knew that...
>        >>>>>>>>>>>>>>   It's at the bottom, Paul <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>                  Quick Installation Instructions
>                         The Federal Zone:
>               Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue
>                          fourth edition
>                        Electronic Version
> The electronic  fourth edition  of The  Federal Zone  consists of
> three separate MS-DOS logical files:  FEDZDOC4.EXE,  FEDZTXT4.EXE
> and FEDZWRI4.EXE.  All three files are self-extracting executable
> programs in compressed format.
> The file  FEDZDOC4.EXE contains all 4th edition MS-WORD formatted
> files, all of which have a .DOC suffix after self-extraction.
> The file  FEDZTXT4.EXE contains all 4th edition ASCII text files,
> all of which have a .TXT suffix after self-extraction.
> The file FEDZWRI4.EXE contains all 4th edition MS-WRITE formatted
> files, all of which have a .WRI suffix after self-extraction.
> For quick installation, perform the following three steps:
> 1.   After copying  the file FEDZDOC4.EXE to your MS-DOS machine,
>      the separate  formatted MS-WORD  files in  The Federal Zone,
>      fourth  edition,   can   be   extracted   and   decompressed
>      automatically as follows:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> fedzdoc4.exe
> 2.   After copying  the file FEDZTXT4.EXE to your MS-DOS machine,
>      the separate  unformatted ASCII  files in  The Federal Zone,
>      fourth  edition,   can   be   extracted   and   decompressed
>      automatically as follows:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> fedztxt4.exe
> 3.   After copying  the file FEDZWRI4.EXE to your MS-DOS machine,
>      the separate  formatted MS-WRITE  files in The Federal Zone,
>      fourth  edition,   can   be   extracted   and   decompressed
>      automatically as follows:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> fedzwri4.exe
> The above  three steps assume that the DOS directory FEDZONE4.DIR
> has already been created on drive C:.
> For "Detailed User Instructions", continue reading the next page.
>                    Detailed User Instructions
>                         The Federal Zone:
>               Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue
>                          fourth edition
>                        Electronic Version
> 1.   The fourth  edition of  The Federal  Zone  is  available  in
>      electronic format.   Each  chapter and  each appendix  is  a
>      separate MS-DOS logical file.
> 2.   All DOS files were written to floppy disk in the sequence of
>      their appearance in the book. Please maintain this sequence.
> 3.   All files  were written  by Microsoft  WORD for DOS, version
>      5.0B, using an Intel 80386 cpu with MS-DOS version 5.00.
> 4.   Files in this format can be translated by all of Microsoft's
>      word processing  packages  (e.g.  Windows  WRITE,  WORD  FOR
>      WINDOWS,  Microsoft   PUBLISH),  and   by  such  third-party
>      translation programs  as SOFTWARE  BRIDGE and WORD-FOR-WORD.
>      Such translations are not yet perfect, however.
> 5.   To  compress  the  entire  fourth  edition  with  the  PKZIP
>      utility, execute the following sequence of DOS commands:
>           C> prompt $p$g
>           C:\> mkdir fedzdoc4.dir
>           C:\> cd fedzdoc4.dir
>           C:\FEDZDOC4.DIR> copy b:\*.* /v
>           C:\FEDZDOC4.DIR> pkzip *.doc readme.txt
>      This sequence  assumes that  your current  logical drive  is
>      drive C: and that the PKZIP command is stored in a directory
>      that is  in your PATH statement.  This sequence also assumes
>      that  the files  are stored on  drive B:.   Experienced  DOS
>      users are  presumed to  know how to modify this sequence for
>      their own specific situations.
> 6.   To create  a single compressed file that is self-extracting,
>      execute the following after step 5 above:
>           C:\FEDZDOC4.DIR> zip2exe
>      This command writes the file FEDZDOC4.EXE, which can then be
>      copied to  other DOS  machines  which  do  not  support  the
>      PKUNZIP decompression  utility.  If DOS users have the PKZIP
>      utility, they are presumed to have the ZIP2EXE utility also.
> 7.   After copying  the file FEDZDOC4.EXE to another DOS machine,
>      the separate  DOS files in The Federal Zone, fourth edition,
>      can be extracted and decompressed automatically as follows:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> fedzdoc4.exe
> 8.   The fourth  edition is also available in plain ASCII format,
>      without any  special character formatting (e.g., underlines,
>      bold, or  italics).   Files in  this format  have  a  ".TXT"
>      suffix and  can be viewed with MS-DOS commands like MORE and
>      EDIT.
> 9.   To compress the ASCII version of the fourth edition with the
>      PKZIP  utility,   execute  the  following  sequence  of  DOS
>      commands:
>           C> prompt $p$g
>           C:\> mkdir fedztxt4.dir
>           C:\> cd fedztxt4.dir
>           C:\FEDZTXT4.DIR> copy b:\*.txt /v
>           C:\FEDZTXT4.DIR> pkzip *.txt
>      This sequence  assumes that  your current  logical drive  is
>      drive C: and that the PKZIP command is stored in a directory
>      that is  in your PATH statement.  This sequence also assumes
>      that the .TXT files are stored on drive B:.  Experienced DOS
>      users are  presumed to  know how to modify this sequence for
>      their own specific situations.
> 10.  To create  a single compressed file that is self-extracting,
>      execute the following after step 9 above:
>           C:\FEDZTXT4.DIR> zip2exe
>      This command writes the file FEDZTXT4.EXE, which can then be
>      copied to  other DOS  machines  which  do  not  support  the
>      PKUNZIP decompression  utility.  If DOS users have the PKZIP
>      utility, they are presumed to have the ZIP2EXE utility also.
> 11.  After copying  the file FEDZTXT4.EXE to another DOS machine,
>      the  separate  ASCII  files  in  The  Federal  Zone,  fourth
>      edition, can  be extracted and decompressed automatically as
>      follows:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> fedztxt4.exe
> 12.  To concatenate  all ASCII  files into  a single uncompressed
>      ASCII text  file, execute  the following  two  DOS  commands
>      after step 11:
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> copy *.txt fedzone4.all
>           C:\FEDZONE4.DIR> rename fedzone4.all fedzone4.txt
>      The second  command is  necessary because the .TXT suffix is
>      used in  all text  filenames, and  the DOS COPY command will
>      not work perfectly if the output file is also an input file.
>      The output file "FEDZONE4.TXT" is in a portable format which
>      can be  transmitted to  all computers, including mainframes,
>      minicomputers, workstations,  and network servers.  Adjacent
>      pages are separated by a single "page eject" character.
> 13.  The fourth  edition is  also available  in MS-WRITE  format.
>      Files in this format have a .WRI suffix.  MS-WRITE is in the
>      "Accessories" group of Microsoft WINDOWS.
> 14.  To compress  the MS-WRITE version of the fourth edition with
>      the PKZIP  utility, execute  the following  sequence of  DOS
>      commands:
>           C> prompt $p$g
>           C:\> mkdir fedzwri4.dir
>           C:\> cd fedzwri4.dir
>           C:\FEDZWRI4.DIR> copy b:\*.wri /v
>           C:\FEDZWRI4.DIR> pkzip *.wri readme.txt
>      This sequence  assumes that  your current  logical drive  is
=== message truncated ===

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