TO:       Mr. Daniel Scott Schecter

          (unlicensed attorney)


FROM:     Paul Andrew Mitchell

          Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)


DATE:     August 31, 2003 A.D.


SUBJECT:  missing Presidential Commissions;

          missing consent to civil jurisdiction by U.S. Magistrate



Greetings Mr. Schecter:


You have fraudulently withheld from the United States District Court and from the Superior Court of California in San Diego, California, the verified and recorded facts that:


(1)           the U.S. Department of Justice confirmed that they have no Presidential Commissions for Mr. William B. Shubb, Mr. Stephen S. Trott or for Mr. Dale A. Drozd;  and,


(2)           I have repeatedly re-confirmed that I never consented to civil jurisdiction by any United States magistrates, and I have objected to same on numerous occasions.


Accordingly, I hereby demand that, within 5 days of receiving this DEMAND, you produce Presidential Commissions for Mr. Shubb and Mr. Trott, and a form signed by me expressly consenting to civil jurisdiction by a United States Magistrate, by faxing all three (3) of said documents to the following fax number:  (619) 234-5272.


Beyond that deadline, PLEASE SHUT UP AND STOP LYING TO STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS IN CALIFORNIA!  You are a criminal for doing so.


The laws requiring Presidential Commissions, and consent by all parties to civil jurisdiction by magistrates, are clear enough to me.


You also lack any lawful powers of attorney to represent any named Defendants in my cases.  No such powers of attorney have been produced by any of the Defendants whom you claim to represent.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)