All of the attorneys at CDHK have the expertise to advise clients on any labor and employment law issue that may arise. However, each of our attorneys has also developed a subspecialty. As a result, we are able to efficiently advise our clients on any labor and employment law issue that is raised.

The track record of our attorneys is phenomenal. In litigation matters, including trials and motions, we have a 95 percent success rate. With regard to the handling of NLRB, EEOC and DFEH charges, our win rate is at nearly 100 percent. Our arbitration win rate is also near 100 percent. We have never lost a case before a federal or state agency.

One reason for our impressive track record is that we honestly care about our clients and the work we do for them. When we represent clients, we represent them as if their business was our business. We represent them as we would want to be represented. We consider ourselves to be their friends as well as their business partners. For this reason, we have a success rate that is second to no other firm in the country.

CDHK prides itself on being able to provide its clients with a depth of practical experience that is unique in the legal field. Our attorneys have not only published numerous articles and books about the issues on which they counsel clients every day, but have actually worked for many of the governmental agencies and organizations before which they appear. Before joining CDHK, our attorneys worked in the real world. Our lawyers' experiences include:

  • Supervisory Attorney for the San Francisco Regional Office of the National Labor Relations Board;
  • Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary;
  • President of a large East Coast Teachers' Union;
  • Assistant to the Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission;
  • Vice-Chairman, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles
  • Board Member of the National Association of College and University Attorneys.

In short, CDHK attorneys know how things work. And this knowledge works for our clients. Let it work for you.

The following is a list of our attorneys:

  • John F. Baum
  • Jayne Benz Chipman
  • Richard J. Curiale
  • JoAnne Dellaverson
  • C. Matthew Didaleusky
  • Robert R. Flemer
  • Gregory S. Glazer
  • Daniel H. Handman
  • Geoffrey M. Hash
  • Stephen J. Hirschfeld
  • Zachary Hutton
  • Judy M. Iriye
  • Christopher J. Keller
  • Glen E. Kraemer
  • Scott K. Liner
  • Kirstin E. Muller
  • Dena Narbaitz
  • Robert S. Nelson
  • Carmen Plaza de Jennings
  • Devon T. Reese
  • Felicia R. Reid
  • Joshua B. Rittenberg
  • Donna M. Rutter
  • Reed E. Schaper
  • Ellen Jean Winograd
  • Shannon R. Wolf