Editor's note: A fully linked version of this file can be found at Internet URL: http://supremelaw.com/press/rels/anthrax.htm The following version of this file is being maintained for redundancy. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 19, 1997 Paul Mitchell Calls for Nationwide Civil Disobedience by All U.S. Military Personnel AUSTIN, TEXAS. Paul Mitchell, Counselor at Law, Federal Witness, Candidate for Congress, and Private Attorney General in the cases of People v. United States et al., today called upon all United States military personnel to consider non-violent civil disobedience in the face of the anthrax inoculation being planned by the Secretary of Defense. In a brief but tightly worded NOTICE AND DEMAND TO CEASE AND DESIST, Mitchell gave the Secretary of Defense until midnight on the night of Sunday, December 21, 1997, to announce the Pentagon's commitment to suspend any and all such plans immediately. The evidence now published in "The Rockefeller Report," and in the testimony of U.S. Senator Don Reigle before a U.S. Senate Subcommittee, in addition to numerous other authoritative documents, provides overwhelming proof of criminal negligence by the Pentagon, in their administration of "investigational" vaccines on American GI's, covering a period of 50 years. The tragic outcome of similar vaccines given to American soldiers destined for the war with Iraq, has alarmed concerned Citizens all across America, including experienced constitutional experts, veterans now suffering from the syndrome of illnesses, other legal and medical specialists, and forensic pathologists who have studied the Gulf War Syndrome ("GWS"), as it is commonly called today. In particular, the Veterans Administration ("VA") does not appear to have developed any effective treatments for what has become a highly contagious epidemic of numerous interrelated symptoms. Many affected veterans have come away from the VA's facilities both frustrated, and convinced that these hospitals have been secretly ordered merely to measure the spread of GWS, but to do nothing else to stop its advance into the population at large. One anonymous activist has even concluded that the tainted vaccine shot into Iraq War veterans, was simply a first-round test, from which a concerted and covert conspiracy has learned what they wanted to know, and now intends to administer a new carcinogenic and neurotoxic disease that is contagious, virulent, and most probably fatal, albeit slowly. Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances. Neurotoxicity is the medical term for that attribute of chemicals which cause irreparable damage to the human central nervous system, including essential, autonomous brain functions. Such a tainted vaccine could permanently disable more than half of the 1.5 million men and women currently enlisted in the U.S. Armed Forces, both active and inactive. In related developments, a concerted research effort is now underway to confirm allegations, made on a private videotape several years ago, that the U.S. Federal Court of Claims has added a huge number of amendments to that Court's local rules, in anticipation of a massive increase in the number of wrongful death claims resulting from an unspecified government inoculation program. One lawyer on that tape even took note that the rules were printed on thin, onion-skin paper, in order to prevent their volume from being conspicuous. Mitchell is now planning to bring an emergency action to that Court, for compelled discovery of those rules and for a permanent injunction against the Pentagon, in order to buy time, and to raise public awareness of the massive biological damages which could result from inoculating all U.S. military personnel with another tainted vaccine. The U.S. Federal Court of Claims is not well known to the American Public, even among legal activists. Mitchell is asking all families of the men and women currently enlisted in the U.S. Military, to take a close and hard look at the massive amount of information already published and available on the Internet, before allowing the Pentagon to inoculate those personnel with an anthrax vaccine that may be tainted, deliberately. The Internet is a worldwide network of interconnected computers that are so easy to use, even children are now becoming proficient Internet "surfers." Mitchell is also planning a proposal to all manufacturers of contact lense solutions, to donate huge supplies of saline to the Post Exchanges ("PX") at all military bases, in order to provide local military authorities with an alternative, innocuous "protest" serum. Given the seemingly endless chain of corruptions issuing from the White House in recent years, Mitchell is confident that American military personnel, both officers and subordinates, will oppose the President and the Cabinet on this vastly important issue, and inject saline instead of a highly suspicious vaccine, made "necessary" only by political motives that are highly questionable and demonstrably treasonous. Congress has enacted severe penalties for violating the prohibition against treason; one of those penalties is death. Paul Mitchell is opposed to the death penalty, however, on religious grounds. See also: NOTICE AND DEMAND TO CEASE AND DESIST, December 18, 1997 # # #
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