For Immediate Release                           September 9, 1998

               Paul Mitchell Wants Clinton's Ouster

Austin, Texas.   Paul  Andrew  Mitchell,  Counselor  at  Law  and
Private Attorney General, today called upon Congress to oust Bill
Clinton from  the White  House.  In an effort to place the Monica
Lewinsky affair  in a proper historical context,  Mitchell agreed
that enough  is known  about Clinton's misconduct to impeach him,
even without touching the sex scandals which have rocked the Oval
Office in recent months.

       "It is difficult for me to shake my suspicions that Monica
and company were not contrived -- to distract the American people
from real treachery and treason," Mitchell stressed.  "It was not
so long  ago that  Red Chinese  double agents  were caught  doing
espionage, right inside the White House.  I recommend that we put
Monica Lewinsky on the back burner, and do the hard work required
to answer some really tough questions:  Did Clinton sell the Long
Beach Naval Shipyard to the Red Chinese for $200 million, or not,
and, if so, where did all that money go?" Mitchell asked.

      Mitchell here refers to the ongoing controversy, now nearly
forgotten, when  the naval base at Long Beach Harbor, California,
was sold  to a  shipping company  owned and  operated by  the Red
Chinese.  Within weeks after this disclosure, U.S. Customs agents
intercepted a shipping container headed for northern Mexico, with
a  full load of rocket launchers.  Mainland China was reported to
be that container's shipping origin.

       "The shipyard at Long Beach is one of the most modern all-
weather ports  in the  world.   It has  access to one of the most
sophisticated  ground,   rail,  and  air  transportation  systems
anywhere in  the world,"  Mitchell explained.   "I  would not  be
surprised if  Red China  plans to import heavy military armor, to
store at  any number  of decommissioned  U.S. military  bases, to
train and  arm a  large number  of foreign  troops flooding  into
America right  now."  Mitchell claims to know exactly why so many
military installations have been abandoned by the  U.S. military,
but still remain operational.

       "America  must fall  for the  New World Order to succeed,"
Mitchell argues.   "The  international banking cartel backing the
New World Order, cannot tolerate a single free nation anywhere in
their global schemes.  If American cannot be tricked or forced to
join their  plans,  their  entire  scheme  will  fail,"  Mitchell
speculates.   "Bill Clinton is a key man paving America's path to
global economic slavery."

       "The  Long Beach  shipyard is  only one of a dozen or more
serious Clinton  violations of the public trust, any one of which
warrants impeachment," Mitchell added.  "It is high time that the
American people  came to realize they are being  manipulated, big
time, especially  by a biased and compliant  press.  It is a sign
of the  times that  America's most  honored  heroes  are  playing
baseball and not leading the nation," Mitchell concluded.

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