FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            December 1, 1998

          Private Attorney General and Counselor at Law
        Backs U.C. Berkeley's Graduate Student Instructors

BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA.   Paul  Andrew Mitchell,  Counselor at Law,
Federal Witness,  and Private  Attorney General,  today  publicly
sided with  U.C. Berkeley's  Graduate Student Instructors ("GSI")
in their  efforts to  form a  labor union  and compel the Regents
into collective bargaining.

       During a brief visit to their picket line at the main gate
today,  Mitchell   explained  how  the  U.C.  administration  has
defrauded campus  workers by failing to offer alternatives to the
Form W-4 "Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate."  Black's
Law Dictionary defines "fraud" as the  failure to  disclose  what
should have been disclosed.

       "A  W-4 form  creates a  legal presumption that the worker
wishes to  be treated  like any  other employee  of  the  federal
government,   and to  be taxed  accordingly," explained Mitchell.
"However, this  form is completely voluntary, and may be replaced
with a  Withholding Exemption Certificate  authorized  by section
3402(n) of  the Internal Revenue Code, effective retroactively to
the date any W-4 was  first signed."

      Mitchell has recently completed the first phase of a public
domain project  called the  Supreme Law  Library, at Internet URL   In it, the Internal Revenue Code
is proven to be municipal law with a territorial reach which does
not extend  beyond  the  District  of  Columbia,  and  the  other
territories and  possessions over  which Congress  has  exclusive
legislative  authority.     An   Affidavit  of   Exemption   from
Withholding in  Lieu of W-4 is available in the Resources Section
of that library.

       "The municipal character of the IRC is its Achilles Heel,"
Mitchell  explained.     "Without  the  apportionment  provisions
required  by  Article  I,  Section  9,  Clause  4,  in  the  U.S.
Constitution, there  is no  way the  IRC can  operate inside  the
several states  of the  Union, of which California is a member in
good standing."

       "Take,  for example, section 3121(e) of the IRC," Mitchell
elaborated.   "We now  have an admission, by legal experts within
the federal  government, that  the meaning  of State is expressly
limited ONLY to the federal territories and possessions mentioned
in that  statute.    Moreover,  this  admission  was  written  on
Congressional  stationery  and  mailed  under  a  House  franking
privilege.   The cat  is definitely  out of the bag," quipped the
Counselor at  Law and  Private Attorney  General.    Introductory
details can  be viewed  in  "The Cooper File" also available from
the  Supreme   Law  Library   ("SLL")   at   the   Internet   URL

       Mitchell went on to describe how two human rights treaties
can be  invoked by  the GSI  against the  U.C. Regents, using the
powerful  implications   of   the   Supremacy   Clause   in   the
Constitution.  "That Clause renders  all treaties  supreme Law of
this Land,"  Mitchell argues.  "As such, the Rights to collective
bargaining,  and   to  associate   in  labor   unions,  are  both
fundamental Rights  which the  Regents  cannot  infringe  in  any
manner whatsoever.   Those  Rights are  unalienable, to  borrow a
phrase from  the Declaration  of Independence,"  Mitchell further

        The  Universal  Declaration  of  Human  Rights,  and  the
International  Covenant   on  Civil  and  Political  Rights,  are
available in  electronic  form  from  the  Supreme  Law  Library,
Reference Section.   Mitchell has shown how treaties are superior
to all  conflicting state  laws and  policies, in  his civil suit
against the  City of  San Marcos,  in central  Texas, where local
police arrested  Mitchell  for  refusing  to  disclose  a  Social
Security Number earlier this year.  Compelled disclosures  of the
SSN are  felony violations  of  Title  42,  United  States  Code,
section 408,  because they also violate Public Law 93-579, an Act
which Congress never codified.

      Counselor at Law Paul Andrew Mitchell can be reached on the
Internet  at  email  address,  and  the
Supreme Law Library is at URL Paul
Andrew  Mitchell   answers  questions   pro  bono   via  Internet
electronic mail.

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