__[Attorney name]__ __[Address]__ __[Telephone number]__ Attorney for __[e.g., Defendant]__, __[name]__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Court, County of _ _ _ _ _ _ __[_ _ _ _ _ _ District]__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) No. _ _ _ _ _ _ Petitioner) vs. )PETITION FOR LEAVE TO FILE CIVIL )ACTION AGAINST PUBLIC ENTITY __[Name of entity]__ ) (Govt C 946.6); Respondent)__[POINTS AND AUTHORITIES;]__ _________________________ ) __[DECLARATION(S);]__ __[PROPOSED ORDER]__ Hearing: __[date; time]__ Department: _ _ _ _ _ _ __[Estimated length:_ _]__ Trial Date: __[if set]__ __[Name]__ declares: 1. Claimant, __[name]__, petitions the Court for an order permitting __[her/him/it]__ to commence and pursue a civil action against respondent, __[name of entity]__. 2. On __[date cause of action accrued]__, claimant acquired causes of action against respondent under the circumstances described in the attached claim, a copy of which, marked Exhibit _ _, is incorporated in this petition. 3. On __[date late claim application was presented to entity]__, claimant presented to respondent, by __[means by which application was made]__, the attached claim and the attached application for leave to present late claim, a copy of which, marked Exhibit _ _, is incorporated in this petition. This application was denied by respondent on __[date]__, by __[e.g., notice of rejection dated __[specify]__/failure to act on the claim or the application]__. 4. The grounds for issuance of the order sought by this petition are: __[Specify grounds; see 17.26]__. 5. __[Continue declarant's statements]__. This petition is based on the attached documents and exhibits including __[specify any not already described by title and date, e.g., the declaration of __[name]__, dated __[specify]__, and on any evidence received at the hearing]__. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ [Signature] _________________________ __[Typed name]__ Attorney for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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