__[Attorney name]__
__[Telephone number]__

Attorney for Plaintiff, __[name]__

            _ _ _ _ _ _ Court, County of _ _ _ _ _ _
                   __[_ _ _ _ _ _ District]__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  )   No. _ _ _ _ _ _
vs.                                                        )NOTICE OF MOTION TO RETAIN VENUE;
                                                                          )__[POINTS AND AUTHORITIES;]__
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  )   __[DECLARATION(S);]__
                               Defendant(s))__[PROPOSED ORDER]__
_________________________  )
                                                                                                         Hearing: __[date; time]__
                                                                                                         Department: _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                         __[Estimated length:_ _]__
                                                                                                         Trial Date: __[if set]__

     PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that plaintiff, __[name]__, moves the
Court under Code of Civil Procedure section 397(3) for an order
to retain this action in the county where it was commenced. The
grounds for issuance of this order are that the convenience of
witnesses and the ends of justice will be promoted.
     The Court is located at __[address]__.
     This motion is based on the attached documents and exhibits
including __[specify by title (or nature) and date, e.g., the
declaration of __[name]__, dated _ _ _ _]__, __[and]__ on all
papers filed and records in this action __[, and on any evidence
received at the hearing]__.

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _                                          [Signature]
                                                                                                                                                                                    __[Typed name]__
                                                                                                                                            Attorney for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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