__[Attorney name]__
__[Telephone number]__

Attorney for Defendant, __[name]___

             _ _ _ _ _ Court, County of _ _ _ _ _ _
                   __[_ _ _ _ _ _ District]__

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  )   No. _ _ _ _ _ _
vs.                                                        )NOTICE OF MOTION FOR ORDER OF
                                                                          )__[DISCHARGE AND SUBSTITUTION/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  )   DISCHARGE AND DISMISSAL]__ OF
_________________________  )   __[POINTS AND AUTHORITIES;]__
                                                                                                         __[PROPOSED ORDER]__

                                                                                                         Hearing: __[date; time]__
                                                                                                         Department: _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                                                                         __[Estimated length:_ _]__
                                                                                                         Trial Date: __[if set]__

     PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that defendant, __[name]__, moves the
Court under Code of Civil Procedure section 386 for an order
     1.   Defendant, __[name]__, deposit in Court on or before
__[date]__, __[the amount of $_ _ _ _ _ _/property consisting of
__[specify]__]__, less the amount of $_ _ _ _ _ _, as costs and
reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in bringing this motion, or
another amount determined by the Court.
     2.   On making such deposit, defendant, __[name]__, be
discharged from all liability asserted against __[him/her/it]__
with respect to such __[money/property]__ by plaintiff,
__[name]__, defendant(s), __[name(s)]__, and nonparty claimant,
                           [Option 1]
     3.   __[Name of nonparty claimant]__ be substituted into
this action as a party-defendant in place of __[name of moving
                           [Option 2]
     3.   The complaint in this action be dismissed against
defendant, __[name of moving party]__.
     The grounds for issuance of this order are that:
     1.   Defendant, __[name]__, has no interest in __[e.g.,
all/half]__ of the __[money/property]__ claimed by plaintiff in
this action and is a mere stakeholder with respect to __[it/that
     2.   Conflicting demands have been made for the
__[money/property]__ on this defendant by __[name]__ and
__[name]__, without any collusion with this defendant, and
defendant cannot safely determine which demand is valid.
     3.   Defendant is entitled to an allowance of costs of $_ _
_ _ _ _ and reasonable attorneys' fees of $_ _ _ _ _ _ incurred
in this action.
     The Court is located at __[address]__.
     This motion is based on the attached documents and exhibits
including __[specify by title (or nature) and date, e.g., the
declaration of __[name]__, dated _ _ _ _]__, __[and]__ on all
papers filed and records in this action __[, and on any evidence
received at the hearing]__.

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _                                          [Signature]
                                                                                                                                                                                    __[Typed name]__
                                                                           Attorney for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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