FIRST AMENDMENT PETITION TO CONGRESS FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES Dear Representative/Senator ____________________________________: This is a formal Petition to Congress for redress of a major grievance which I have with the federal government. Recent research has disclosed that the original motive for Prohibition (the Volstead Act), was to give oil companies an unfair jump on their monopoly over automotive fuels. It also appears that the BATF were created to disperse an unlawful police force throughout the several States, under the guise of controlling commerce in alcohol. Once the monopoly was in place, Prohibition was repealed, leaving alcohol high and dry as the preferred fuel for automobiles, and leaving this unlawful police force in place to extort money from the American People. This research also proves that the "Internal Revenue Service" [sic] is actually an alias for the Federal Alcohol Administration domiciled at Trust #62 in Puerto Rico, under an Act of Congress which was held to be unconstitutional in 1935. The proof is found, among other places, in all the references to Title 27 which can be found in the regulations for Title 26. None of these regulations is lawful, because IRC 7851(a)(6)(A) states that the provisions of subtitle F shall take effect on the day after the date of enactment of Title 26. Unfortunately for the federal government, Title 26, as such, has never been enacted into positive law, rendering ALL the enforcement provisions of subtitle F null and void. For example, the authority to issue regulations in the first instance is found in subtitle F. From the research cited above, I have come to believe that the United States federal government is now engaged in a criminal syndicate of extortion, perjury, mail fraud, theft, conversion, fraud, and conspiracy involving all of the above. I therefore demand immediate hearings on the relations between the "Internal Revenue Service" and the Federal Alcohol Administration domiciled in Puerto Rico and operating elsewhere on this planet. If these hearings should prove that the Internal Revenue Service is not a lawful organization within the United States Department of the Treasury, then it is time for a major shift in the wind, because every piece of mail they are sending these days is one count of mail fraud by the sender. I think you will agree that We, as a Nation, have a very big problem here. I will look forward to your immediate response to this formal, verified Petition for Redress of this major grievance which I, and millions of other Americans, now have against the United States (federal government). I never thought I would see the day when I would be forced to define the "United States" as a criminal enterprise, but sadly that day has now arrived. VERIFICATION I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the "United States", that the above statements of fact are true and correct, to the best of my current information, knowledge, and belief, so help Me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1). Executed on the ____________ day of ______________________, 1998 Signed and printed, Citizen of __________________________ state all rights reserved without prejudice # # #
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Volstead Act (Petition to Congress)