Time: Thu Oct 31 20:56:49 1996
To: klucko@compumedia.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown

I got this bounce, using the
email address listed in an
introductory broadcast.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 20:54:54 -0700 (MST)
>From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON@primenet.com>
>To: [address in tool bar]
>Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
>The original message was received at Thu, 31 Oct 1996 20:54:50 -0700 (MST)
>from ip204.tus.primenet.com []
>   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
>   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
>... while talking to mx3.u.washington.edu.:
>>>> RCPT To:<klucko@u.washington.edu>
><<< 550 <klucko@u.washington.edu>... User unknown
>550 <klucko@u.washington.edu>... User unknown
>   ----- Original message follows -----
>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 20:54:50 -0700 (MST)
>To: klucko@u.washington.edu
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Subject: The Kick-Back Racket
>        The Kick-Back Racket:
>     Performance Management and 
>         Recognition System
>                by 
>         Paul Andrew Mitchell
>         All Rights Reserved
>           (October 1996)
>It is becoming increasing apparent, in large
>part because of a conspiracy of silence which
>has descended upon the District of Columbia
>in recent months, that President Clinton has
>a lot of explaining to do, in quite a few
>departments.  One of the best suppressed stories
>of his administration thus far is evidence
>of White House kick-backs from the IRS for each
>and every indictment issued by federal grand
>juries against "illegal tax protestors," whatever
>they are.  
>The term itself is an oxymoron, because
>protest has never been illegal in America.  Protest
>is even recognized by the federal government's
>precious Uniform Commercial Code for repudiating
>presentments in a lawful manner.  So, for the
>phrase "illegal tax protestor" to withstand the
>obvious constitutional challenge (yes, the First
>Amendment is still the supreme Law in America),
>the adjective "illegal" must modify the noun "tax."
>This is a telling admission on the part of our
>vaulted Congress of what many Americans have known
>for a long time, namely, the federal income tax
>is a total and utter fraud, from stem to stern.
>Our Ship of State is a sieve at sea that's riddled 
>with loop-holes and sinking fast.
>What makes this term even more obnoxious is the
>way in which the IRS now attacks American "rebels"
>who dare to learn and speak the truth.  A key page
>from the Internal Revenue Manual clearly shows
>that the President routinely receives $35,000
>from the Performance Management and Recognition
>System ("PMRS").  We have a political prisoner in federal
>custody right now who is prepared to testify that
>the President receives this sum each and every time
>a federal grand jury issues an indictment against
>any illegal tax protestor ("ITP").  U.S. Attorneys 
>receive a mere $25,000 per indictment of ITP's.  
>Now, if the Department of Justice ("DOJ") has a secret task 
>force in place to attack ITP's who've become organized,
>like the former Pilot Connection Society which has
>been reported to have over 5,000 members, the President
>stands to rake in a tidy sum if his hench-persons in the
>DOJ succeed in bringing grand jury indictments against
>all 5,000.  Let's see, 5,000 times $35,000 equals 
>$175,000,000.  The bad news for President Clinton is
>that the Internal Revenue Manual ("IRM") provides absolutely 
>no authority for these "performance recognition rewards" 
>(read "kick-backs").  Courts have consistently ruled that
>the IRM has no more authority than a pizza recipe,
>when it comes to authorizing salaries and other
>compensation for federal government employees. 
>Federal employee salaries must be determined by 
>Acts of Congress, and the IRM is a far cry from that
>high standard of law.   
>Furthermore, the Constitution forbids the President
>from receiving any other "emoluments" during his term
>of office.  See Article II, Section 1, Clause 7:
>"... he shall not receive within that Period any other
>Emolument from the United States, or any of them."
>This is bad enough.  But, when you couple these kick-backs
>with the perjury racket now rampant within the
>Department of Just US, and with a grand jury system
>which badly needs a complete overhaul, you quickly find
>that the indictments issuing from federal grand juries, 
>for alleged violations of the Internal Revenue Code, 
>are really threats, engineered by the biggest extortion
>racket this planet has ever seen.  Jury tampering, 
>perjury, and obstruction of justice are terms which
>do a far better job of describing what is really going on.
>In one recent grand jury case, involving a subpoena
>for certain books and records, a federal judge in Arizona
>conspired with the Assistant U.S. Attorney to commit
>27 counts of mail fraud, 27 counts of jury tampering,
>27 counts of obstruction of justice, and 27 counts
>of conspiracy to commit all of the above.  When a 
>formal request was submitted to that grand jury to 
>investigate probable violations of federal law by
>the AUSA, the judge intercepted this certified request, 
>and all subsequent pleadings which were then directed 
>to the grand jury, in order to keep them informed 
>of what was really going on.  These pleadings 
>contained crucial evidence -- you guessed it --
>of the PMRS kick-back racket, and of a pattern of
>pathological lying by the AUSA dating back to a
>$4,797 fine imposed on him for repeatedly lying to a 
>federal court in Phoenix.  This was unprecedented
>for federal courts who almost never eat their own.
>Last but not least, the evidence is now overwhelming
>that the law which Congress enacted to qualify and
>convene all juries, both grand and trial, is horribly
>defective for exhibiting obvious class bias against
>state Citizens who are not also federal citizens.  
>The courts have consistently ruled that Americans can
>be state Citizens without also being federal citizens,
>whether or not the federal government's precious 
>Fourteenth Amendment was properly approved and adopted
>(and we now know that it was not).  Unfortunately for
>Congress, this class discrimination in the Jury Selection
>and Service Act, Title 28 United States Code Sections
>1861 thru 1865, invalidates each and every federal grand
>jury indictment, and each and every federal trial jury
>verdict, ever since the end of the Civil War.
>The United States is now in very deep trouble for putting
>so many Americans in federal prisons, with absolutely
>no lawful authority whatsoever to do so.  Couple that
>with the fact that the U.S. incarceration rate is twice
>as high as South Africa, which is second world-wide in
>prisoners per capita.
>Do you think maybe that the federal government may be running
>an extortion racket here, just for money?  I think so.
>I know so.  I can prove it.  I am appalled.
>                      #  #  #
>Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.:  pmitch@primenet.com                  
>ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776, Tucson, Arizona state

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