Time: Mon Jan 27 14:06:14 1997
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Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 10:48:46 -0700 (MST)
To: terra-libra@labyrinth.net.au
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: SNET: The 100th monkey

->  SearchNet's   SNETNEWS   Mailing List

Dear Friends,

The noosphere is another example of the
100th Monkey phenomenon.  We had tens
of thousands of brilliant people working 
on the system, working out excruciatingly
difficult technical issues, when, 
it seemed all of a sudden, every computer
on the planet was connected and available
to every other computer on the planet, 
using simple telephone lines.  Meanwhile,
the performance/price ratios of personal
computers have skyrocketed by many orders
of magnitude, so much so, that we now
have the equivalent of supercomputers
from 10 years ago on our desk tops. 

Just look at what has happened to prices.

A good color monitor in 1977 was $50,000. 
I purchased a gigabyte of hard disk in
1985, and it cost $25,000.  Now, you can
get a 4 gigabyte Western Digital hard disk,
over the counter, for about $400.  I checked
at Egghead this morning!  I had to justify,
using complex data and mathematics, an additional
1 megabyte of RAM in early 1980, and we really  
agonized over the extra cost of $45,000 to upgrade
a great minicomputer from 1 megabyte of RAM
to 2 megabytes of RAM.  It made all the
difference, since the operating system was
a virtual memory machine, but the purse strings
were frayed for a long time after that.
Today, you can purchase 8 megabytes on a 
single in-line memory module (SIMM), for
right around $100, give or take $20, plus
applicable taxes and shipping.

See what I mean?

The next quantum leap will be the Gigahertz clocks.
Look for those clock speeds before the year 2000.

Don't blink ... they will be here 
before you know it, that's for SURE!!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 10:02 AM 1/27/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>That must be the 4th reference to the 100th monkey in the last little
>>while and I don't get it.  Anyone care to give us a quick run-down?
>Hey Standing Bear,
>About twenty years ago Ken Keys released a little book called "The
>Hundredth Monkey". It told a true story of these zoologist who were
>studying these monkeys that lived on an island that is (I think) somewhere
>like Micronesiea. These monkeys ate sweet potatoes as their staple diet.
>They would just dig em up and eat em. Then one day while these humans were
>observing, one of the monkeys dug up a sweet potato and took it to some
>water and washed it off before eating it.
>This individual monkey then kept doing this and soon other monkeys picked
>up the practice of washing their potatoes as well. After a while every
>monkey on that island was washing their sweet potatoes. When that happened
>the zoologist found that all of the same species of monkeys on all the
>other islands began washing their sweet potatoes. They has witnessed a step
>in behavioral evolution. This effect of a whole species making a change
>once a critical number of the individuals have made the change is known as
>the hundredth monkey effect.
>So we believe that when enough people wake up, everyone will wake up.
>Also figuritively, it is good practice to think of yourself as 'the'
>hundredth monkey.
>Happy spud-scrubbing,
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Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.    : Counselor at Law, federal witness
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ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best
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->  Posted by: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


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