Time: Wed Jun 11 15:21:23 1997
	by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id PAA22296;
	Wed, 11 Jun 1997 15:16:27 -0700 (MST)
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 15:15:31 -0700
To: "romdos" <gpalmer@microweb.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: The Intel "Mutant"

Yes, and the mutel (pronounced "moo tel")
has 1GB of write only memory (WOM), implemented
in a fast Gates device (or is that fast gate devices)?

Decision.  Decisions.  My, oh, my.  Mooooo!  MOOOOO!!!

Bill Gates has forgotten how to do memory management.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 03:05 PM 6/11/97 -0700, you wrote:
>We live in an amazing age.
> --------------
>>"Intel using captured alien technology to build a
>>revolutionary processor" Area 51, Nellis AFB, Nevada
>>By Jim Brooks
>>June 6, 1997, 5:55 p.m. PST
>>Documents declassified by the Freedom of Information Act
>>that was passed by Congress, and supporting testimony from
>>Bob Lazar, have revealed that Intel Corporation has spent
>>the last several years examining alien technology and has
>>now been able to use it build a microprocessor that is
>>considered to be several centuries ahead of its time.
>>Bob Lazar, a physicist and computer expert (who is one of
>>the few individuals in the world to own a mainframe
>>computer), was responsible for back-engineering a captured
>>flying saucer which crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947
>>and was moved to, and studied ever since, in Nellis AFB,
>>Nevada, in a facility known as "Area 51".  As he examined
>>the alien craft, he realized it had an on-board computer
>>whose processor design was something that no human computer
>>scientist could ever conceive.  However, Bob was primarily
>>interested in the physics of the anti-matter propulsion
>>system, so he deferred the examination of the computer
>>system over to, as he put it, "leading computer engineers
>>from Santa Clara." Go figure.
>>The most intriguing characteristic of the alien processor is
>>that it isn't an electrical device; rather is it fabricated
>>from organic substances with genetic material which allows
>>the processor to continually adapt itself to new problems
>>and it can evolve in order to avoid becoming obsolete.  By
>>contrast, when humans design a processor, the design has
>>many trade-offs, is limited by the current semiconductor
>>technology, invariably has bugs which can't be repaired, and
>>is doomed to become obsolete.
>>Intel hopes to use the alien technology to build a
>>revolutionary processor that will forever change computing,
>>code-named "Mutant". Just as no two people ever had
>>identical Cabbage Patch Dolls (tm), no two people will ever
>>have identical Mutant processors after using them, because
>>the processor will adapt itself to the needs of the user.
>>Similar to how nature molds a lion into a perfect top
>>predator after millions of years of evolution on the African
>>Savannah, the organic substance in the processor will begin
>>to gradually evolve on-the-fly into a more advanced
>>processor that is optimally suited to the applications the
>>user is running. For example, if a Mutant system was first
>>used for parallel integer computations, its cells will begin
>>cloning into multiple integer processors. Then if the Mutant
>>system is used only for sequential floating-point
>>computations, the old cells of the no longer needed clones
>>will die and be recycled into a single pipelined
>>floating-point processor.
>>Copyright 1997 Jim Brooks. All rights reserved.
>Also.......Fleischmann and Pons were right!  Cold Fusion works! Check out
>for proof.  The ramifications are staggering!

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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