Time: Sun Jun 15 19:45:38 1997
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Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 19:43:46 -0700
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: L&J: SLS: Montana's Mean Streets (fwd)

>Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 19:42:37 -0700
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Subject: SLS: Montana's Mean Streets (fwd)
>Bcc: Supreme Law School
>>Montana's Mean Streets ( and Killing Fields)
>>Saturday I spoke with the editor of the Chinook Opinion
>>and was advised  of a fairly startling development.
>>Seems the former sheriff (now rival news editor) has been
>>letting it be known that he has been meeting with Montana's
>>governor in Helena on private matters. Just another note
>>from Montana's mean streets.
>>Can't speculate much about the particulars of what was said
>>but there is strong and persuasive evidence that Racicot is 
>>micromanaging the mini-crises created by the Opinion editorials.
>>Seems calls were also made to an Arizona publication which had run a 
>>related article last May.
>>For more information on the Chinook News War see:
>>One of the visits with the governor occurred about the time the
>>Chinook Opinion published an unusual article about a large smuggling 
>>operation along the Canadian border.
>>This is the article which may have been discussed:
>>There are not just problems in Chinook,  Joplin, and Shelby have had 
>>problems too:
>>http://members.aol.com/chiptatum/moore.htm ;
>>and not to mention Sidney on the border with North Dakota:
>>http://www.imt.net/~mtpatriot/nd_fire.htm. (Bismark Tribune)
>>Here's another version of the Wolfe-Madsen murder account:
>>All this was dismissed by the authorities in Montana until last year
>>out of state reports began to circulate from intel sources that a 
>>large scale drug operation had been going on for some time to Montana 
>>from Canada. The sources apparently had no contacts with the Montana
>>persons involved.
>>In writing this little memo I debated whether to call it Montana's 
>>"mean streets" or "killing fields".  After looking at the New York 
>>Times front page story about Pol Pot I thought I'd use "killing 
>>fields" in the title too. The reason is that I've always been 
>>interested in observing the end of a man who has such heavy disregard 
>>for human life. I'd often wondered if Pol Pot would live to be an old 
>>man and perhaps someday be recognized as a statesman. Now it seems 
>>that if the news account is true Pol Pot is running desperately to 
>>save his life. It is ironic to the extreme that so many modern day 
>>tyrants end up hounded by their own machines of destruction.
>>Perhaps a desperate conclusion is coming also in Montana.
>>It could have been that FBI agent Terry Nelson made payments into 
>>accounts controlled by Montana's governor during the course of Cali 
>>cartel drug shipments via Canada to Montana and North Dakota. If 
>>there is a connection it may explain as many as 35 drug related 
>>murders along the Hi-Line border area in Montana. The killings may be
>>related to US intel operations gone very badly haywire.
>>I have seen Montana's killing fields.

Paul Andrew Mitchell                 : Counselor at Law, federal witness
B.A., Political Science, UCLA;  M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine

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